module GoogleApps module Atom module Node # create_node takes a hash of properties from which to # build the XML node. The properties hash must have # a :type key, it is also possible to pass an :attrs # key with an array of attribute name, value pairs. # # create_node type: 'apps:property', attrs: [['name', 'Tim'], ['userName', '']] # # create_node returns an Atom::XML::Node with the specified # properties. def create_node(properties) if properties[:attrs] add_attributes[:type]), properties[:attrs] else properties[:type] end end # # @param [String] name the value for the name attribute # @param [String] value the value for the value attribute # # @visibility public # @return def add_prop_node(name, value, node = nil) node ||= @doc.root node << create_node({type: 'apps:property', attrs: [['name', name], ['value', value]]}) end # add_namespaces adds the specified namespaces to the # specified node. namespaces should be a hash of name, # value pairs. # # add_namespaces node, atom: '', apps: '' # # add_namespaces returns the node with namespaces def add_namespaces(node, namespaces) namespaces.each_pair do |name, value| node, name.to_s, value end node end # add_attributes adds the specified attributes to the # given node. It takes a LibXML::XML::Node and an # array of name, value attribute pairs. # # add_attribute node, [['title', 'emperor'], ['name', 'Napoleon']] # # add_attribute returns the modified node. def add_attributes(node, attributes) attributes.each do |attribute| node.attributes[attribute[0]] = attribute[1] end node end # node_match? checks that each value for each specified # attribute matches the specified value. def node_match?(node, attributes) attributes.keys.inject(true) do |result, key| result and node.attributes[key].to_s == attributes[key][0] end end # get_content returns the content of the specified node. # If multiple nodes match the xpath value get_content # will return the content of the first occurance. # # get_content document, '//title' # # get_content returns the content of the node as a string. def get_content(document, xpath) document.find(xpath).first.content end # get_values returns an array of all the value attributes # on elements matching the given key_attrib pair on the # specified element type. def get_values(element, key_attrib, value = 'value') self.find('//' + element).inject([]) do |values, element| values << element.attributes[value] if element.attributes[key_attrib[0]].match key_attrib[1] values end end # Returns true if "true" and false if "false" # # @param [String] value # # @visibility public # @return def check_value(value) case value when 'true' true when 'false' false else value end end end end end