# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe "Taxonomies and taxons", type: :feature do stub_authorization! it "admin should be able to edit taxon" do visit spree.new_admin_taxonomy_path fill_in "Name", with: "Hello" click_button "Create" @taxonomy = Spree::Taxonomy.last visit spree.edit_admin_taxonomy_taxon_path(@taxonomy, @taxonomy.root.id) fill_in "taxon_name", with: "Shirt" fill_in "taxon_description", with: "Discover our new rails shirts" fill_in "permalink_part", with: "shirt-rails" click_button "Update" expect(page).to have_content("Taxon \"Shirt\" has been successfully updated!") end it "can view and add to taxon tree", js: true do taxonomy = create :taxonomy visit spree.edit_admin_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) expect(page).to have_content('Brand') click_on('Add taxon') expect(page).to have_content('New node') # Little tricky to select the right taxon. Since the text is technically # inside the top-level li. within '#taxonomy_tree li li', text: 'New node' do click_icon :edit end expect(page).to have_current_path %r{/admin/taxonomies/\d+/taxons/\d+/edit} end context "inside sidebar menu" do def only_one_selected_tab_inside?(sub_tab_selector, tab_name, tab_path) within(sub_tab_selector) do expect(page).to have_selector('.selected', count: 1) within('.selected') { expect(page).to have_link(tab_name, href: tab_path) } end end context "on display taxonomies page", js: true do it "should be selected only one tab 'Taxonomies' in product sub tabs" do visit spree.admin_taxonomies_path only_one_selected_tab_inside?('[data-hook=admin_product_sub_tabs]', 'Taxonomies', spree.admin_taxonomies_path) end end context "on edit taxonomy page", js: true do it "should be selected only one tab 'Taxonomies' in product sub tabs" do taxonomy = create :taxonomy visit spree.edit_admin_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) only_one_selected_tab_inside?('[data-hook=admin_product_sub_tabs]', 'Taxonomies', spree.admin_taxonomies_path) end end context "on edit taxonomy's taxon page", js: true do it "should be selected only one tab 'Taxonomies' in product sub tabs" do taxonomy = create :taxonomy visit spree.edit_admin_taxonomy_taxon_path(taxonomy, taxonomy.root.id) only_one_selected_tab_inside?('[data-hook=admin_product_sub_tabs]', 'Taxonomies', spree.admin_taxonomies_path) end end end end