require "ftw/namespace" require "ftw/http/message" require "cabin" # gem cabin require "http/parser" # gem http_parser.rb # An HTTP Response. # # See RFC2616 section 6: class FTW::Response include FTW::HTTP::Message # The HTTP version number # See RFC2616 section 6.1: attr_reader :version # The http status code (RFC2616 6.1.1) # See RFC2616 section 6.1.1: attr_reader :status # The reason phrase (RFC2616 6.1.1) # See RFC2616 section 6.1.1: attr_reader :reason # Translated from the recommendations listed in RFC2616 section 6.1.1 # See RFC2616 section 6.1.1: STATUS_REASON_MAP = { 100 => "Continue", 101 => "Switching Protocols", 200 => "OK", 201 => "Created", 202 => "Accepted", 203 => "Non-Authoritative Information", 204 => "No Content", 205 => "Reset Content", 206 => "Partial Content", 300 => "Multiple Choices", 301 => "Moved Permanently", 302 => "Found", 303 => "See Other", 304 => "Not Modified", 305 => "Use Proxy", 307 => "Temporary Redirect", 400 => "Bad Request", 401 => "Unauthorized", 402 => "Payment Required", 403 => "Forbidden", 404 => "Not Found", 405 => "Method Not Allowed", 406 => "Not Acceptable" } # STATUS_REASON_MAP attr_accessor :body # Create a new Response. public def initialize super @logger = Cabin::Channel.get @reason = "" # Empty reason string by default. It is not required. end # def initialize # Is this response a redirect? public def redirect? # redirects are 3xx return @status >= 300 && @status < 400 end # redirect? # Is this response an error? public def error? # 4xx and 5xx are errors return @status >= 400 && @status < 600 end # def error? # Set the status code public def status=(code) code = code.to_i if !code.is_a?(Fixnum) # TODO(sissel): Validate that 'code' is a 3 digit number @status = code # Attempt to set the reason if the status code has a known reason # recommendation. If one is not found, default to the current reason. @reason = STATUS_REASON_MAP.fetch(@status, @reason) end # def status= # Get the status-line string, like "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" public def status_line # First line is 'Status-Line' from RFC2616 section 6.1 # Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF # etc... return "HTTP/#{version} #{status} #{reason}" end # def status_line # Define the Message's start_line as status_line alias_method :start_line, :status_line # Set the body of this response. In most cases this will be a FTW::Connection when # Response objects are being created by a FTW::Agent. In Server cases, # the body is likely to be a string or enumerable. public def body=(connection_or_string_or_enumerable) @body = connection_or_string_or_enumerable end # def body= # Read the body of this Response. The block is called with chunks of the # response as they are read in. # # This method is generally only called by http clients, not servers. public def read_body(&block) if @body.respond_to?(:read) if headers.include?("Content-Length") and headers["Content-Length"].to_i > 0 @logger.debug("Reading body with Content-Length") read_body_length(headers["Content-Length"].to_i, &block) elsif headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked" @logger.debug("Reading body with chunked encoding") read_body_chunked(&block) end # If this is a poolable resource, release it (like a FTW::Connection) @body.release if @body.respond_to?(:release) elsif !@body.nil? yield @body end end # def read_body # Read the length bytes from the body. Yield each chunk read to the block # given. This method is generally only called by http clients, not servers. private def read_body_length(length, &block) remaining = length while remaining > 0 data = @logger.debug("Read bytes", :length => data.size) if data.size > remaining # Read too much data, only wanted part of this. Push the rest back. yield data[0..remaining] remaining = 0 @body.pushback(data[remaining .. -1]) if remaining < 0 else yield data remaining -= data.size end end end # def read_body_length # This is kind of messed, need to fix it. private def read_body_chunked(&block) parser = # Fake fill-in the response we've already read into the parser. parser << to_s parser << CRLF parser.on_body = block done = false parser.on_message_complete = proc { done = true } while !done # will break on special conditions below data = offset = parser << data if offset != data.length raise "Parser dis not consume all data read?" end end end # def read_body_chunked # Is this Response the result of a successful Upgrade request? public def upgrade? return false unless status == 101 # "Switching Protocols" return false unless headers["Connection"] == "Upgrade" return true end # def upgrade? end # class FTW::Response