module Para module Admin module PageHelper def page_top_bar(options = {}) top_bar = content_tag(:div, class: 'page-title row') do content_tag(:h1, options[:title]) + if (actions = actions_for(options[:type]))'').html_safe end end # Return both top bar and component navigation to be displayed at the top of the # page. top_bar + component_navigation end def build_action(action) link_options = action.fetch(:link_options, {}) link_options[:class] ||= 'btn btn-default btn-shadow btn-sm' content_tag(:div, class: 'actions-control pull-right') do link_to(action[:url], link_options) do ( (fa_icon(action[:icon], class: 'fa-fw') if action[:icon]) + action[:label] ).html_safe end end end def actions_for(type) Para.config.page_actions_for(type).map do |action| instance_eval(&action) end.compact end def component_navigation parent_component = @component && ( @component.parent_component || @component.child_components.any? && @component ) return unless parent_component # If the component has a `model_type` option, therefore, an associated model, # we try to render the partial from the relative path of the model, else we # use the component class as the base target path partial_target = parent_component.try(:model_type) || parent_component render partial: find_partial_for(partial_target, :navigation), locals: { parent_component: parent_component, active_component: @component } end end end end