# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Denis Bourgeois & Dan Macumber # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. require_relative "resources/tbd" class TBDMeasure < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure def name return "Thermal Bridging and Derating - TBD" end def description return "Derates opaque constructions from major thermal bridges." end def modeler_description return "Check out rd2.github.io/tbd" end def arguments(model = nil) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new arg = "alter_model" dsc = "For EnergyPlus simulations, leave CHECKED. For iterative " \ "exploration with Apply Measures Now, UNCHECK to preserve " \ "original OpenStudio model." alter = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(arg, false) alter.setDisplayName("Alter OpenStudio model (Apply Measures Now)") alter.setDescription(dsc) alter.setDefaultValue(true) args << alter arg = "sub_tol" dsc = "Proximity tolerance (e.g. 0.100 m) between subsurface edges, e.g. " \ "between near-adjacent window jambs." sub_tol = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument(arg, false) sub_tol.setDisplayName("Proximity tolerance (m)") sub_tol.setDescription(dsc) sub_tol.setDefaultValue(TBD::TOL) args << sub_tol arg = "load_tbd_json" dsc = "Loads existing 'tbd.json' file (under '/files'), may override " \ "'default thermal bridge' set." load_tbd = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(arg, false) load_tbd.setDisplayName("Load 'tbd.json'") load_tbd.setDescription(dsc) load_tbd.setDefaultValue(false) args << load_tbd chs = OpenStudio::StringVector.new psi = TBD::PSI.new psi.set.keys.each { |k| chs << k.to_s } arg = "option" dsc = "e.g. 'poor', 'regular', 'efficient', 'code' (may be overridden by " \ "'tbd.json' file)." option = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument(arg, chs, false) option.setDisplayName("Default thermal bridge set") option.setDescription(dsc) option.setDefaultValue("poor (BETBG)") args << option arg = "write_tbd_json" dsc = "Write out 'tbd.out.json' file e.g., to customize for subsequent " \ "runs (edit, and place under '/files' as 'tbd.json')." write_tbd = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(arg, false) write_tbd.setDisplayName("Write 'tbd.out.json'") write_tbd.setDescription(dsc) write_tbd.setDefaultValue(false) args << write_tbd none = "NONE" all_walls = "ALL wall constructions" all_roofs = "ALL roof constructions" all_flors = "ALL floor constructions" walls = {c: {}} roofs = {c: {}} flors = {c: {}} walls[:c][none] = {a: 0} roofs[:c][none] = {a: 0} flors[:c][none] = {a: 0} walls[:c][all_walls] = {a: 100000000000000} roofs[:c][all_roofs] = {a: 100000000000000} flors[:c][all_flors] = {a: 100000000000000} walls[:chx] = OpenStudio::StringVector.new roofs[:chx] = OpenStudio::StringVector.new flors[:chx] = OpenStudio::StringVector.new if model model.getSurfaces.each do |s| type = s.surfaceType.downcase next unless type == "wall" || type == "roofceiling" || type == "floor" next unless s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors" next if s.construction.empty? next if s.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.empty? lc = s.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.get next if walls[:c].key?(lc.nameString) next if roofs[:c].key?(lc.nameString) next if flors[:c].key?(lc.nameString) walls[:c][lc.nameString] = {a: lc.getNetArea} if type == "wall" roofs[:c][lc.nameString] = {a: lc.getNetArea} if type == "roofceiling" flors[:c][lc.nameString] = {a: lc.getNetArea} if type == "floor" end walls[:c] = walls[:c].sort_by{ |k,v| v[:a] }.reverse!.to_h walls[:c][all_walls][:a] = 0 walls[:c].keys.each { |id| walls[:chx] << id } roofs[:c] = roofs[:c].sort_by{ |k,v| v[:a] }.reverse!.to_h roofs[:c][all_roofs][:a] = 0 roofs[:c].keys.each { |id| roofs[:chx] << id } flors[:c] = flors[:c].sort_by{ |k,v| v[:a] }.reverse!.to_h flors[:c][all_flors][:a] = 0 flors[:c].keys.each { |id| flors[:chx] << id } end arg = "wall_option" dsc = "Target 1x (or 'ALL') wall construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve " \ "wall Ut target below." chx = walls[:chx] wall = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument(arg, chx, false) wall.setDisplayName("Wall construction(s) to 'uprate'") wall.setDescription(dsc) wall.setDefaultValue(chx.to_a.last) args << wall arg = "roof_option" dsc = "Target 1x (or 'ALL') roof construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve " \ "roof Ut target below." chx = roofs[:chx] roof = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument(arg, chx, false) roof.setDisplayName("Roof construction(s) to 'uprate'") roof.setDescription(dsc) roof.setDefaultValue(chx.to_a.last) args << roof arg = "floor_option" dsc = "Target 1x (or 'ALL') floor construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve "\ "floor Ut target below." chx = flors[:chx] floor = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument(arg, chx, false) floor.setDisplayName("Floor construction(s) to 'uprate'") floor.setDescription(dsc) floor.setDefaultValue(chx.to_a.last) args << floor arg = "wall_ut" dsc = "Overall Ut target to meet for wall construction(s). Ignored if " \ "previous wall 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'." wall_ut = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument(arg, false) wall_ut.setDisplayName("Wall Ut target (W/m2•K)") wall_ut.setDescription(dsc) wall_ut.setDefaultValue(0.210) # (NECB 2017, climate zone 7) args << wall_ut arg = "roof_ut" dsc = "Overall Ut target to meet for roof construction(s). Ignored if " \ "previous roof 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'." roof_ut = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument(arg, false) roof_ut.setDisplayName("Roof Ut target (W/m2•K)") roof_ut.setDescription(dsc) roof_ut.setDefaultValue(0.138) # (NECB 2017, climate zone 7) args << roof_ut arg = "floor_ut" dsc = "Overall Ut target to meet for floor construction(s). Ignored if " \ "previous floor 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'." floor_ut = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument(arg, false) floor_ut.setDisplayName("Floor Ut target (W/m2•K)") floor_ut.setDescription(dsc) floor_ut.setDefaultValue(0.162) # (NECB 2017, climate zone 7) args << floor_ut arg = "gen_UA_report" dsc = "Compare ∑U•A + ∑PSI•L + ∑KHI•n : 'Design' vs UA' reference (see " \ "pull-down option below)." gen_ua_report = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(arg, false) gen_ua_report.setDisplayName("Generate UA' report") gen_ua_report.setDescription(dsc) gen_ua_report.setDefaultValue(false) args << gen_ua_report arg = "ua_reference" dsc = "e.g. 'poor', 'regular', 'efficient', 'code'." ua_ref = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument(arg, chs, true) ua_ref.setDisplayName("UA' reference") ua_ref.setDescription(dsc) ua_ref.setDefaultValue("code (Quebec)") args << ua_ref arg = "gen_kiva" dsc = "Generates Kiva settings & objects for surfaces with 'foundation' " \ "boundary conditions (not 'ground')." gen_kiva = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(arg, false) gen_kiva.setDisplayName("Generate Kiva inputs") gen_kiva.setDescription(dsc) gen_kiva.setDefaultValue(false) args << gen_kiva arg = "gen_kiva_force" dsc = "Overwrites 'ground' boundary conditions as 'foundation' before " \ "generating Kiva inputs (recommended)." kiva_force = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument(arg, false) kiva_force.setDisplayName("Force-generate Kiva inputs") kiva_force.setDescription(dsc) kiva_force.setDefaultValue(false) args << kiva_force return args end def run(mdl, runner, args) super(mdl, runner, args) argh = {} argh[:alter ] = runner.getBoolArgumentValue("alter_model", args) argh[:sub_tol ] = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue("sub_tol", args) argh[:load_tbd ] = runner.getBoolArgumentValue("load_tbd_json", args) argh[:option ] = runner.getStringArgumentValue("option", args) argh[:write_tbd ] = runner.getBoolArgumentValue("write_tbd_json", args) argh[:wall_ut ] = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue("wall_ut", args) argh[:roof_ut ] = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue("roof_ut", args) argh[:floor_ut ] = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue("floor_ut", args) argh[:wall_option ] = runner.getStringArgumentValue("wall_option", args) argh[:roof_option ] = runner.getStringArgumentValue("roof_option", args) argh[:floor_option ] = runner.getStringArgumentValue("floor_option", args) argh[:gen_ua ] = runner.getBoolArgumentValue("gen_UA_report", args) argh[:ua_ref ] = runner.getStringArgumentValue("ua_reference", args) argh[:gen_kiva ] = runner.getBoolArgumentValue("gen_kiva", args) argh[:kiva_force ] = runner.getBoolArgumentValue("gen_kiva_force", args) argh[:uprate_walls ] = argh[:wall_option ] != "NONE" argh[:uprate_roofs ] = argh[:roof_option ] != "NONE" argh[:uprate_floors] = argh[:floor_option] != "NONE" return false unless runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(mdl), args) if argh[:wall_ut] < TBD::TOL runner.registerError("Wall Ut must be greater than 0 W/m2•K - Halting") return false elsif argh[:wall_ut] > 5.678 - TBD::TOL runner.registerError("Wall Ut must be lower than 5.678 W/m2•K - Halting") return false end if argh[:roof_ut] < TBD::TOL runner.registerError("Roof Ut must be greater than 0 W/m2•K - Halting") return false elsif argh[:roof_ut] > 5.678 - TBD::TOL runner.registerError("Roof Ut must be lower than 5.678 W/m2•K - Halting") return false end if argh[:floor_ut] < TBD::TOL runner.registerError("Floor Ut must be greater than 0 W/m2•K - Halting") return false elsif argh[:floor_ut] > 5.678 - TBD::TOL runner.registerError("Floor Ut must be lower than 5.678 W/m2•K - Halting") return false end TBD.clean! argh[:schema_path] = nil argh[:io_path ] = nil if argh[:load_tbd] argh[:io_path] = runner.workflow.findFile('tbd.json') if argh[:io_path].empty? TBD.log(TBD::FTL, "Can't find 'tbd.json' - simulation halted") return TBD.exit(runner, argh) else argh[:io_path] = argh[:io_path].get.to_s # TBD.log(TBD::INF, "Using inputs from #{argh[:io_path]}") # debugging # runner.registerInfo("Using inputs from #{argh[:io_path]}") # debugging end end # Pre-validate ground-facing constructions for KIVA. if argh[:kiva_force] || argh[:gen_kiva] kva = true mdl.getSurfaces.each do |s| id = s.nameString construction = s.construction next unless s.isGroundSurface if construction.empty? runner.registerError("Invalid construction for KIVA (#{id})") kva = false if kva else construction = construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction if construction.empty? runner.registerError("KIVA requires layered constructions (#{id})") kva = false if kva else construction = construction.get unless TBD.standardOpaqueLayers?(construction) runner.registerError("KIVA requires standard materials (#{id})") kva = false if kva end end end end return false unless kva end # Process all ground-facing surfaces as foundation-facing. if argh[:kiva_force] argh[:gen_kiva] = true mdl.getSurfaces.each do |s| next unless s.isGroundSurface construction = s.construction.get s.setOutsideBoundaryCondition("Foundation") s.setConstruction(construction) end end str = "temp_measure_manager.osm" seed = runner.workflow.seedFile seed = File.basename(seed.get.to_s) unless seed.empty? seed = "OpenStudio model" if seed.empty? || seed == str argh[:seed] = seed if argh[:alter] model = mdl else model = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new model.addObjects(mdl.toIdfFile.objects) end argh[:version ] = model.getVersion.versionIdentifier tbd = TBD.process(model, argh) argh[:io ] = tbd[:io ] argh[:surfaces] = tbd[:surfaces] setpoints = TBD.heatingTemperatureSetpoints?(model) setpoints = TBD.coolingTemperatureSetpoints?(model) || setpoints argh[:setpoints] = setpoints return TBD.exit(runner, argh) end end # register the measure to be used by the application TBDMeasure.new.registerWithApplication