require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/contrib/rubyforgepublisher' require 'hoe' begin require 'spec/rake/spectask' rescue LoadError puts 'To use rspec for testing you must install rspec gem:' puts '$ sudo gem install rspec' exit end class Hoe def extra_deps @extra_deps.reject { |x| Array(x).first == 'hoe' } end end desc 'Generate website files' task :website_generate do require 'scripts/lib-txt2html' t2h = Dir['website/**/*.txt'].each do |txt| puts txt version = VERS download = DOWNLOAD_PATH t2h.translate(txt, txt.gsub(/txt$/, 'html'), version, download) end end # add chmod. task :website_generate do sh %{ chmod -R go+rx website } end desc 'Upload website files to rubyforge' task :website_upload do host = "#{rubyforge_username}" remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{PATH}/" local_dir = 'website' sh %{rsync -aCv #{local_dir}/ #{host}:#{remote_dir}} end desc 'Generate and upload website files' task :website => [:website_generate, :website_upload, :publish_docs] desc 'Release the website and new gem version' task :deploy => [:check_version, :website, :release] do puts "Remember to create SVN tag:" puts "svn copy svn+ssh://#{rubyforge_username}{PATH}/trunk " + "svn+ssh://#{rubyforge_username}{PATH}/tags/REL-#{VERS} " puts "Suggested comment:" puts "Tagging release #{CHANGES}" end desc 'Runs tasks website_generate and install_gem as a local deployment of the gem' task :local_deploy => [:website_generate, :install_gem] task :check_version do unless ENV['VERSION'] puts 'Must pass a VERSION=x.y.z release version' exit end unless ENV['VERSION'] == VERS puts "Please update your version.rb to match the release version, currently #{VERS}" exit end end desc "Run the specs under spec/models" do |t| t.spec_opts = ['--options', "spec/spec.opts"] t.spec_files = FileList['spec/*_spec.rb'] t.libs << "lib" end # add chmod. task :docs do sh %{ chmod -R go+rx doc } end # clear current task module Rake class Task def clear_actions @actions.clear end end end task :clean => [:chmod] CHMOD644 = FileList[%w( Rakefile Change* **/*.txt **/*.html **/*.rhtml **/*.js **/*.css **/*.rb **/*.opts )] CHMOD755 = FileList[%w(scripts/*)] desc 'Chmod all files.' task :chmod do CHMOD644.each {|f| File.chmod 0644, f if File.exist? f } CHMOD755.each {|f| File.chmod 0755, f if File.exist? f } end desc 'Create Manifest.txt file.' task :manifest => [:chmod, :clean] do ruby "scripts/makemanifest.rb" end # Add tasks to gem task :gem => [:manifest] desc "Default task is to run specs" task :default => [:spec]