require 'active_model' require 'active_support' # :nodoc: namespace module AuthpwnRails # Included by the model class that represents users. # # Right now, some parts of the codebase assume the model will be named User. module UserModel extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # E-mail address identifying the user account. validates :email, :format => /^[A-Za-z0-9.+_]+@[^@]*\.(\w+)$/, :presence => true, :length => 1..128, :uniqueness => true # Hash of e-mail address of the user account. validates :email_hash, :length => 64..64, :allow_nil => false # Random string preventing dictionary attacks on the password database. validates :password_salt, :length => { :in => 1..16, :allow_nil => true } # SHA-256 of (salt + password). validates :password_hash, :length => { :in => 64..64, :allow_nil => true } # Virtual attribute: the user's password. attr_reader :password validates :password, :confirmation => true # Virtual attribute: confirmation for the user's password. attr_accessor :password_confirmation validates_confirmation_of :password # Facebook token. has_one :facebook_token, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :user end # Class methods on models that include AuthpwnRails::UserModel. module ClassMethods # Queries the database using the value returned by User#to_param. # # Returns nil if no matching User exists. def find_by_param(param) where(:email_hash => param).first end # The authenticated user or nil. def find_by_email_and_password(email, password) user = where(:email => email).first (user && user.password_matches?(password)) ? user : nil end # Computes a password hash from a raw password and a salt. def hash_password(password, salt) Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(password + salt) end # Generates a random salt value. def random_salt [(0...12).map { |i| 1 + rand(255) }.pack('C*')].pack('m').strip end # Fills out a new user's information based on a Facebook access token. def create_with_facebook_token(token) self.create! :email => "#{token.external_uid}" end # The user that owns a given Facebook OAuth2 token. # # A new user will be created if the token doesn't belong to any user. This # is the case for a new visitor. def for_facebook_token(access_token) FacebookToken.for(access_token).user end end # module AuthpwnRails::UserModel::ClassMethods # Included in models that include AuthpwnRails::UserModel. module InstanceMethods # Resets the virtual password attributes. def reset_password @password = @password_confirmation = nil end # Compares the given password against the user's stored password. # # Returns +true+ for a match, +false+ otherwise. def password_matches?(passwd) password_hash == self.class.hash_password(passwd, password_salt) end # Password virtual attribute. def password=(new_password) @password = new_password self.password_salt = self.class.random_salt self.password_hash = new_password && self.class.hash_password(new_password, password_salt) end # Use e-mails instead of exposing ActiveRecord IDs. def to_param email_hash end # :nodoc: overwrites def email=(new_email) super self.email_hash = new_email && Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(new_email) end # Do not expose password and ActiveRecord IDs in JSON representation. def as_json(options = {}) options ||= {} super(options.merge(:except => [:password_salt, :password_hash, :id])) end end # module AuthpwnRails::UserModel::InstanceMethods end # namespace AuthpwnRails::UserModel end # namespace AuthpwnRails