# frozen_string_literal: true module Hexdump # # Handles the parsing of data and formatting of the hexdump. # # @since 0.2.0 # class Dumper # Widths for formatted numbers WIDTHS = { hexadecimal: ->(word_size) { word_size * 2 }, decimal: { 1 => 3, 2 => 5, 4 => 10, 8 => 20 }, octal: { 1 => 3, 2 => 6, 4 => 11, 8 => 22 }, binary: ->(word_size) { word_size * 8 } } # Format Strings for the various bases FORMATS = { hexadecimal: ->(width) { "%.#{width}x" }, decimal: ->(width) { "%#{width}.d" }, octal: ->(width) { "%.#{width}o" }, binary: ->(width) { "%.#{width}b" } } # Character to represent unprintable characters UNPRINTABLE = '.' # ASCII printable bytes and characters PRINTABLE = { 0x20 => " ", 0x21 => "!", 0x22 => "\"", 0x23 => "#", 0x24 => "$", 0x25 => "%", 0x26 => "&", 0x27 => "'", 0x28 => "(", 0x29 => ")", 0x2a => "*", 0x2b => "+", 0x2c => ",", 0x2d => "-", 0x2e => ".", 0x2f => "/", 0x30 => "0", 0x31 => "1", 0x32 => "2", 0x33 => "3", 0x34 => "4", 0x35 => "5", 0x36 => "6", 0x37 => "7", 0x38 => "8", 0x39 => "9", 0x3a => ":", 0x3b => ";", 0x3c => "<", 0x3d => "=", 0x3e => ">", 0x3f => "?", 0x40 => "@", 0x41 => "A", 0x42 => "B", 0x43 => "C", 0x44 => "D", 0x45 => "E", 0x46 => "F", 0x47 => "G", 0x48 => "H", 0x49 => "I", 0x4a => "J", 0x4b => "K", 0x4c => "L", 0x4d => "M", 0x4e => "N", 0x4f => "O", 0x50 => "P", 0x51 => "Q", 0x52 => "R", 0x53 => "S", 0x54 => "T", 0x55 => "U", 0x56 => "V", 0x57 => "W", 0x58 => "X", 0x59 => "Y", 0x5a => "Z", 0x5b => "[", 0x5c => "\\", 0x5d => "]", 0x5e => "^", 0x5f => "_", 0x60 => "`", 0x61 => "a", 0x62 => "b", 0x63 => "c", 0x64 => "d", 0x65 => "e", 0x66 => "f", 0x67 => "g", 0x68 => "h", 0x69 => "i", 0x6a => "j", 0x6b => "k", 0x6c => "l", 0x6d => "m", 0x6e => "n", 0x6f => "o", 0x70 => "p", 0x71 => "q", 0x72 => "r", 0x73 => "s", 0x74 => "t", 0x75 => "u", 0x76 => "v", 0x77 => "w", 0x78 => "x", 0x79 => "y", 0x7a => "z", 0x7b => "{", 0x7c => "|", 0x7d => "}", 0x7e => "~" } PRINTABLE.default = UNPRINTABLE # The base to dump words as. attr_reader :base # The size of the words parse from the data. attr_reader :word_size # The endianness of the words parsed from the data. attr_reader :endian # The width in words of each hexdump line. attr_reader :width # Whether to display ASCII characters alongside numeric values. attr_reader :ascii # # Creates a new Hexdump dumper. # # @param [Integer] width (16) # The number of bytes to dump for each line. # # @param [Integer] endian (:little) # The endianness that the bytes are organized in. Supported endianness # include `:little` and `:big`. # # @param [Integer] word_size (1) # The number of bytes within a word. # # @param [Symbol, Integer] base (:hexadecimal) # The base to print bytes in. Supported bases include, `:hexadecimal`, # `:hex`, `16, `:decimal`, `:dec`, `10, `:octal`, `:oct`, `8`, # `:binary`, `:bin` and `2`. # # @param [Boolean] ascii (false) # Print ascii characters when possible. # # @raise [ArgumentError] # The values for `:base` or `:endian` were unknown. # # @since 0.2.0 # def initialize(width: 16, endian: :little, word_size: 1, base: :hexadecimal, ascii: false) @base = case base when :hexadecimal, :hex, 16 then :hexadecimal when :decimal, :dec, 10 then :decimal when :octal, :oct, 8 then :octal when :binary, :bin, 2 then :binary when nil then :hexadecimal else raise(ArgumentError,"unknown base #{base.inspect}") end @word_size = word_size @endian = case endian when 'little', :little then :little when 'big', :big then :big when nil then :little else raise(ArgumentError,"unknown endian: #{endian.inspect}") end @width = (width / @word_size) @ascii = ascii @format_width = (WIDTHS[@base][@word_size] || 1) @format = FORMATS[@base][@format_width] if @word_size == 1 @format_cache = Hash.new do |hash,key| hash[key] = sprintf(@format,key) end end end # # Iterates over every word within the data. # # @param [#each_byte] data # The data containing bytes. # # @yield [word] # The given block will be passed each word within the data. # # @yieldparam [Integer] # An unpacked word from the data. # # @return [Enumerator] # If no block is given, an Enumerator will be returned. # # @raise [ArgumentError] # The given data does not define the `#each_byte` method. # # @since 0.2.0 # def each_word(data,&block) return enum_for(:each_word,data) unless block unless data.respond_to?(:each_byte) raise(ArgumentError,"the data to hexdump must define #each_byte") end if @word_size > 1 word = 0 count = 0 init_shift = if @endian == :big then ((@word_size - 1) * 8) else 0 end shift = init_shift data.each_byte do |b| word |= (b << shift) if @endian == :big then shift -= 8 else shift += 8 end count += 1 if count >= @word_size yield word word = 0 count = 0 shift = init_shift end end # yield the remaining word yield word if count > 0 else data.each_byte(&block) end end # # Iterates over the hexdump. # # @param [#each_byte] data # The data to be hexdumped. # # @yield [index,numeric,printable] # The given block will be passed the hexdump break-down of each # segment. # # @yieldparam [Integer] index # The index of the hexdumped segment. # # @yieldparam [Array<String>] numeric # The numeric representation of the segment. # # @yieldparam [Array<String>] printable # The printable representation of the segment. # # @return [Integer, Enumerator] # If a block is given, then the final number of bytes read is returned. # If no block is given, an Enumerator will be returned. # # @since 0.2.0 # def each(data) return enum_for(:each,data) unless block_given? index = 0 count = 0 numeric = Array.new(@width) printable = Array.new(@width) each_word(data) do |word| numeric[count] = format_numeric(word) printable[count] = format_printable(word) count += 1 if count >= @width yield index, numeric, printable index += (@width * @word_size) count = 0 end end if count > 0 # yield the remaining data yield index, numeric[0,count], printable[0,count] index += (count * @word_size) end return index end # # Dumps the hexdump. # # @param [#each_byte] data # The data to be hexdumped. # # @param [#<<] output # The output to dump the hexdump to. # # @return [nil] # # @raise [ArgumentError] # The output value does not support the `#<<` method. # # @since 0.2.0 # def dump(data,output=$stdout) unless output.respond_to?(:<<) raise(ArgumentError,"output must support the #<< method") end bytes_segment_width = ((@width * @format_width) + @width) index_format = "%.8x" line_format = "#{index_format} %-#{bytes_segment_width}s |%s|#{$/}" length = each(data) do |index,numeric,printable| output << sprintf(line_format,index,numeric.join(' '),printable.join) end output << sprintf("#{index_format}#{$/}",length) return nil end # # Converts the word into a numeric String. # # @param [Integer] word # The word to convert. # # @return [String] # The numeric representation of the word. # # @since 0.2.0 # def format_numeric(word) if @word_size == 1 if (@ascii && (word >= 0x20 && word <= 0x7e)) PRINTABLE[word] else @format_cache[word] end else sprintf(@format,word) end end # # Converts a word into a printable String. # # @param [Integer] word # The word to convert. # # @return [String] # The printable representation of the word. # # @since 0.2.0 # def format_printable(word) if @word_size == 1 PRINTABLE[word] elsif word >= 0 && word <= 0x7fffffff # XXX: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6652 char = word.chr(Encoding::UTF_8) rescue nil char || UNPRINTABLE else UNPRINTABLE end end end end