# curlyq [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/na.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/curlyq) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ttscoff/curlyq.svg)](./LICENSE.txt) **A command line helper for curl and web scraping** _If you find this useful, feel free to [buy me some coffee][donate]._ The current version of `curlyq` is . `curlyq` is a command that provides a simple interface for curl, with additional features for things like extracting images and links, finding elements by CSS selector or XPath, getting detailed header info, and more. It also has rudimentary support for making calls to JSON endpoints easier, but it's expected that you'll use something like `jq` to parse the output. [github]: https://github.com/ttscoff/curlyq/ ### Installation Assuming you have Ruby and RubyGems installed, you can just run `gem install curlyq`. If you run into errors, try `gem install --user-install curlyq`, or use `sudo gem install curlyq`. If you're using Homebrew, you have the option to install via [brew-gem](https://github.com/sportngin/brew-gem): brew install brew-gem brew gem install curlyq If you don't have Ruby/RubyGems, you can install them pretty easily with Homebrew, rvm, or asdf. ### Usage Run `curlyq help` for a list of commands. Run `curlyq help SUBCOMMAND` for details on a particular subcommand and its options. ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help) ``` #### Commands curlyq makes use of subcommands, e.g. `curlyq html` or `curlyq extract`. Each subcommand takes its own options, but I've made an effort to standardize the choices between each command. ##### extract ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help extract) ``` ##### headlinks ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help headlinks) ``` ##### html ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help html) ``` ##### images ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help images) ``` ##### json ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help json) ``` ##### links ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help links) ``` ##### scrape ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help scrape) ``` ##### screenshot ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help screenshot) ``` ##### tags ``` @cli(bundle exec bin/curlyq help tags) ``` PayPal link: [paypal.me/ttscoff](https://paypal.me/ttscoff) ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/ttscoff/na_gem/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)