require 'spec_helper' require 'dm-core/support/hook' describe DataMapper::Hook do before do @module = do def greet; greetings_from_module; end; end @class = do include DataMapper::Hook def hookable; end; def self.clakable; end; def ambiguous; hi_mom!; end; def self.ambiguous; hi_dad!; end; end @another_class = do include DataMapper::Hook end @other = do include DataMapper::Hook def hookable; end def self.clakable; end; end @class.register_instance_hooks :hookable @class.register_class_hooks :clakable end # # Specs out how hookable methods are registered # describe "explicit hookable method registration" do describe "for class methods" do it "shouldn't confuse instance method hooks and class method hooks" do @class.register_instance_hooks :ambiguous @class.register_class_hooks :ambiguous @class.should_receive(:hi_dad!) @class.ambiguous end it "should be able to register multiple hookable methods at once" do %w(method_one method_two method_three).each do |method| @another_class.class_eval %(def self.#{method}; end;) end @another_class.register_class_hooks :method_one, :method_two, :method_three @another_class.class_hooks.should have_key(:method_one) @another_class.class_hooks.should have_key(:method_two) @another_class.class_hooks.should have_key(:method_three) end it "should not allow a method that does not exist to be registered as hookable" do lambda { @another_class.register_class_hooks :method_one }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow hooks to be registered on methods from module extensions" do @class.extend(@module) @class.register_class_hooks :greet @class.class_hooks[:greet].should_not be_nil end it "should allow modules to register hooks in the self.extended method" do @module.class_eval do def self.extended(base) base.register_class_hooks :greet end end @class.extend(@module) @class.class_hooks[:greet].should_not be_nil end it "should be able to register protected methods as hooks" do @class.class_eval %{protected; def self.protected_hookable; end;} lambda { @class.register_class_hooks(:protected_hookable) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not be able to register private methods as hooks" do @class.class_eval %{class << self; private; def private_hookable; end; end;} lambda { @class.register_class_hooks(:private_hookable) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow advising methods ending in ? or !" do @class.class_eval do def self.hookable!; two!; end; def self.hookable?; three!; end; register_class_hooks :hookable!, :hookable? end @class.before_class_method(:hookable!) { one! } @class.after_class_method(:hookable?) { four! } @class.should_receive(:one!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:two!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:three!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:four!).once.ordered @class.hookable! @class.hookable? end it "should allow hooking methods ending in ?, ! or = with method hooks" do @class.class_eval do def self.before_hookable!; one!; end; def self.hookable!; two!; end; def self.hookable?; three!; end; def self.after_hookable?; four!; end; register_class_hooks :hookable!, :hookable? end @class.before_class_method(:hookable!, :before_hookable!) @class.after_class_method(:hookable?, :after_hookable?) @class.should_receive(:one!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:two!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:three!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:four!).once.ordered @class.hookable! @class.hookable? end it "should allow hooking methods that have single character names" do @class.class_eval do def self.a; end; def self.b; end; end @class.before_class_method(:a) { omg! } @class.before_class_method(:b) { hi2u! } @class.should_receive(:omg!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:hi2u!).once.ordered @class.a @class.b end end describe "for instance methods" do it "shouldn't confuse instance method hooks and class method hooks" do @class.register_instance_hooks :ambiguous @class.register_class_hooks :ambiguous inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.ambiguous end it "should be able to register multiple hookable methods at once" do %w(method_one method_two method_three).each do |method| @another_class.send(:define_method, method) {} end @another_class.register_instance_hooks :method_one, :method_two, :method_three @another_class.instance_hooks.should have_key(:method_one) @another_class.instance_hooks.should have_key(:method_two) @another_class.instance_hooks.should have_key(:method_three) end it "should not allow a method that does not exist to be registered as hookable" do lambda { @another_class.register_instance_hooks :method_one }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow hooks to be registered on included module methods" do @class.send(:include, @module) @class.register_instance_hooks :greet @class.instance_hooks[:greet].should_not be_nil end it "should allow modules to register hooks in the self.included method" do @module.class_eval do def self.included(base) base.register_instance_hooks :greet end end @class.send(:include, @module) @class.instance_hooks[:greet].should_not be_nil end it "should be able to register protected methods as hooks" do @class.class_eval %{protected; def protected_hookable; end;} lambda { @class.register_instance_hooks(:protected_hookable) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not be able to register private methods as hooks" do @class.class_eval %{private; def private_hookable; end;} lambda { @class.register_instance_hooks(:private_hookable) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow hooking methods ending in ? or ! with block hooks" do @class.class_eval do def hookable!; two!; end; def hookable?; three!; end; register_instance_hooks :hookable!, :hookable? end @class.before(:hookable!) { one! } @class.after(:hookable?) { four! } inst = inst.should_receive(:one!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:two!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:three!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:four!).once.ordered inst.hookable! inst.hookable? end it "should allow hooking methods ending in ?, ! or = with method hooks" do @class.class_eval do def before_hookable(val); one!; end; def hookable=(val); two!; end; def hookable?; three!; end; def after_hookable?; four!; end; register_instance_hooks :hookable=, :hookable? end @class.before(:hookable=, :before_hookable) @class.after(:hookable?, :after_hookable?) inst = inst.should_receive(:one!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:two!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:three!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:four!).once.ordered inst.hookable = 'hello' inst.hookable? end it "should allow hooking methods that have single character names" do @class.class_eval do def a; end; def b; end; end @class.before(:a) { omg! } @class.before(:b) { hi2u! } inst = inst.should_receive(:omg!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:hi2u!).once.ordered inst.a inst.b end end end describe "implicit hookable method registration" do describe "for class methods" do it "should implicitly register the method as hookable" do @class.class_eval %{def self.implicit_hook; end;} @class.before_class_method(:implicit_hook) { hello } @class.should_receive(:hello) @class.implicit_hook end end describe "for instance methods" do it "should implicitly register the method as hookable" do @class.class_eval %{def implicit_hook; end;} @class.before(:implicit_hook) { hello } inst = inst.should_receive(:hello) inst.implicit_hook end it 'should not overwrite methods included by modules after the hook is declared' do my_module = do # Just another module @another_module = do def some_method; "Hello " + super; end; end def some_method; "world"; end; def self.included(base) base.before(:some_method, :a_method) base.send(:include, @another_module) end end @class.class_eval { include my_module } inst = inst.should_receive(:a_method) inst.some_method.should == "Hello world" end end end describe "hook method registration" do describe "for class methods" do it "should complain when only one argument is passed" do lambda { @class.before_class_method(:clakable) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after_class_method(:clakable) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should complain when target_method is not a symbol" do lambda { @class.before_class_method("clakable", :ambiguous) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after_class_method("clakable", :ambiguous) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should complain when method_sym is not a symbol" do lambda { @class.before_class_method(:clakable, "ambiguous") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after_class_method(:clakable, "ambiguous") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not allow methods ending in = to be hooks" do lambda { @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :annoying=) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after_class_method(:clakable, :annoying=) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "for instance methods" do it "should complain when only one argument is passed" do lambda { @class.before(:hookable) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after(:hookable) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should complain when target_method is not a symbol" do lambda { @class.before("hookable", :ambiguous) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after("hookable", :ambiguous) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should complain when method_sym is not a symbol" do lambda { @class.before(:hookable, "ambiguous") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after(:hookable, "ambiguous") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not allow methods ending in = to be hooks" do lambda { @class.before(:hookable, :annoying=) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @class.after(:hookable, :annoying=) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end # # Specs out how hook methods / blocks are invoked when there is no inheritance # involved # describe "hook invocation without inheritance" do describe "for class methods" do it 'should run an advice block' do @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { hi_mom! } @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.clakable end it 'should run an advice method' do @class.class_eval %{def self.before_method; hi_mom!; end;} @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :before_method) @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.clakable end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook block does not accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def self.method_with_args(one, two, three); end; before_class_method(:method_with_args) { hi_mom! } end @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook method does not accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def self.method_with_args(one, two, three); end; def self.before_method_with_args; hi_mom!; end; before_class_method(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) end @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook is declared after it is registered and does not accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def self.method_with_args(one, two, three); end; before_class_method(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) def self.before_method_with_args; hi_mom!; end; end @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook has been re-defined not to accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def self.method_with_args(one, two, three); end; def self.before_method_with_args(one, two, three); hi_mom!; end; before_class_method(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) orig_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, false def self.before_method_with_args; hi_dad!; end; $VERBOSE = orig_verbose end @class.should_not_receive(:hi_mom1) @class.should_receive(:hi_dad!) @class.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it 'should pass the hookable method arguments to the hook method if the hook method takes arguments' do @class.class_eval do def self.hook_this(word, lol); end; register_class_hooks(:hook_this) def self.before_hook_this(word, lol); hi_mom!(word, lol); end; before_class_method(:hook_this, :before_hook_this) end @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!).with("omg", "hi2u") @class.hook_this("omg", "hi2u") end it "should pass the hookable method arguments to the hook block if the hook block takes arguments" do @class.class_eval do def self.method_with_args(word, lol); end; before_class_method(:method_with_args) { |one, two| hi_mom!(one, two) } end @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!).with('omg', 'hi2u') @class.method_with_args('omg', 'hi2u') end it 'should pass the hookable method arguments to the hook method if the hook method was re-defined to accept arguments' do @class.class_eval do def self.method_with_args(word, lol); end; def self.before_method_with_args; hi_mom!; end; before_class_method(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) orig_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, false def self.before_method_with_args(word, lol); hi_dad!(word, lol); end; $VERBOSE = orig_verbose end @class.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.should_receive(:hi_dad!).with("omg", "hi2u") @class.method_with_args("omg", "hi2u") end it 'should work with glob arguments (or whatever you call em)' do @class.class_eval do def self.hook_this(*args); end; def self.before_hook_this(*args); hi_mom!(*args); end; before_class_method(:hook_this, :before_hook_this) end @class.should_receive(:hi_mom!).with("omg", "hi2u", "lolercoaster") @class.hook_this("omg", "hi2u", "lolercoaster") end it 'should allow the use of before and after together' do @class.class_eval %{def self.before_hook; first!; end;} @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :before_hook) @class.after_class_method(:clakable) { last! } @class.should_receive(:first!).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:last!).once.ordered @class.clakable end it 'should be able to use private methods as hooks' do @class.class_eval do class << self private def nike; doit!; end; end before_class_method(:clakable, :nike) end @class.should_receive(:doit!) @class.clakable end end describe "for instance methods" do it 'should run an advice block' do @class.before(:hookable) { hi_mom! } inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end it 'should run an advice method' do @class.send(:define_method, :before_method) { hi_mom! } @class.before(:hookable, :before_method) inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook block does not accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(one, two, three); end; before(:method_with_args) { hi_mom! } end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook method does not accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(one, two, three); end; def before_method_with_args; hi_mom!; end; before(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook is declared after it is registered and does not accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(one, two, three); end; before(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) def before_method_with_args; hi_mom!; end; end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it "should not pass any of the hookable method's arguments if the hook has been re-defined not to accept arguments" do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(one, two, three); end; def before_method_with_args(one, two, three); hi_mom!; end; before(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) orig_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, false def before_method_with_args; hi_dad!; end; $VERBOSE = orig_verbose end inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hi_mom1) inst.should_receive(:hi_dad!) inst.method_with_args(1, 2, 3) end it 'should pass the hookable method arguments to the hook method if the hook method takes arguments' do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(word, lol); end; def before_method_with_args(one, two); hi_mom!(one, two); end; before(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!).with("omg", "hi2u") inst.method_with_args("omg", "hi2u") end it "should pass the hookable method arguments to the hook block if the hook block takes arguments" do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(word, lol); end; before(:method_with_args) { |one, two| hi_mom!(one, two) } end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!).with('omg', 'hi2u') inst.method_with_args('omg', 'hi2u') end it 'should pass the hookable method arguments to the hook method if the hook method was re-defined to accept arguments' do @class.class_eval do def method_with_args(word, lol); end; def before_method_with_args; hi_mom!; end; before(:method_with_args, :before_method_with_args) orig_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, false def before_method_with_args(word, lol); hi_dad!(word, lol); end; $VERBOSE = orig_verbose end inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.should_receive(:hi_dad!).with("omg", "hi2u") inst.method_with_args("omg", "hi2u") end it "should not pass the method return value to the after hook if the method does not take arguments" do @class.class_eval do def method_with_ret_val; 'hello'; end; def after_method_with_ret_val; hi_mom!; end; after(:method_with_ret_val, :after_method_with_ret_val) end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.method_with_ret_val end it 'should work with glob arguments (or whatever you call em)' do @class.class_eval do def hook_this(*args); end; def before_hook_this(*args); hi_mom!(*args) end; before(:hook_this, :before_hook_this) end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!).with("omg", "hi2u", "lolercoaster") inst.hook_this("omg", "hi2u", "lolercoaster") end it 'should allow the use of before and after together' do @class.class_eval %{def after_hook; last!; end;} @class.before(:hookable) { first! } @class.after(:hookable, :after_hook) inst = inst.should_receive(:first!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:last!).once.ordered inst.hookable end it 'should be able to use private methods as hooks' do @class.class_eval %{private; def nike; doit!; end;} @class.before(:hookable, :nike) inst = inst.should_receive(:doit!) inst.hookable end end end describe "hook invocation with class inheritance" do describe "for class methods" do it 'should run an advice block when the class is inherited' do @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { hi_mom! } @child = @child.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @child.clakable end it 'should run an advice block on child class when hook is registered in parent after inheritance' do @child = @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { hi_mom! } @child.should_receive(:hi_mom!) @child.clakable end it 'should be able to declare advice methods in child classes' do @class.class_eval %{def self.before_method; hi_dad!; end;} @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :before_method) @child = do def self.child; hi_mom!; end; before_class_method(:clakable, :child) end @child.should_receive(:hi_dad!).once.ordered @child.should_receive(:hi_mom!).once.ordered @child.clakable end it "should not execute hooks added in the child classes when in the parent class" do @child = { def self.child; hi_mom!; end; } @child.before_class_method(:clakable, :child) @class.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) @class.clakable end it 'should not call the hook stack if the hookable method is overwritten and does not call super' do @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { hi_mom! } @child = do def self.clakable; end; end @child.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) @child.clakable end it 'should not call hooks defined in the child class for a hookable method in a parent if the child overwrites the hookable method without calling super' do @child = do before_class_method(:clakable) { hi_mom! } def self.clakable; end; end @child.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) @child.clakable end it 'should not call hooks defined in child class even if hook method exists in parent' do @class.class_eval %{def self.hello_world; hello_world!; end;} @child = do before_class_method(:clakable, :hello_world) end @class.should_not_receive(:hello_world!) @class.clakable end end describe "for instance methods" do it 'should run an advice block when the class is inherited' do @inherited_class = @class.before(:hookable) { hi_dad! } inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_dad!) inst.hookable end it 'should run an advice block on child class when hook is registered in parent after inheritance' do @child = @class.before(:hookable) { hi_mom! } inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end it 'should be able to declare advice methods in child classes' do @class.send(:define_method, :before_method) { hi_dad! } @class.before(:hookable, :before_method) @child = do def child; hi_mom!; end; before :hookable, :child end inst = inst.should_receive(:hi_dad!).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:hi_mom!).once.ordered inst.hookable end it "should not execute hooks added in the child classes when in parent class" do @child = @child.send(:define_method, :child) { hi_mom! } @child.before(:hookable, :child) inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end it 'should not call the hook stack if the hookable method is overwritten and does not call super' do @class.before(:hookable) { hi_mom! } @child = do def hookable; end; end inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end it 'should not call hooks defined in the child class for a hookable method in a parent if the child overwrites the hookable method without calling super' do @child = do before(:hookable) { hi_mom! } def hookable; end; end inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end it 'should not call hooks defined in child class even if hook method exists in parent' do @class.send(:define_method, :hello_world) { hello_world! } @child = do before(:hookable, :hello_world) end inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hello_world!) inst.hookable end it 'should call different hooks in different children when they are defined there' do @class.send(:define_method, :hello_world) {} @child1 = do before(:hello_world){ hi_dad! } end @child2 = do before(:hello_world){ hi_mom! } end @child3 = do before(:hello_world){ hi_grandma! } end inst1 = inst2 = inst3 = inst1.should_receive(:hi_dad!).once inst2.should_receive(:hi_mom!).once inst3.should_receive(:hi_dad!).once inst3.should_receive(:hi_grandma!).once inst1.hello_world inst2.hello_world inst3.hello_world end end end describe "hook invocation with module inclusions / extensions" do describe "for class methods" do it "should not overwrite methods included by extensions after the hook is declared" do @module.class_eval do @another_module = do def greet; greetings_from_another_module; super; end; end def self.extended(base) base.before_class_method(:clakable, :greet) base.extend(@another_module) end end @class.extend(@module) @class.should_receive(:greetings_from_another_module).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:greetings_from_module).once.ordered @class.clakable end end describe "for instance methods" do it 'should not overwrite methods included by modules after the hook is declared' do @module.class_eval do @another_module = do def greet; greetings_from_another_module; super; end; end def self.included(base) base.before(:hookable, :greet) base.send(:include, @another_module) end end @class.send(:include, @module) inst = inst.should_receive(:greetings_from_another_module).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:greetings_from_module).once.ordered inst.hookable end end end describe "hook invocation with unrelated classes" do describe "for class methods" do it "should not execute hooks registered in an unrelated class" do @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { hi_mom! } @other.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) @other.clakable end end describe "for instance methods" do it "should not execute hooks registered in an unrelated class" do @class.before(:hookable) { hi_mom! } inst = inst.should_not_receive(:hi_mom!) inst.hookable end end end describe "using before hook" do describe "for class methods" do it 'should run the advice before the advised method' do @class.class_eval %{def self.hook_me; second!; end;} @class.register_class_hooks(:hook_me) @class.before_class_method(:hook_me, :first!) @class.should_receive(:first!).ordered @class.should_receive(:second!).ordered @class.hook_me end it 'should execute all advices once in order' do @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :hook_1) @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :hook_2) @class.before_class_method(:clakable, :hook_3) @class.should_receive(:hook_1).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:hook_2).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:hook_3).once.ordered @class.clakable end end describe "for instance methods" do it 'should run the advice before the advised method' do @class.class_eval %{ def hook_me; second!; end; } @class.register_instance_hooks(:hook_me) @class.before(:hook_me, :first!) inst = inst.should_receive(:first!).ordered inst.should_receive(:second!).ordered inst.hook_me end it 'should execute all advices once in order' do @class.before(:hookable, :hook_1) @class.before(:hookable, :hook_2) @class.before(:hookable, :hook_3) inst = inst.should_receive(:hook_1).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:hook_2).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:hook_3).once.ordered inst.hookable end end end describe 'using after hook' do describe "for class methods" do it 'should run the advice after the advised method' do @class.class_eval %{def self.hook_me; first!; end;} @class.register_class_hooks(:hook_me) @class.after_class_method(:hook_me, :second!) @class.should_receive(:first!).ordered @class.should_receive(:second!).ordered @class.hook_me end it 'should execute all advices once in order' do @class.after_class_method(:clakable, :hook_1) @class.after_class_method(:clakable, :hook_2) @class.after_class_method(:clakable, :hook_3) @class.should_receive(:hook_1).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:hook_2).once.ordered @class.should_receive(:hook_3).once.ordered @class.clakable end it "the advised method should still return its normal value" do @class.class_eval %{def self.hello; "hello world"; end;} @class.register_class_hooks(:hello) @class.after_class_method(:hello) { "BAM" } @class.hello.should == "hello world" end it "should pass the return value to a hook method" do @class.class_eval do def self.with_return_val; 'hello'; end; def self.after_with_return_val(retval); retval.should == 'hello'; end; after_class_method(:with_return_val, :after_with_return_val) end @class.with_return_val end it "should pass the return value to a hook block" do @class.class_eval do def self.with_return_val; 'hello'; end; after_class_method(:with_return_val) { |ret| ret.should == 'hello' } end @class.with_return_val end it "should pass the return value and method arguments to a hook block" do @class.class_eval do def self.with_args_and_return_val(world); 'hello'; end; after_class_method(:with_args_and_return_val) do |hello, world| hello.should == "hello" world.should == "world" end end @class.with_args_and_return_val('world') end end describe "for instance methods" do it 'should run the advice after the advised method' do @class.class_eval %{def hook_me; first!; end;} @class.register_instance_hooks(:hook_me) @class.after(:hook_me, :second!) inst = inst.should_receive(:first!).ordered inst.should_receive(:second!).ordered inst.hook_me end it 'should execute all advices once in order' do @class.after(:hookable, :hook_1) @class.after(:hookable, :hook_2) @class.after(:hookable, :hook_3) inst = inst.should_receive(:hook_1).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:hook_2).once.ordered inst.should_receive(:hook_3).once.ordered inst.hookable end it "the advised method should still return its normal value" do @class.class_eval %{def hello; "hello world"; end;} @class.register_instance_hooks(:hello) @class.after(:hello) { "BAM" } == "hello world" end it "should return nil if an after hook throws :halt without a return value" do @class.class_eval %{def with_value; "hello"; end;} @class.register_instance_hooks(:with_value) @class.after(:with_value) { throw :halt } be_nil end it "should pass the return value to a hook method" do @class.class_eval do def with_return_val; 'hello'; end; def after_with_return_val(retval); retval.should == 'hello'; end; after(:with_return_val, :after_with_return_val) end end it "should pass the return value to a hook block" do @class.class_eval do def with_return_val; 'hello'; end; after(:with_return_val) { |ret| ret.should == 'hello' } end end it "should pass the return value and method arguments to a hook block" do @class.class_eval do def with_args_and_return_val(world); 'hello'; end; after(:with_args_and_return_val) do |hello, world| hello.should == "hello" world.should == "world" end end'world') end end end describe 'aborting' do describe "for class methods" do it "should catch :halt from a before hook and abort the advised method" do @class.class_eval %{def self.no_love; love_me!; end;} @class.register_class_hooks :no_love @class.before_class_method(:no_love) { maybe! } @class.before_class_method(:no_love) { throw :halt } @class.before_class_method(:no_love) { what_about_me? } @class.should_receive(:maybe!) @class.should_not_receive(:what_about_me?) @class.should_not_receive(:love_me!) lambda { @class.no_love }.should_not throw_symbol(:halt) end it "should not run after hooks if a before hook throws :halt" do @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { throw :halt } @class.after_class_method(:clakable) { bam! } @class.should_not_receive(:bam!) lambda { @class.clakable }.should_not throw_symbol(:halt) end it "should return nil from the hookable method if a before hook throws :halt" do @class.class_eval %{def self.with_value; "hello"; end;} @class.register_class_hooks(:with_value) @class.before_class_method(:with_value) { throw :halt } @class.with_value.should be_nil end it "should catch :halt from an after hook and cease the advice" do @class.after_class_method(:clakable) { throw :halt } @class.after_class_method(:clakable) { never_see_me! } @class.should_not_receive(:never_see_me!) lambda { @class.clakable }.should_not throw_symbol(:halt) end it "should return nil if an after hook throws :halt without a return value" do @class.class_eval %{def self.with_value; "hello"; end;} @class.register_class_hooks(:with_value) @class.after_class_method(:with_value) { throw :halt } @class.with_value.should be_nil end end describe "for instance methods" do it "should catch :halt from a before hook and abort the advised method" do @class.class_eval %{def no_love; love_me!; end;} @class.register_instance_hooks :no_love @class.before(:no_love) { maybe! } @class.before(:no_love) { throw :halt } @class.before(:no_love) { what_about_me? } inst = inst.should_receive(:maybe!) inst.should_not_receive(:what_about_me?) inst.should_not_receive(:love_me!) lambda { inst.no_love }.should_not throw_symbol(:halt) end it "should not run after hooks if a before hook throws :halt" do @class.before(:hookable) { throw :halt } @class.after(:hookable) { bam! } inst = inst.should_not_receive(:bam!) lambda { inst.hookable }.should_not throw_symbol(:halt) end it "should return nil from the hookable method if a before hook throws :halt" do @class.class_eval %{def with_value; "hello"; end;} @class.register_instance_hooks(:with_value) @class.before(:with_value) { throw :halt } be_nil end it "should catch :halt from an after hook and cease the advice" do @class.after(:hookable) { throw :halt } @class.after(:hookable) { never_see_me! } inst = inst.should_not_receive(:never_see_me!) lambda { inst.hookable }.should_not throw_symbol(:halt) end end end describe 'aborting with return values' do describe "for class methods" do it "should be able to abort from a before hook with a return value" do @class.before_class_method(:clakable) { throw :halt, 'omg' } @class.clakable.should == 'omg' end it "should be able to abort from an after hook with a return value" do @class.after_class_method(:clakable) { throw :halt, 'omg' } @class.clakable.should == 'omg' end end describe "for instance methods" do it "should be able to abort from a before hook with a return value" do @class.before(:hookable) { throw :halt, 'omg' } inst = inst.hookable.should == 'omg' end it "should be able to abort from an after hook with a return value" do @class.after(:hookable) { throw :halt, 'omg' } inst = inst.hookable.should == 'omg' end end end describe "helper methods" do it 'should generate the correct argument signature' do @class.class_eval do def some_method(a, b, c) [a, b, c] end def yet_another(a, *heh) [a, *heh] end end @class.args_for(@class.instance_method(:hookable)).should == "&block" @class.args_for(@class.instance_method(:some_method)).should == "_1, _2, _3, &block" @class.args_for(@class.instance_method(:yet_another)).should == "_1, *args, &block" end end end