# Copyright (c) 2010 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. require 'trivial_soap' require 'time' module RbVmomi class Boolean; def self.wsdl_name; 'xsd:boolean' end end class AnyType; def self.wsdl_name; 'xsd:anyType' end end class Binary; def self.wsdl_name; 'xsd:base64Binary' end end def self.type name fail unless name and (name.is_a? String or name.is_a? Symbol) name = $' if name.to_s =~ /^xsd:/ case name.to_sym when :anyType then AnyType when :boolean then Boolean when :string then String when :int, :long, :short, :byte then Integer when :float, :double then Float when :dateTime then Time when :base64Binary then Binary else if VIM.has_type? name VIM.type name else fail "no such type #{name.inspect}" end end end class DeserializationFailed < Exception; end class Soap < TrivialSoap NS_XSI = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' def initialize opts @vim_debug = opts[:vim_debug] super opts @ns = @opts[:ns] or fail "no namespace specified" if @opts[:rev] @rev = @opts[:rev] elsif @opts[:host] @rev = '4.0' @rev = serviceContent.about.apiVersion else fail "no revision specified" end end def serviceInstance VIM::ServiceInstance self, 'ServiceInstance' end def serviceContent @serviceContent ||= serviceInstance.RetrieveServiceContent end %w(rootFolder propertyCollector searchIndex).map(&:to_sym).each do |s| define_method(s) { serviceContent.send s } end alias root rootFolder def emit_request xml, method, descs, this, params xml.tag! method, :xmlns => @ns do obj2xml xml, '_this', 'ManagedObject', false, this descs.each do |d| k = d['name'].to_sym if params.member? k or params.member? k.to_s v = params.member?(k) ? params[k] : params[k.to_s] obj2xml xml, d['name'], d['wsdl_type'], d['is-array'], v else fail "missing required parameter #{d['name']}" unless d['is-optional'] end end end end def parse_response resp, desc if resp.at('faultcode') detail = resp.at('detail') fault = detail && xml2obj(detail.children.first, 'MethodFault') msg = resp.at('faultstring').text if fault raise RbVmomi.fault msg, fault else fail "#{resp.at('faultcode').text}: #{msg}" end else if desc type = desc['is-task'] ? 'Task' : desc['wsdl_type'] returnvals = resp.children.select(&:element?).map { |c| xml2obj c, type } desc['is-array'] ? returnvals : returnvals.first else nil end end end def call method, desc, this, params fail "this is not a managed object" unless this.is_a? RbVmomi::VIM::ManagedObject fail "parameters must be passed as a hash" unless params.is_a? Hash fail unless desc.is_a? Hash if @vim_debug $stderr.puts "Request #{method}:" PP.pp({ _this: this }.merge(params), $stderr) $stderr.puts start_time = Time.now end resp = request "#{@ns}/#{@rev}" do |xml| emit_request xml, method, desc['params'], this, params end ret = parse_response resp, desc['result'] if @vim_debug end_time = Time.now $stderr.puts "Response (in #{'%.3f' % (end_time - start_time)} s)" PP.pp ret, $stderr $stderr.puts end ret end def demangle_array_type x case x when 'AnyType' then 'anyType' when 'DateTime' then 'dateTime' when 'Boolean', 'String', 'Byte', 'Short', 'Int', 'Long', 'Float', 'Double' then x.downcase else x end end def xml2obj xml, type type = (xml.attribute_with_ns('type', NS_XSI) || type).to_s if type =~ /^ArrayOf/ type = demangle_array_type $' return xml.children.select(&:element?).map { |c| xml2obj c, type } end t = RbVmomi.type type if t <= VIM::DataObject #puts "deserializing data object #{t} from #{xml.name}" props_desc = t.full_props_desc h = {} props_desc.select { |d| d['is-array'] }.each { |d| h[d['name'].to_sym] = [] } xml.children.each do |c| next unless c.element? field = c.name.to_sym #puts "field #{field.to_s}: #{t.find_prop_desc(field.to_s).inspect}" d = t.find_prop_desc(field.to_s) or next o = xml2obj c, d['wsdl_type'] if h[field].is_a? Array h[field] << o else h[field] = o end end t.new h elsif t == VIM::ManagedObjectReference RbVmomi.type(xml['type']).new self, xml.text elsif t <= VIM::ManagedObject RbVmomi.type(xml['type'] || t.wsdl_name).new self, xml.text elsif t <= VIM::Enum xml.text elsif t <= String xml.text elsif t <= Symbol xml.text.to_sym elsif t <= Integer xml.text.to_i elsif t <= Float xml.text.to_f elsif t <= Time Time.parse xml.text elsif t == Boolean xml.text == 'true' || xml.text == '1' elsif t == Binary xml.text.unpack('m')[0] elsif t == AnyType fail "attempted to deserialize an AnyType" else fail "unexpected type #{t.inspect}" end end def obj2xml xml, name, type, is_array, o, attrs={} expected = RbVmomi.type(type) fail "expected array, got #{o.class.wsdl_name}" if is_array and not o.is_a? Array case o when Array fail "expected #{expected.wsdl_name}, got array" unless is_array o.each do |e| obj2xml xml, name, expected.wsdl_name, false, e, attrs end when VIM::ManagedObject fail "expected #{expected.wsdl_name}, got #{o.class.wsdl_name} for field #{name.inspect}" if expected and not expected >= o.class xml.tag! name, o._ref, :type => o.class.wsdl_name when VIM::DataObject fail "expected #{expected.wsdl_name}, got #{o.class.wsdl_name} for field #{name.inspect}" if expected and not expected >= o.class xml.tag! name, attrs.merge("xsi:type" => o.class.wsdl_name) do o.class.full_props_desc.each do |desc| if o.props.member? desc['name'].to_sym v = o.props[desc['name'].to_sym] next if v.nil? obj2xml xml, desc['name'], desc['wsdl_type'], desc['is-array'], v end end end when VIM::Enum xml.tag! name, o.value.to_s, attrs when Hash fail "expected #{expected.wsdl_name}, got a hash" unless expected <= VIM::DataObject obj2xml xml, name, type, false, expected.new(o), attrs when true, false fail "expected #{expected.wsdl_name}, got a boolean" unless expected == Boolean attrs['xsi:type'] = 'xsd:boolean' if expected == AnyType xml.tag! name, (o ? '1' : '0'), attrs when Symbol, String if expected == Binary attrs['xsi:type'] = 'xsd:base64Binary' if expected == AnyType xml.tag! name, [o].pack('m').chomp, attrs else attrs['xsi:type'] = 'xsd:string' if expected == AnyType xml.tag! name, o.to_s, attrs end when Integer attrs['xsi:type'] = 'xsd:long' if expected == AnyType xml.tag! name, o.to_s, attrs when Float attrs['xsi:type'] = 'xsd:double' if expected == AnyType xml.tag! name, o.to_s, attrs when DateTime attrs['xsi:type'] = 'xsd:dateTime' if expected == AnyType xml.tag! name, o.to_s, attrs else fail "unexpected object class #{o.class}" end xml end end # XXX fault class hierarchy class Fault < StandardError attr_reader :fault def initialize msg, fault super "#{fault.class.wsdl_name}: #{msg}" @fault = fault end end def self.fault msg, fault Fault.new(msg, fault) end # host, port, ssl, user, password, path, debug def self.connect opts fail unless opts.is_a? Hash fail "host option required" unless opts[:host] opts[:user] ||= 'root' opts[:password] ||= '' opts[:ssl] = true unless opts.member? :ssl opts[:port] ||= (opts[:ssl] ? 443 : 80) opts[:path] ||= '/sdk' opts[:ns] ||= 'urn:vim25' opts[:debug] = (!ENV['RBVMOMI_DEBUG'].empty? rescue false) unless opts.member? :debug opts[:vim_debug] = (!ENV['RBVMOMI_VIM_DEBUG'].empty? rescue false) unless opts.member? :vim_debug Soap.new(opts).tap do |vim| vim.serviceContent.sessionManager.Login :userName => opts[:user], :password => opts[:password] end end end require 'rbvmomi/types' vmodl_fn = ENV['VMODL'] || File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../vmodl.tc") RbVmomi::VIM.load vmodl_fn require 'rbvmomi/extensions'