#= require ./live_reload handleLiveReloadEvent = (ev) -> try code = ev.data.contents filePath = ev.data.url isHTML = code.substr(0,6) is "HTML>>" isCSS = filePath.indexOf('.css') > -1 fileClassName = filePath.replace(/^.*\/(.*)\.js/, "$1") className = Batman.helpers.camelize(fileClassName) appClass = Batman.currentApp[className] if isHTML htmlPath = code.substr(6) console.debug "HTML Reload: #{htmlPath}" Batman.View.liveReloadHTML() else if isCSS cssPath = filePath.substr(6) console.debug "CSS Reload: #{cssPath}" queryString = '?reload=' + new Date().getTime(); found = false # search all stylesheets for the one that got reloaded $('link[rel="stylesheet"]').each -> if this.href.indexOf(cssPath) > -1 found = this if found # then force reload by updating href found.href = found.href.replace(/\?.*|$/, queryString) else console.warn("NO CSS FOUND FOR #{cssPath}") # Classes can implement .liveReload hooks else if appClass?.liveReload console.debug "#{className} Reload: #{ev.data.url}" appClass.liveReload?(className, code) Batman.currentApp.liveReloadClass(className) # handle a plain-js class by just eval'ing the code # (for example, if you have some plain-coffeescript classes in your app) else if appClass? && !appClass.__super__? console.debug "Plain JS Reload: #{className} with #{ev.data.url}" eval(code) else console.warn "Couldn't reload #{filePath}." # you can hook your own handler up to it if you want Batman.currentApp.fire("liveReload", ev) catch err console.warn "handleLiveReloadEvent Error: #{err}", err if !window._batmanLiveReload window.addEventListener('fb-flo-reload', handleLiveReloadEvent) window._batmanLiveReload = true # only attach the listener once, just in case