require 'log4r' require 'rbconfig' require 'vagrant/util/subprocess' require 'vagrant-openstack-illuin-provider/action/abstract_action' module VagrantPlugins module Openstack module Action class SyncFolders < AbstractAction def initialize(app, _env) @app = app end def execute(env) sync_method = env[:machine].provider_config.sync_method if sync_method == 'none', env).call(env) elsif sync_method == 'rsync', env).call(env) else fail Errors::SyncMethodError, sync_method_value: sync_method end end end class NoSyncFolders def initialize(app, _env) @app = app end def call(env) env[:ui].info(I18n.t('vagrant_openstack.disabled_sync_folders')) end end # This middleware uses `rsync` to sync the folders over to the # remote instance. class RsyncFolders def initialize(app, _env) @app = app @logger ='vagrant_openstack::action::sync_folders') @host_os = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] end def call(env) if env[:machine].provider_config.ssh_disabled env[:ui].info(I18n.t('vagrant_openstack.ssh_disabled_sync_folders')) return end ssh_info = env[:machine].ssh_info config = env[:machine].provider_config rsync_includes = config.rsync_includes.to_a env[:machine].config.vm.synced_folders.each do |_, data| hostpath = File.expand_path(data[:hostpath], env[:root_path]) guestpath = data[:guestpath] # Make sure there is a trailing slash on the host path to # avoid creating an additional directory with rsync hostpath = "#{hostpath}/" if hostpath !~ /\/$/ # If on Windows, modify the path to work with cygwin rsync if @host_os =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ hostpath = add_cygdrive_prefix_to_path(hostpath) end env[:ui].info(I18n.t('vagrant_openstack.rsync_folder', hostpath: hostpath, guestpath: guestpath)) # Create the guest path env[:machine].communicate.sudo("mkdir -p '#{guestpath}'") env[:machine].communicate.sudo("chown -R #{ssh_info[:username]} '#{guestpath}'") # Generate rsync include commands includes = rsync_includes.each_with_object([]) do |incl, incls| incls << '--include' incls << incl end # Create ssh params for rsync # we need them as one string because rsync -e expects one string ssh_params = [ "ssh -p #{ssh_info[:port]}", '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o IdentitiesOnly=yes', "#{ssh_key_options(ssh_info)}"].join(' ') # Rsync over to the guest path using the SSH info. add # .hg/ and .git/ to exclude list as that isn't covered in # --cvs-exclude command = [ 'rsync', '--verbose', '--archive', '-z', '--cvs-exclude', '--exclude', '.hg/', '--exclude', '.git/', '--chmod', 'ugo=rwX', *includes, '-e', ssh_params, hostpath, "#{ssh_info[:username]}@#{ssh_info[:host]}:#{guestpath}"] command.compact! # during rsync, ignore files specified in list of files containing exclude patterns # ex: rsync_ignore_files = ['.hgignore', '.gitignore'] ignore_files = [] ignore_files = env[:machine].provider_config.rsync_ignore_files unless env[:machine].provider_config.rsync_ignore_files.nil? ignore_files.each do |ignore_file| abs_ignore_file = env[:root_path].to_s + '/' + ignore_file command += ['--exclude-from', abs_ignore_file] if File.exist?(abs_ignore_file) end r = Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute(*command) next if r.exit_code == 0 fail Errors::RsyncError, guestpath: guestpath, hostpath: hostpath, stderr: r.stderr end end private def ssh_key_options(ssh_info) # Ensure that `private_key_path` is an Array (for Vagrant < 1.4) Array(ssh_info[:private_key_path]).map { |path| "-i '#{path}' " }.join end def add_cygdrive_prefix_to_path(hostpath) hostpath.downcase.sub(/^([a-z]):\//) do "/cygdrive/#{Regexp.last_match[1]}/" end end end end end end