require 'test_helper' require 'tempfile' class TC_testCommand < Clean::Test::TestCase include TestHelper def setup @fake_stdout = @fake_stderr = @original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = @fake_stdout @original_stderr = $stderr $stderr = @fake_stderr ENV.delete('GLI_DEBUG') create_app end def teardown $stdout = @original_stdout $stderr = @original_stderr FileUtils.rm_f "cruddo.rdoc" end def test_names command = => [:ls,:list,:'list-them-all'],:description => "List") assert_equal "ls, list, list-them-all",command.names end def test_command_sort commands = [ => :foo)] commands << => :bar) commands << => :zazz) commands << => :zaz) sorted = commands.sort assert_equal :bar,sorted[0].name assert_equal :foo,sorted[1].name assert_equal :zaz,sorted[2].name assert_equal :zazz,sorted[3].name end def test_basic_command [false,true].each do |openstruct| end [true].each do |openstruct| create_app(openstruct) openstruct_message = openstruct ? ", with use_openstruct" : "" args_args = [%w(-g basic -v -c foo bar baz quux), %w(-g basic -v --configure=foo bar baz quux)] args_args.each do |args| args_orig = args.clone assert_equal('true',@glob,"For args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert_equal('true',@glob_long_form,"For args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert_equal('true',@verbose,"For args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert_equal('false',@glob_verbose,"For args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert_equal('foo',@configure,"For args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert_equal(%w(bar baz quux),@args,"For args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert(@pre_called,"Pre block should have been called for args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert(@post_called,"Post block should have been called for args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") assert(!@error_called,"Error block should not have been called for args #{args_orig}#{openstruct_message}") end end end def test_around_filter @around_block_called = false @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @around_block_called = true end['bs']) assert(@around_block_called, "Wrapper block should have been called") end def test_around_filter_can_be_skipped # Given @around_block_called = false @action_called = false @app.skips_around @app.command :skips_around_filter do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| @action_called = true end end @app.command :uses_around_filter do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| @action_called = true end end @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @around_block_called = true end # When exit_status =['skips_around_filter']) # Then assert_equal 0,exit_status assert(!@around_block_called, "Wrapper block should have been skipped") assert(@action_called,"Action should have been called") # When @around_block_called = false @action_called = false exit_status =['uses_around_filter']) # Then assert_equal 0, exit_status assert(@around_block_called, "Wrapper block should have been called") assert(@action_called,"Action should have been called") end def test_around_filter_can_be_nested @calls = [] @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @calls << "first_pre" @calls << "first_post" end @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @calls << "second_pre" @calls << "second_post" end @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @calls << "third_pre" @calls << "third_post" end @app.command :with_multiple_around_filters do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| @calls << "action!" end end['with_multiple_around_filters']) assert_equal ["first_pre", "second_pre", "third_pre", "action!", "third_post", "second_post", "first_post"], @calls end def test_skipping_nested_around_filters @calls = [] @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| begin @calls << "first_pre" ensure @calls << "first_post" end end @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @calls << "second_pre" @calls << "second_post" end @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @calls << "third_pre" exit_now! @calls << "third_post" end @app.command :with_multiple_around_filters do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| @calls << "action!" end end['with_multiple_around_filters']) assert_equal ["first_pre", "second_pre", "third_pre", "action!", "first_post"], @calls end def test_around_filter_handles_exit_now @around_block_called = false @error_message = "OH NOES" @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @app.exit_now! @error_message end exit_code =['bs']) assert exit_code != 0 assert_contained(@fake_stderr,/#{@error_message}/) assert_not_contained(@fake_stdout,/SYNOPSIS/) end def test_around_filter_handles_help_now @around_block_called = false @error_message = "OH NOES" @app.around do |global_options, command, options, arguments, code| @app.help_now! @error_message end exit_code =['bs']) assert exit_code != 0 assert_contained(@fake_stderr,/#{@error_message}/) assert_contained(@fake_stdout,/SYNOPSIS/) end def test_command_skips_pre @app.skips_pre @app.skips_post skips_pre_called = false runs_pre_called = false @app.command [:skipspre] do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| skips_pre_called = true end end # Making sure skips_pre doesn't leak to other commands @app.command [:runspre] do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| runs_pre_called = true end end['skipspre']) assert(skips_pre_called,"'skipspre' should have been called") assert(!@pre_called,"Pre block should not have been called") assert(!@post_called,"Post block should not have been called") assert(!@error_called,"Error block should not have been called")['runspre']) assert(runs_pre_called,"'runspre' should have been called") assert(@pre_called,"Pre block should not have been called") assert(@post_called,"Post block SHOULD have been called") assert(!@error_called,"Error block should not have been called") end def test_command_no_globals args = %w(basic -c foo bar baz quux) assert_equal('foo',@configure) assert_equal(%w(bar baz quux),@args) end def test_defaults_get_set args = %w(basic bar baz quux) assert_equal('false',@glob) assert_equal('false',@verbose) assert_equal('crud',@configure) assert_equal(%w(bar baz quux),@args) end def test_negatable_gets_created @app.command [:foo] do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| assert !g[:blah] end end exit_status = foo)) assert_equal 0,exit_status end def test_arguments_are_not_frozen @args = [] @app.command [:foo] do |c| c.action do |g,o,a| @args = a end end exit_status = a b c d e).map { |arg| arg.freeze }) assert_equal 0,exit_status assert_equal 5,@args.length,"Action block was not called" @args.each_with_index do |arg,index| assert !arg.frozen?,"Expected argument at index #{index} to not be frozen" end end def test_no_arguments args = %w(basic -v) assert_equal('true',@verbose) assert_equal('crud',@configure) assert_equal([],@args) end def test_unknown_command args = %w(blah) assert(!@post_called) assert(@error_called) assert_contained(@fake_stderr,/Unknown command 'blah'/) end def test_unknown_global_option args = %w(--quux basic) assert(!@post_called) assert(@error_called,"Expected error callback to be called") assert_contained(@fake_stderr,/Unknown option --quux/) end def test_unknown_argument args = %w(basic --quux) assert(!@post_called) assert(@error_called) assert_contained(@fake_stderr,/ Unknown option --quux/) end def test_forgot_action_block @app.reset @app.command :foo do end ENV['GLI_DEBUG'] = 'true' assert_raises RuntimeError do['foo']) end assert_match /Command 'foo' has no action block/,@fake_stderr.to_s end def test_command_create @app.desc 'single symbol' @app.command :single do |c|; end command = @app.commands[:single] assert_equal :single, assert_equal nil, command.aliases description = 'implicit array' @app.desc description @app.command :foo, :bar do |c|; end command = @app.commands[:foo] assert_equal :foo, assert_equal [:bar], command.aliases description = 'explicit array' @app.desc description @app.command [:baz, :blah] do |c|; end command = @app.commands[:baz] assert_equal :baz, assert_equal [:blah], command.aliases end def test_pre_exiting_false_causes_nonzero_exit @app.pre { |*| false } assert_equal 65,["bs"]) # BSD for "input data incorrect in some way" assert_equal 'error: preconditions failed',@fake_stderr.to_s assert_equal '',@fake_stdout.to_s end private def assert_contained(output,regexp) assert_not_nil output.contained?(regexp), "Expected output to contain #{regexp.inspect}, output was:\n#{output}" end def assert_not_contained(output,regexp) assert_nil output.contained?(regexp), "Didn't expected output to contain #{regexp.inspect}, output was:\n#{output}" end def create_app(use_openstruct=false) @app = @app.error_device=@fake_stderr @app.reset if use_openstruct @app.use_openstruct true end @app.program_desc 'A super awesome program' @app.desc 'Some Global Option' @app.switch [:g,:global] @app.switch :blah @app.long_desc 'This is a very long description for a flag' @app.flag [:y,:yes] @pre_called = false @post_called = false @error_called = false @app.pre { |g,c,o,a| @pre_called = true } { |g,c,o,a| @post_called = true } @app.on_error { |g,c,o,a| @error_called = true } @glob = nil @verbose = nil @glob_verbose = nil @configure = nil @args = nil @app.desc 'Some Basic Command that potentially has a really really really really really really really long description and stuff, but you know, who cares?' @app.long_desc 'This is the long description: "Some Basic Command that potentially has a really really really really really really really long description and stuff, but you know, who cares?"' @app.arg_name 'first_file second_file' @app.command [:basic,:bs] do |c| c.desc 'be verbose' c.switch :v c.desc 'configure something or other, in some way that requires a lot of verbose text and whatnot' c.default_value 'crud' c.flag [:c,:configure] c.action do |global_options,options,arguments| if use_openstruct @glob = global_options.g ? 'true' : 'false' @glob_long_form = ? 'true' : 'false' @verbose = options.v ? 'true' : 'false' @glob_verbose = global_options.v ? 'true' : 'false' @configure = options.c else @glob = global_options[:g] ? 'true' : 'false' @glob_long_form = global_options[:global] ? 'true' : 'false' @verbose = options[:v] ? 'true' : 'false' @glob_verbose = global_options[:v] ? 'true' : 'false' @configure = options[:c] end @args = arguments end end @app.desc "Testing long help wrapping" @app.long_desc <<-EOS This will create a scaffold command line project that uses @app for command line processing. Specifically, this will create an executable ready to go, as well as a lib and test directory, all inside the directory named for your project EOS @app.command [:test_wrap] do |c| c.action {} end end end