class Bauxite::Loggers::HtmlLogger
Echo logger.
This logger outputs the raw action text for every action executed.
Note that this logger does not include execution status information (i.e. action succeeded, failed or was skipped).
Public Class Methods
click to toggle source
Constructs a new null logger instance.
Calls superclass method
# File lib/bauxite/loggers/html.rb, line 34 def initialize(options) super(options) @data = [] @file = options[:html] || 'test.html' end
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
Completes the log execution.
# File lib/bauxite/loggers/html.rb, line 81 def finalize(ctx) output = ctx.variables['__OUTPUT__'] || '' html = "<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style type='text/css'> body { font: 10pt sans-serif; } .action div { display: inline-block; } .cmd { width: 100px } .status { width: 100px; float: right; text-align: center; font-weight: bold } .test { background-color: #DFDFFF; margin-top: 20px } .ok .status { background-color: #DFFFDF } .error .status { background-color: #FFDFDF } .skip .status { background-color: #FFDFFF } .capture { border: 1px solid black } .capture img { max-width: 100% } .odd { background-color: #EEEEEE } .summary th { background-color: #DFDFFF; text-align: left } .summary td { cursor: pointer; } </style> <script type='text/javascript'> function show(target) { var e = document.getElementById(target+'_content'); window.location.href = '#'+target; } </script> </head> <body>" if ctx.tests.any? html << _d(2, "<h1>Test Summary</h1>") html << _d(2, "<table class='summary'>") html << _d(3, "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Time</th><th>Status</th><th>Error</th></tr>") ctx.tests.each_with_index do |t,idx| error = t[:error] error = error ? error.message : '' html << _d(3, "<tr class='#{t[:status].downcase} #{(idx % 2) == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even'}' onclick='show(\"#{t[:name]}\")'>") html << _d(4, "<td>#{t[:name]}</td><td>#{t[:time].round(2)}</td><td class='status'>#{t[:status]}</td><td>#{error}</td>") html << _d(3, "</tr>") end html << _d(2, "</table>") end html << _d(2, "<h1>Test Details</h1>") @data.each do |test| name = test[:name] status = test[:actions].find { |a| a[:status] == :error } ? :error : :ok html << _d(2, "<a name='#{name}'></a>") html << _d(2, "<div class='test #{status}'>#{name}<div class='status'>#{status.upcase}</div></div>") html << _d(2, "<div id='#{name}_content' class='test-content'>") test[:actions].each_with_index do |action,idx| html << _d(3, "<div class='action #{action[:status]} #{(idx % 2) == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even'}'>") html << _d(4, "<div class='cmd'>#{action[:cmd]}</div>") html << _d(4, "<div class='args'>#{action[:args].join(' ')}</div>") html << _d(4, "<div class='status'>#{action[:status].upcase}</div>") html << _d(3, "</div>") capture = action[:capture] if capture html << _d(3, "<div class='capture'>#{_img(output, capture)}</div>") end end item = ctx.tests.find { |t| t[:name] == name } if item and item[:error] capture = item[:error].variables['__CAPTURE__'] if capture html << _d(3, "<div class='capture'>#{_img(output, capture)}</div>") end end html << _d(2, "</div>") end html << " </body> </html>" file = @file file = File.join(output, file) if output != '', 'w') { |f| f.write html } end
log(s, type = :info)
click to toggle source
Logs the specified string.
, if specified, should be one of :error
, :info
(default), :debug
# File lib/bauxite/loggers/html.rb, line 45 def log(s, type = :info) end
log_cmd(action) { || ... }
click to toggle source
Echoes the raw action text.
# File lib/bauxite/loggers/html.rb, line 49 def log_cmd(action) ret = yield ensure status = case ret; when nil; :error; when false; :skip; else :ok; end test_name = action.ctx.variables['__TEST__'] || 'Main' test = @data.find { |t| t[:name] == test_name } unless test test = { :name => test_name, :actions => [] } @data << test end capture = action.ctx.variables['__CAPTURE__'] if capture == @last_capture capture = nil else @last_capture = capture end test[:actions] << { :cmd => action.cmd, :args => action.args(true), :action => action, :status => status, :capture => capture } ret end