(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('jquery')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'jquery'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory(global.BootstrapTable = {}, global.jQuery)); }(this, (function (exports, $) { 'use strict'; $ = $ && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call($, 'default') ? $['default'] : $; var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } var check = function (it) { return it && it.Math == Math && it; }; // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028 var global_1 = // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef check(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) || check(typeof window == 'object' && window) || check(typeof self == 'object' && self) || check(typeof commonjsGlobal == 'object' && commonjsGlobal) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func Function('return this')(); var fails = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (error) { return true; } }; // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty var descriptors = !fails(function () { return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); var nativePropertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // Nashorn ~ JDK8 bug var NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !nativePropertyIsEnumerable.call({ 1: 2 }, 1); // `Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable` method implementation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.propertyisenumerable var f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V) { var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V); return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable; } : nativePropertyIsEnumerable; var objectPropertyIsEnumerable = { f: f }; var createPropertyDescriptor = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; var toString = {}.toString; var classofRaw = function (it) { return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1); }; var split = ''.split; // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings var indexedObject = fails(function () { // throws an error in rhino, see https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/346 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins return !Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0); }) ? function (it) { return classofRaw(it) == 'String' ? split.call(it, '') : Object(it); } : Object; // `RequireObjectCoercible` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-requireobjectcoercible var requireObjectCoercible = function (it) { if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; // toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var toIndexedObject = function (it) { return indexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it)); }; var isObject = function (it) { return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; // `ToPrimitive` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string var toPrimitive = function (input, PREFERRED_STRING) { if (!isObject(input)) return input; var fn, val; if (PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(input))) return val; if (typeof (fn = input.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(input))) return val; if (!PREFERRED_STRING && typeof (fn = input.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(input))) return val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; var has = function (it, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key); }; var document$1 = global_1.document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var EXISTS = isObject(document$1) && isObject(document$1.createElement); var documentCreateElement = function (it) { return EXISTS ? document$1.createElement(it) : {}; }; // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty var ie8DomDefine = !descriptors && !fails(function () { return Object.defineProperty(documentCreateElement('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; // `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertydescriptor var f$1 = descriptors ? nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { O = toIndexedObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); if (ie8DomDefine) try { return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if (has(O, P)) return createPropertyDescriptor(!objectPropertyIsEnumerable.f.call(O, P), O[P]); }; var objectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = { f: f$1 }; var anObject = function (it) { if (!isObject(it)) { throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not an object'); } return it; }; var nativeDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty; // `Object.defineProperty` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperty var f$2 = descriptors ? nativeDefineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); anObject(Attributes); if (ie8DomDefine) try { return nativeDefineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } catch (error) { /* empty */ } if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported'); if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; var objectDefineProperty = { f: f$2 }; var createNonEnumerableProperty = descriptors ? function (object, key, value) { return objectDefineProperty.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; var setGlobal = function (key, value) { try { createNonEnumerableProperty(global_1, key, value); } catch (error) { global_1[key] = value; } return value; }; var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; var store = global_1[SHARED] || setGlobal(SHARED, {}); var sharedStore = store; var functionToString = Function.toString; // this helper broken in `3.4.1-3.4.4`, so we can't use `shared` helper if (typeof sharedStore.inspectSource != 'function') { sharedStore.inspectSource = function (it) { return functionToString.call(it); }; } var inspectSource = sharedStore.inspectSource; var WeakMap = global_1.WeakMap; var nativeWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' && /native code/.test(inspectSource(WeakMap)); var shared = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { (module.exports = function (key, value) { return sharedStore[key] || (sharedStore[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); })('versions', []).push({ version: '3.6.0', mode: 'global', copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)' }); }); var id = 0; var postfix = Math.random(); var uid = function (key) { return 'Symbol(' + String(key === undefined ? '' : key) + ')_' + (++id + postfix).toString(36); }; var keys = shared('keys'); var sharedKey = function (key) { return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid(key)); }; var hiddenKeys = {}; var WeakMap$1 = global_1.WeakMap; var set, get, has$1; var enforce = function (it) { return has$1(it) ? get(it) : set(it, {}); }; var getterFor = function (TYPE) { return function (it) { var state; if (!isObject(it) || (state = get(it)).type !== TYPE) { throw TypeError('Incompatible receiver, ' + TYPE + ' required'); } return state; }; }; if (nativeWeakMap) { var store$1 = new WeakMap$1(); var wmget = store$1.get; var wmhas = store$1.has; var wmset = store$1.set; set = function (it, metadata) { wmset.call(store$1, it, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return wmget.call(store$1, it) || {}; }; has$1 = function (it) { return wmhas.call(store$1, it); }; } else { var STATE = sharedKey('state'); hiddenKeys[STATE] = true; set = function (it, metadata) { createNonEnumerableProperty(it, STATE, metadata); return metadata; }; get = function (it) { return has(it, STATE) ? it[STATE] : {}; }; has$1 = function (it) { return has(it, STATE); }; } var internalState = { set: set, get: get, has: has$1, enforce: enforce, getterFor: getterFor }; var redefine = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { var getInternalState = internalState.get; var enforceInternalState = internalState.enforce; var TEMPLATE = String(String).split('String'); (module.exports = function (O, key, value, options) { var unsafe = options ? !!options.unsafe : false; var simple = options ? !!options.enumerable : false; var noTargetGet = options ? !!options.noTargetGet : false; if (typeof value == 'function') { if (typeof key == 'string' && !has(value, 'name')) createNonEnumerableProperty(value, 'name', key); enforceInternalState(value).source = TEMPLATE.join(typeof key == 'string' ? key : ''); } if (O === global_1) { if (simple) O[key] = value; else setGlobal(key, value); return; } else if (!unsafe) { delete O[key]; } else if (!noTargetGet && O[key]) { simple = true; } if (simple) O[key] = value; else createNonEnumerableProperty(O, key, value); // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative })(Function.prototype, 'toString', function toString() { return typeof this == 'function' && getInternalState(this).source || inspectSource(this); }); }); var path = global_1; var aFunction = function (variable) { return typeof variable == 'function' ? variable : undefined; }; var getBuiltIn = function (namespace, method) { return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(path[namespace]) || aFunction(global_1[namespace]) : path[namespace] && path[namespace][method] || global_1[namespace] && global_1[namespace][method]; }; var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; // `ToInteger` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-tointeger var toInteger = function (argument) { return isNaN(argument = +argument) ? 0 : (argument > 0 ? floor : ceil)(argument); }; var min = Math.min; // `ToLength` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-tolength var toLength = function (argument) { return argument > 0 ? min(toInteger(argument), 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF) : 0; // 2 ** 53 - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; var max = Math.max; var min$1 = Math.min; // Helper for a popular repeating case of the spec: // Let integer be ? ToInteger(index). // If integer < 0, let result be max((length + integer), 0); else let result be min(integer, length). var toAbsoluteIndex = function (index, length) { var integer = toInteger(index); return integer < 0 ? max(integer + length, 0) : min$1(integer, length); }; // `Array.prototype.{ indexOf, includes }` methods implementation var createMethod = function (IS_INCLUDES) { return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = toIndexedObject($this); var length = toLength(O.length); var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (value != value) return true; // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for (;length > index; index++) { if ((IS_INCLUDES || index in O) && O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; var arrayIncludes = { // `Array.prototype.includes` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes includes: createMethod(true), // `Array.prototype.indexOf` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.indexof indexOf: createMethod(false) }; var indexOf = arrayIncludes.indexOf; var objectKeysInternal = function (object, names) { var O = toIndexedObject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) !has(hiddenKeys, key) && has(O, key) && result.push(key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) { ~indexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; // IE8- don't enum bug keys var enumBugKeys = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; var hiddenKeys$1 = enumBugKeys.concat('length', 'prototype'); // `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.getownpropertynames var f$3 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return objectKeysInternal(O, hiddenKeys$1); }; var objectGetOwnPropertyNames = { f: f$3 }; var f$4 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var objectGetOwnPropertySymbols = { f: f$4 }; // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols var ownKeys = getBuiltIn('Reflect', 'ownKeys') || function ownKeys(it) { var keys = objectGetOwnPropertyNames.f(anObject(it)); var getOwnPropertySymbols = objectGetOwnPropertySymbols.f; return getOwnPropertySymbols ? keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(it)) : keys; }; var copyConstructorProperties = function (target, source) { var keys = ownKeys(source); var defineProperty = objectDefineProperty.f; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = objectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor.f; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (!has(target, key)) defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); } }; var replacement = /#|\.prototype\./; var isForced = function (feature, detection) { var value = data[normalize(feature)]; return value == POLYFILL ? true : value == NATIVE ? false : typeof detection == 'function' ? fails(detection) : !!detection; }; var normalize = isForced.normalize = function (string) { return String(string).replace(replacement, '.').toLowerCase(); }; var data = isForced.data = {}; var NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = 'N'; var POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = 'P'; var isForced_1 = isForced; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1 = objectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor.f; /* options.target - name of the target object options.global - target is the global object options.stat - export as static methods of target options.proto - export as prototype methods of target options.real - real prototype method for the `pure` version options.forced - export even if the native feature is available options.bind - bind methods to the target, required for the `pure` version options.wrap - wrap constructors to preventing global pollution, required for the `pure` version options.unsafe - use the simple assignment of property instead of delete + defineProperty options.sham - add a flag to not completely full polyfills options.enumerable - export as enumerable property options.noTargetGet - prevent calling a getter on target */ var _export = function (options, source) { var TARGET = options.target; var GLOBAL = options.global; var STATIC = options.stat; var FORCED, target, key, targetProperty, sourceProperty, descriptor; if (GLOBAL) { target = global_1; } else if (STATIC) { target = global_1[TARGET] || setGlobal(TARGET, {}); } else { target = (global_1[TARGET] || {}).prototype; } if (target) for (key in source) { sourceProperty = source[key]; if (options.noTargetGet) { descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor$1(target, key); targetProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value; } else targetProperty = target[key]; FORCED = isForced_1(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? '.' : '#') + key, options.forced); // contained in target if (!FORCED && targetProperty !== undefined) { if (typeof sourceProperty === typeof targetProperty) continue; copyConstructorProperties(sourceProperty, targetProperty); } // add a flag to not completely full polyfills if (options.sham || (targetProperty && targetProperty.sham)) { createNonEnumerableProperty(sourceProperty, 'sham', true); } // extend global redefine(target, key, sourceProperty, options); } }; // `IsArray` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isarray var isArray = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { return classofRaw(arg) == 'Array'; }; // `ToObject` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toobject var toObject = function (argument) { return Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument)); }; var createProperty = function (object, key, value) { var propertyKey = toPrimitive(key); if (propertyKey in object) objectDefineProperty.f(object, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value)); else object[propertyKey] = value; }; var nativeSymbol = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function () { // Chrome 38 Symbol has incorrect toString conversion // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return !String(Symbol()); }); var useSymbolAsUid = nativeSymbol // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef && !Symbol.sham // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef && typeof Symbol() == 'symbol'; var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared('wks'); var Symbol$1 = global_1.Symbol; var createWellKnownSymbol = useSymbolAsUid ? Symbol$1 : uid; var wellKnownSymbol = function (name) { if (!has(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) { if (nativeSymbol && has(Symbol$1, name)) WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = Symbol$1[name]; else WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = createWellKnownSymbol('Symbol.' + name); } return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name]; }; var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species'); // `ArraySpeciesCreate` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-arrayspeciescreate var arraySpeciesCreate = function (originalArray, length) { var C; if (isArray(originalArray)) { C = originalArray.constructor; // cross-realm fallback if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined; else if (isObject(C)) { C = C[SPECIES]; if (C === null) C = undefined; } } return new (C === undefined ? Array : C)(length === 0 ? 0 : length); }; var userAgent = getBuiltIn('navigator', 'userAgent') || ''; var process = global_1.process; var versions = process && process.versions; var v8 = versions && versions.v8; var match, version; if (v8) { match = v8.split('.'); version = match[0] + match[1]; } else if (userAgent) { match = userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/); if (!match || match[1] >= 74) { match = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/); if (match) version = match[1]; } } var v8Version = version && +version; var SPECIES$1 = wellKnownSymbol('species'); var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = function (METHOD_NAME) { // We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes // deoptimization and serious performance degradation // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/677 return v8Version >= 51 || !fails(function () { var array = []; var constructor = array.constructor = {}; constructor[SPECIES$1] = function () { return { foo: 1 }; }; return array[METHOD_NAME](Boolean).foo !== 1; }); }; var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE = wellKnownSymbol('isConcatSpreadable'); var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF; var MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED = 'Maximum allowed index exceeded'; // We can't use this feature detection in V8 since it causes // deoptimization and serious performance degradation // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/679 var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT = v8Version >= 51 || !fails(function () { var array = []; array[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE] = false; return array.concat()[0] !== array; }); var SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('concat'); var isConcatSpreadable = function (O) { if (!isObject(O)) return false; var spreadable = O[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE]; return spreadable !== undefined ? !!spreadable : isArray(O); }; var FORCED = !IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT || !SPECIES_SUPPORT; // `Array.prototype.concat` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.concat // with adding support of @@isConcatSpreadable and @@species _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: FORCED }, { concat: function concat(arg) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var O = toObject(this); var A = arraySpeciesCreate(O, 0); var n = 0; var i, k, length, len, E; for (i = -1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { E = i === -1 ? O : arguments[i]; if (isConcatSpreadable(E)) { len = toLength(E.length); if (n + len > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw TypeError(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED); for (k = 0; k < len; k++, n++) if (k in E) createProperty(A, n, E[k]); } else { if (n >= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw TypeError(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_INDEX_EXCEEDED); createProperty(A, n++, E); } } A.length = n; return A; } }); var aFunction$1 = function (it) { if (typeof it != 'function') { throw TypeError(String(it) + ' is not a function'); } return it; }; // optional / simple context binding var bindContext = function (fn, that, length) { aFunction$1(fn); if (that === undefined) return fn; switch (length) { case 0: return function () { return fn.call(that); }; case 1: return function (a) { return fn.call(that, a); }; case 2: return function (a, b) { return fn.call(that, a, b); }; case 3: return function (a, b, c) { return fn.call(that, a, b, c); }; } return function (/* ...args */) { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; var push = [].push; // `Array.prototype.{ forEach, map, filter, some, every, find, findIndex }` methods implementation var createMethod$1 = function (TYPE) { var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1; var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2; var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3; var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4; var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6; var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; return function ($this, callbackfn, that, specificCreate) { var O = toObject($this); var self = indexedObject(O); var boundFunction = bindContext(callbackfn, that, 3); var length = toLength(self.length); var index = 0; var create = specificCreate || arraySpeciesCreate; var target = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined; var value, result; for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) { value = self[index]; result = boundFunction(value, index, O); if (TYPE) { if (IS_MAP) target[index] = result; // map else if (result) switch (TYPE) { case 3: return true; // some case 5: return value; // find case 6: return index; // findIndex case 2: push.call(target, value); // filter } else if (IS_EVERY) return false; // every } } return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : target; }; }; var arrayIteration = { // `Array.prototype.forEach` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.foreach forEach: createMethod$1(0), // `Array.prototype.map` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.map map: createMethod$1(1), // `Array.prototype.filter` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.filter filter: createMethod$1(2), // `Array.prototype.some` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.some some: createMethod$1(3), // `Array.prototype.every` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.every every: createMethod$1(4), // `Array.prototype.find` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find find: createMethod$1(5), // `Array.prototype.findIndex` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.findIndex findIndex: createMethod$1(6) }; var $filter = arrayIteration.filter; var HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport('filter'); // Edge 14- issue var USES_TO_LENGTH = HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT && !fails(function () { [].filter.call({ length: -1, 0: 1 }, function (it) { throw it; }); }); // `Array.prototype.filter` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.filter // with adding support of @@species _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT || !USES_TO_LENGTH }, { filter: function filter(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) { return $filter(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); // `Object.keys` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.keys var objectKeys = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return objectKeysInternal(O, enumBugKeys); }; // `Object.defineProperties` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.defineproperties var objectDefineProperties = descriptors ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var keys = objectKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var index = 0; var key; while (length > index) objectDefineProperty.f(O, key = keys[index++], Properties[key]); return O; }; var html = getBuiltIn('document', 'documentElement'); var GT = '>'; var LT = '<'; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var SCRIPT = 'script'; var IE_PROTO = sharedKey('IE_PROTO'); var EmptyConstructor = function () { /* empty */ }; var scriptTag = function (content) { return LT + SCRIPT + GT + content + LT + '/' + SCRIPT + GT; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use ActiveX Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function (activeXDocument) { activeXDocument.write(scriptTag('')); activeXDocument.close(); var temp = activeXDocument.parentWindow.Object; activeXDocument = null; // avoid memory leak return temp; }; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var NullProtoObjectViaIFrame = function () { // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = documentCreateElement('iframe'); var JS = 'java' + SCRIPT + ':'; var iframeDocument; iframe.style.display = 'none'; html.appendChild(iframe); // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/475 iframe.src = String(JS); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; iframeDocument.open(); iframeDocument.write(scriptTag('document.F=Object')); iframeDocument.close(); return iframeDocument.F; }; // Check for document.domain and active x support // No need to use active x approach when document.domain is not set // see https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/issues/150 // variation of https://github.com/kitcambridge/es5-shim/commit/4f738ac066346 // avoid IE GC bug var activeXDocument; var NullProtoObject = function () { try { /* global ActiveXObject */ activeXDocument = document.domain && new ActiveXObject('htmlfile'); } catch (error) { /* ignore */ } NullProtoObject = activeXDocument ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument) : NullProtoObjectViaIFrame(); var length = enumBugKeys.length; while (length--) delete NullProtoObject[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[length]]; return NullProtoObject(); }; hiddenKeys[IE_PROTO] = true; // `Object.create` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.create var objectCreate = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new EmptyConstructor(); EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = NullProtoObject(); return Properties === undefined ? result : objectDefineProperties(result, Properties); }; var UNSCOPABLES = wellKnownSymbol('unscopables'); var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype; // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@unscopables if (ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) { objectDefineProperty.f(ArrayPrototype, UNSCOPABLES, { configurable: true, value: objectCreate(null) }); } // add a key to Array.prototype[@@unscopables] var addToUnscopables = function (key) { ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; var $find = arrayIteration.find; var FIND = 'find'; var SKIPS_HOLES = true; // Shouldn't skip holes if (FIND in []) Array(1)[FIND](function () { SKIPS_HOLES = false; }); // `Array.prototype.find` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: SKIPS_HOLES }, { find: function find(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) { return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@unscopables addToUnscopables(FIND); var $includes = arrayIncludes.includes; // `Array.prototype.includes` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.includes _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true }, { includes: function includes(el /* , fromIndex = 0 */) { return $includes(this, el, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype-@@unscopables addToUnscopables('includes'); var sloppyArrayMethod = function (METHOD_NAME, argument) { var method = [][METHOD_NAME]; return !method || !fails(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call,no-throw-literal method.call(null, argument || function () { throw 1; }, 1); }); }; var $indexOf = arrayIncludes.indexOf; var nativeIndexOf = [].indexOf; var NEGATIVE_ZERO = !!nativeIndexOf && 1 / [1].indexOf(1, -0) < 0; var SLOPPY_METHOD = sloppyArrayMethod('indexOf'); // `Array.prototype.indexOf` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.indexof _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: NEGATIVE_ZERO || SLOPPY_METHOD }, { indexOf: function indexOf(searchElement /* , fromIndex = 0 */) { return NEGATIVE_ZERO // convert -0 to +0 ? nativeIndexOf.apply(this, arguments) || 0 : $indexOf(this, searchElement, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); var nativeJoin = [].join; var ES3_STRINGS = indexedObject != Object; var SLOPPY_METHOD$1 = sloppyArrayMethod('join', ','); // `Array.prototype.join` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.join _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: ES3_STRINGS || SLOPPY_METHOD$1 }, { join: function join(separator) { return nativeJoin.call(toIndexedObject(this), separator === undefined ? ',' : separator); } }); var test = []; var nativeSort = test.sort; // IE8- var FAILS_ON_UNDEFINED = fails(function () { test.sort(undefined); }); // V8 bug var FAILS_ON_NULL = fails(function () { test.sort(null); }); // Old WebKit var SLOPPY_METHOD$2 = sloppyArrayMethod('sort'); var FORCED$1 = FAILS_ON_UNDEFINED || !FAILS_ON_NULL || SLOPPY_METHOD$2; // `Array.prototype.sort` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.sort _export({ target: 'Array', proto: true, forced: FORCED$1 }, { sort: function sort(comparefn) { return comparefn === undefined ? nativeSort.call(toObject(this)) : nativeSort.call(toObject(this), aFunction$1(comparefn)); } }); var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function () { objectKeys(1); }); // `Object.keys` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.keys _export({ target: 'Object', stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES }, { keys: function keys(it) { return objectKeys(toObject(it)); } }); var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); var test$1 = {}; test$1[TO_STRING_TAG] = 'z'; var toStringTagSupport = String(test$1) === '[object z]'; var TO_STRING_TAG$1 = wellKnownSymbol('toStringTag'); // ES3 wrong here var CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function (it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (error) { /* empty */ } }; // getting tag from ES6+ `Object.prototype.toString` var classof = toStringTagSupport ? classofRaw : function (it) { var O, tag, result; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (tag = tryGet(O = Object(it), TO_STRING_TAG$1)) == 'string' ? tag // builtinTag case : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (result = classofRaw(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : result; }; // `Object.prototype.toString` method implementation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.tostring var objectToString = toStringTagSupport ? {}.toString : function toString() { return '[object ' + classof(this) + ']'; }; // `Object.prototype.toString` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.tostring if (!toStringTagSupport) { redefine(Object.prototype, 'toString', objectToString, { unsafe: true }); } // `RegExp.prototype.flags` getter implementation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-get-regexp.prototype.flags var regexpFlags = function () { var that = anObject(this); var result = ''; if (that.global) result += 'g'; if (that.ignoreCase) result += 'i'; if (that.multiline) result += 'm'; if (that.dotAll) result += 's'; if (that.unicode) result += 'u'; if (that.sticky) result += 'y'; return result; }; // babel-minify transpiles RegExp('a', 'y') -> /a/y and it causes SyntaxError, // so we use an intermediate function. function RE(s, f) { return RegExp(s, f); } var UNSUPPORTED_Y = fails(function () { // babel-minify transpiles RegExp('a', 'y') -> /a/y and it causes SyntaxError var re = RE('a', 'y'); re.lastIndex = 2; return re.exec('abcd') != null; }); var BROKEN_CARET = fails(function () { // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=773687 var re = RE('^r', 'gy'); re.lastIndex = 2; return re.exec('str') != null; }); var regexpStickyHelpers = { UNSUPPORTED_Y: UNSUPPORTED_Y, BROKEN_CARET: BROKEN_CARET }; var nativeExec = RegExp.prototype.exec; // This always refers to the native implementation, because the // String#replace polyfill uses ./fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic.js, // which loads this file before patching the method. var nativeReplace = String.prototype.replace; var patchedExec = nativeExec; var UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG = (function () { var re1 = /a/; var re2 = /b*/g; nativeExec.call(re1, 'a'); nativeExec.call(re2, 'a'); return re1.lastIndex !== 0 || re2.lastIndex !== 0; })(); var UNSUPPORTED_Y$1 = regexpStickyHelpers.UNSUPPORTED_Y || regexpStickyHelpers.BROKEN_CARET; // nonparticipating capturing group, copied from es5-shim's String#split patch. var NPCG_INCLUDED = /()??/.exec('')[1] !== undefined; var PATCH = UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG || NPCG_INCLUDED || UNSUPPORTED_Y$1; if (PATCH) { patchedExec = function exec(str) { var re = this; var lastIndex, reCopy, match, i; var sticky = UNSUPPORTED_Y$1 && re.sticky; var flags = regexpFlags.call(re); var source = re.source; var charsAdded = 0; var strCopy = str; if (sticky) { flags = flags.replace('y', ''); if (flags.indexOf('g') === -1) { flags += 'g'; } strCopy = String(str).slice(re.lastIndex); // Support anchored sticky behavior. if (re.lastIndex > 0 && (!re.multiline || re.multiline && str[re.lastIndex - 1] !== '\n')) { source = '(?: ' + source + ')'; strCopy = ' ' + strCopy; charsAdded++; } // ^(? + rx + ) is needed, in combination with some str slicing, to // simulate the 'y' flag. reCopy = new RegExp('^(?:' + source + ')', flags); } if (NPCG_INCLUDED) { reCopy = new RegExp('^' + source + '$(?!\\s)', flags); } if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG) lastIndex = re.lastIndex; match = nativeExec.call(sticky ? reCopy : re, strCopy); if (sticky) { if (match) { match.input = match.input.slice(charsAdded); match[0] = match[0].slice(charsAdded); match.index = re.lastIndex; re.lastIndex += match[0].length; } else re.lastIndex = 0; } else if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG && match) { re.lastIndex = re.global ? match.index + match[0].length : lastIndex; } if (NPCG_INCLUDED && match && match.length > 1) { // Fix browsers whose `exec` methods don't consistently return `undefined` // for NPCG, like IE8. NOTE: This doesn' work for /(.?)?/ nativeReplace.call(match[0], reCopy, function () { for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) { if (arguments[i] === undefined) match[i] = undefined; } }); } return match; }; } var regexpExec = patchedExec; _export({ target: 'RegExp', proto: true, forced: /./.exec !== regexpExec }, { exec: regexpExec }); var TO_STRING = 'toString'; var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype; var nativeToString = RegExpPrototype[TO_STRING]; var NOT_GENERIC = fails(function () { return nativeToString.call({ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }) != '/a/b'; }); // FF44- RegExp#toString has a wrong name var INCORRECT_NAME = nativeToString.name != TO_STRING; // `RegExp.prototype.toString` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype.tostring if (NOT_GENERIC || INCORRECT_NAME) { redefine(RegExp.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() { var R = anObject(this); var p = String(R.source); var rf = R.flags; var f = String(rf === undefined && R instanceof RegExp && !('flags' in RegExpPrototype) ? regexpFlags.call(R) : rf); return '/' + p + '/' + f; }, { unsafe: true }); } var SPECIES$2 = wellKnownSymbol('species'); var REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS = !fails(function () { // #replace needs built-in support for named groups. // #match works fine because it just return the exec results, even if it has // a "grops" property. var re = /./; re.exec = function () { var result = []; result.groups = { a: '7' }; return result; }; return ''.replace(re, '$<a>') !== '7'; }); // IE <= 11 replaces $0 with the whole match, as if it was $& // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6024666/getting-ie-to-replace-a-regex-with-the-literal-string-0 var REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 = (function () { return 'a'.replace(/./, '$0') === '$0'; })(); // Chrome 51 has a buggy "split" implementation when RegExp#exec !== nativeExec // Weex JS has frozen built-in prototypes, so use try / catch wrapper var SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC = !fails(function () { var re = /(?:)/; var originalExec = re.exec; re.exec = function () { return originalExec.apply(this, arguments); }; var result = 'ab'.split(re); return result.length !== 2 || result[0] !== 'a' || result[1] !== 'b'; }); var fixRegexpWellKnownSymbolLogic = function (KEY, length, exec, sham) { var SYMBOL = wellKnownSymbol(KEY); var DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL = !fails(function () { // String methods call symbol-named RegEp methods var O = {}; O[SYMBOL] = function () { return 7; }; return ''[KEY](O) != 7; }); var DELEGATES_TO_EXEC = DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !fails(function () { // Symbol-named RegExp methods call .exec var execCalled = false; var re = /a/; if (KEY === 'split') { // We can't use real regex here since it causes deoptimization // and serious performance degradation in V8 // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/306 re = {}; // RegExp[@@split] doesn't call the regex's exec method, but first creates // a new one. We need to return the patched regex when creating the new one. re.constructor = {}; re.constructor[SPECIES$2] = function () { return re; }; re.flags = ''; re[SYMBOL] = /./[SYMBOL]; } re.exec = function () { execCalled = true; return null; }; re[SYMBOL](''); return !execCalled; }); if ( !DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL || !DELEGATES_TO_EXEC || (KEY === 'replace' && !(REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS && REPLACE_KEEPS_$0)) || (KEY === 'split' && !SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC) ) { var nativeRegExpMethod = /./[SYMBOL]; var methods = exec(SYMBOL, ''[KEY], function (nativeMethod, regexp, str, arg2, forceStringMethod) { if (regexp.exec === regexpExec) { if (DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !forceStringMethod) { // The native String method already delegates to @@method (this // polyfilled function), leasing to infinite recursion. // We avoid it by directly calling the native @@method method. return { done: true, value: nativeRegExpMethod.call(regexp, str, arg2) }; } return { done: true, value: nativeMethod.call(str, regexp, arg2) }; } return { done: false }; }, { REPLACE_KEEPS_$0: REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 }); var stringMethod = methods[0]; var regexMethod = methods[1]; redefine(String.prototype, KEY, stringMethod); redefine(RegExp.prototype, SYMBOL, length == 2 // RegExp.prototype[@@replace](string, replaceValue) // RegExp.prototype[@@split](string, limit) ? function (string, arg) { return regexMethod.call(string, this, arg); } // RegExp.prototype[@@match](string) // RegExp.prototype[@@search](string) : function (string) { return regexMethod.call(string, this); } ); } if (sham) createNonEnumerableProperty(RegExp.prototype[SYMBOL], 'sham', true); }; // `String.prototype.{ codePointAt, at }` methods implementation var createMethod$2 = function (CONVERT_TO_STRING) { return function ($this, pos) { var S = String(requireObjectCoercible($this)); var position = toInteger(pos); var size = S.length; var first, second; if (position < 0 || position >= size) return CONVERT_TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; first = S.charCodeAt(position); return first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === size || (second = S.charCodeAt(position + 1)) < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF ? CONVERT_TO_STRING ? S.charAt(position) : first : CONVERT_TO_STRING ? S.slice(position, position + 2) : (first - 0xD800 << 10) + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; }; }; var stringMultibyte = { // `String.prototype.codePointAt` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.codepointat codeAt: createMethod$2(false), // `String.prototype.at` method // https://github.com/mathiasbynens/String.prototype.at charAt: createMethod$2(true) }; var charAt = stringMultibyte.charAt; // `AdvanceStringIndex` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-advancestringindex var advanceStringIndex = function (S, index, unicode) { return index + (unicode ? charAt(S, index).length : 1); }; // `RegExpExec` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexpexec var regexpExecAbstract = function (R, S) { var exec = R.exec; if (typeof exec === 'function') { var result = exec.call(R, S); if (typeof result !== 'object') { throw TypeError('RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null'); } return result; } if (classofRaw(R) !== 'RegExp') { throw TypeError('RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver'); } return regexpExec.call(R, S); }; // @@match logic fixRegexpWellKnownSymbolLogic('match', 1, function (MATCH, nativeMatch, maybeCallNative) { return [ // `String.prototype.match` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.match function match(regexp) { var O = requireObjectCoercible(this); var matcher = regexp == undefined ? undefined : regexp[MATCH]; return matcher !== undefined ? matcher.call(regexp, O) : new RegExp(regexp)[MATCH](String(O)); }, // `RegExp.prototype[@@match]` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype-@@match function (regexp) { var res = maybeCallNative(nativeMatch, regexp, this); if (res.done) return res.value; var rx = anObject(regexp); var S = String(this); if (!rx.global) return regexpExecAbstract(rx, S); var fullUnicode = rx.unicode; rx.lastIndex = 0; var A = []; var n = 0; var result; while ((result = regexpExecAbstract(rx, S)) !== null) { var matchStr = String(result[0]); A[n] = matchStr; if (matchStr === '') rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode); n++; } return n === 0 ? null : A; } ]; }); var max$1 = Math.max; var min$2 = Math.min; var floor$1 = Math.floor; var SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS = /\$([$&'`]|\d\d?|<[^>]*>)/g; var SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED = /\$([$&'`]|\d\d?)/g; var maybeToString = function (it) { return it === undefined ? it : String(it); }; // @@replace logic fixRegexpWellKnownSymbolLogic('replace', 2, function (REPLACE, nativeReplace, maybeCallNative, reason) { return [ // `String.prototype.replace` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.replace function replace(searchValue, replaceValue) { var O = requireObjectCoercible(this); var replacer = searchValue == undefined ? undefined : searchValue[REPLACE]; return replacer !== undefined ? replacer.call(searchValue, O, replaceValue) : nativeReplace.call(String(O), searchValue, replaceValue); }, // `RegExp.prototype[@@replace]` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype-@@replace function (regexp, replaceValue) { if (reason.REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 || (typeof replaceValue === 'string' && replaceValue.indexOf('$0') === -1)) { var res = maybeCallNative(nativeReplace, regexp, this, replaceValue); if (res.done) return res.value; } var rx = anObject(regexp); var S = String(this); var functionalReplace = typeof replaceValue === 'function'; if (!functionalReplace) replaceValue = String(replaceValue); var global = rx.global; if (global) { var fullUnicode = rx.unicode; rx.lastIndex = 0; } var results = []; while (true) { var result = regexpExecAbstract(rx, S); if (result === null) break; results.push(result); if (!global) break; var matchStr = String(result[0]); if (matchStr === '') rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode); } var accumulatedResult = ''; var nextSourcePosition = 0; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { result = results[i]; var matched = String(result[0]); var position = max$1(min$2(toInteger(result.index), S.length), 0); var captures = []; // NOTE: This is equivalent to // captures = result.slice(1).map(maybeToString) // but for some reason `nativeSlice.call(result, 1, result.length)` (called in // the slice polyfill when slicing native arrays) "doesn't work" in safari 9 and // causes a crash (https://pastebin.com/N21QzeQA) when trying to debug it. for (var j = 1; j < result.length; j++) captures.push(maybeToString(result[j])); var namedCaptures = result.groups; if (functionalReplace) { var replacerArgs = [matched].concat(captures, position, S); if (namedCaptures !== undefined) replacerArgs.push(namedCaptures); var replacement = String(replaceValue.apply(undefined, replacerArgs)); } else { replacement = getSubstitution(matched, S, position, captures, namedCaptures, replaceValue); } if (position >= nextSourcePosition) { accumulatedResult += S.slice(nextSourcePosition, position) + replacement; nextSourcePosition = position + matched.length; } } return accumulatedResult + S.slice(nextSourcePosition); } ]; // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-getsubstitution function getSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement) { var tailPos = position + matched.length; var m = captures.length; var symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED; if (namedCaptures !== undefined) { namedCaptures = toObject(namedCaptures); symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS; } return nativeReplace.call(replacement, symbols, function (match, ch) { var capture; switch (ch.charAt(0)) { case '$': return '$'; case '&': return matched; case '`': return str.slice(0, position); case "'": return str.slice(tailPos); case '<': capture = namedCaptures[ch.slice(1, -1)]; break; default: // \d\d? var n = +ch; if (n === 0) return match; if (n > m) { var f = floor$1(n / 10); if (f === 0) return match; if (f <= m) return captures[f - 1] === undefined ? ch.charAt(1) : captures[f - 1] + ch.charAt(1); return match; } capture = captures[n - 1]; } return capture === undefined ? '' : capture; }); } }); var MATCH = wellKnownSymbol('match'); // `IsRegExp` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isregexp var isRegexp = function (it) { var isRegExp; return isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : classofRaw(it) == 'RegExp'); }; var SPECIES$3 = wellKnownSymbol('species'); // `SpeciesConstructor` abstract operation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-speciesconstructor var speciesConstructor = function (O, defaultConstructor) { var C = anObject(O).constructor; var S; return C === undefined || (S = anObject(C)[SPECIES$3]) == undefined ? defaultConstructor : aFunction$1(S); }; var arrayPush = [].push; var min$3 = Math.min; var MAX_UINT32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; // babel-minify transpiles RegExp('x', 'y') -> /x/y and it causes SyntaxError var SUPPORTS_Y = !fails(function () { return !RegExp(MAX_UINT32, 'y'); }); // @@split logic fixRegexpWellKnownSymbolLogic('split', 2, function (SPLIT, nativeSplit, maybeCallNative) { var internalSplit; if ( 'abbc'.split(/(b)*/)[1] == 'c' || 'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length != 4 || 'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length != 2 || '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length != 4 || '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1 || ''.split(/.?/).length ) { // based on es5-shim implementation, need to rework it internalSplit = function (separator, limit) { var string = String(requireObjectCoercible(this)); var lim = limit === undefined ? MAX_UINT32 : limit >>> 0; if (lim === 0) return []; if (separator === undefined) return [string]; // If `separator` is not a regex, use native split if (!isRegexp(separator)) { return nativeSplit.call(string, separator, lim); } var output = []; var flags = (separator.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (separator.multiline ? 'm' : '') + (separator.unicode ? 'u' : '') + (separator.sticky ? 'y' : ''); var lastLastIndex = 0; // Make `global` and avoid `lastIndex` issues by working with a copy var separatorCopy = new RegExp(separator.source, flags + 'g'); var match, lastIndex, lastLength; while (match = regexpExec.call(separatorCopy, string)) { lastIndex = separatorCopy.lastIndex; if (lastIndex > lastLastIndex) { output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index)); if (match.length > 1 && match.index < string.length) arrayPush.apply(output, match.slice(1)); lastLength = match[0].length; lastLastIndex = lastIndex; if (output.length >= lim) break; } if (separatorCopy.lastIndex === match.index) separatorCopy.lastIndex++; // Avoid an infinite loop } if (lastLastIndex === string.length) { if (lastLength || !separatorCopy.test('')) output.push(''); } else output.push(string.slice(lastLastIndex)); return output.length > lim ? output.slice(0, lim) : output; }; // Chakra, V8 } else if ('0'.split(undefined, 0).length) { internalSplit = function (separator, limit) { return separator === undefined && limit === 0 ? [] : nativeSplit.call(this, separator, limit); }; } else internalSplit = nativeSplit; return [ // `String.prototype.split` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.split function split(separator, limit) { var O = requireObjectCoercible(this); var splitter = separator == undefined ? undefined : separator[SPLIT]; return splitter !== undefined ? splitter.call(separator, O, limit) : internalSplit.call(String(O), separator, limit); }, // `RegExp.prototype[@@split]` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype-@@split // // NOTE: This cannot be properly polyfilled in engines that don't support // the 'y' flag. function (regexp, limit) { var res = maybeCallNative(internalSplit, regexp, this, limit, internalSplit !== nativeSplit); if (res.done) return res.value; var rx = anObject(regexp); var S = String(this); var C = speciesConstructor(rx, RegExp); var unicodeMatching = rx.unicode; var flags = (rx.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (rx.multiline ? 'm' : '') + (rx.unicode ? 'u' : '') + (SUPPORTS_Y ? 'y' : 'g'); // ^(? + rx + ) is needed, in combination with some S slicing, to // simulate the 'y' flag. var splitter = new C(SUPPORTS_Y ? rx : '^(?:' + rx.source + ')', flags); var lim = limit === undefined ? MAX_UINT32 : limit >>> 0; if (lim === 0) return []; if (S.length === 0) return regexpExecAbstract(splitter, S) === null ? [S] : []; var p = 0; var q = 0; var A = []; while (q < S.length) { splitter.lastIndex = SUPPORTS_Y ? q : 0; var z = regexpExecAbstract(splitter, SUPPORTS_Y ? S : S.slice(q)); var e; if ( z === null || (e = min$3(toLength(splitter.lastIndex + (SUPPORTS_Y ? 0 : q)), S.length)) === p ) { q = advanceStringIndex(S, q, unicodeMatching); } else { A.push(S.slice(p, q)); if (A.length === lim) return A; for (var i = 1; i <= z.length - 1; i++) { A.push(z[i]); if (A.length === lim) return A; } q = p = e; } } A.push(S.slice(p)); return A; } ]; }, !SUPPORTS_Y); // a string of all valid unicode whitespaces // eslint-disable-next-line max-len var whitespaces = '\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF'; var whitespace = '[' + whitespaces + ']'; var ltrim = RegExp('^' + whitespace + whitespace + '*'); var rtrim = RegExp(whitespace + whitespace + '*$'); // `String.prototype.{ trim, trimStart, trimEnd, trimLeft, trimRight }` methods implementation var createMethod$3 = function (TYPE) { return function ($this) { var string = String(requireObjectCoercible($this)); if (TYPE & 1) string = string.replace(ltrim, ''); if (TYPE & 2) string = string.replace(rtrim, ''); return string; }; }; var stringTrim = { // `String.prototype.{ trimLeft, trimStart }` methods // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trimstart start: createMethod$3(1), // `String.prototype.{ trimRight, trimEnd }` methods // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trimend end: createMethod$3(2), // `String.prototype.trim` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trim trim: createMethod$3(3) }; var non = '\u200B\u0085\u180E'; // check that a method works with the correct list // of whitespaces and has a correct name var forcedStringTrimMethod = function (METHOD_NAME) { return fails(function () { return !!whitespaces[METHOD_NAME]() || non[METHOD_NAME]() != non || whitespaces[METHOD_NAME].name !== METHOD_NAME; }); }; var $trim = stringTrim.trim; // `String.prototype.trim` method // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.trim _export({ target: 'String', proto: true, forced: forcedStringTrimMethod('trim') }, { trim: function trim() { return $trim(this); } }); // iterable DOM collections // flag - `iterable` interface - 'entries', 'keys', 'values', 'forEach' methods var domIterables = { CSSRuleList: 0, CSSStyleDeclaration: 0, CSSValueList: 0, ClientRectList: 0, DOMRectList: 0, DOMStringList: 0, DOMTokenList: 1, DataTransferItemList: 0, FileList: 0, HTMLAllCollection: 0, HTMLCollection: 0, HTMLFormElement: 0, HTMLSelectElement: 0, MediaList: 0, MimeTypeArray: 0, NamedNodeMap: 0, NodeList: 1, PaintRequestList: 0, Plugin: 0, PluginArray: 0, SVGLengthList: 0, SVGNumberList: 0, SVGPathSegList: 0, SVGPointList: 0, SVGStringList: 0, SVGTransformList: 0, SourceBufferList: 0, StyleSheetList: 0, TextTrackCueList: 0, TextTrackList: 0, TouchList: 0 }; var $forEach = arrayIteration.forEach; // `Array.prototype.forEach` method implementation // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.foreach var arrayForEach = sloppyArrayMethod('forEach') ? function forEach(callbackfn /* , thisArg */) { return $forEach(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } : [].forEach; for (var COLLECTION_NAME in domIterables) { var Collection = global_1[COLLECTION_NAME]; var CollectionPrototype = Collection && Collection.prototype; // some Chrome versions have non-configurable methods on DOMTokenList if (CollectionPrototype && CollectionPrototype.forEach !== arrayForEach) try { createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, 'forEach', arrayForEach); } catch (error) { CollectionPrototype.forEach = arrayForEach; } } function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function (obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } var Utils = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils; var searchControls = 'select, input:not([type="checkbox"]):not([type="radio"])'; function getOptionsFromSelectControl(selectControl) { return selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1).options; } function getControlContainer(that) { if (that.options.filterControlContainer) { return $("".concat(that.options.filterControlContainer)); } return that.$header; } function getSearchControls(that) { return getControlContainer(that).find(searchControls); } function hideUnusedSelectOptions(selectControl, uniqueValues) { var options = getOptionsFromSelectControl(selectControl); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].value !== '') { if (!uniqueValues.hasOwnProperty(options[i].value)) { selectControl.find(Utils.sprintf('option[value=\'%s\']', options[i].value)).hide(); } else { selectControl.find(Utils.sprintf('option[value=\'%s\']', options[i].value)).show(); } } } } function existOptionInSelectControl(selectControl, value) { var options = getOptionsFromSelectControl(selectControl); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].value === value.toString()) { // The value is not valid to add return true; } } // If we get here, the value is valid to add return false; } function addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, _value, text, selected) { var value = _value === undefined || _value === null ? '' : _value.toString().trim(); var $selectControl = $(selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1)); if (!existOptionInSelectControl(selectControl, value)) { var option = $("<option value=\"".concat(value, "\">").concat(text, "</option>")); if (value === selected) { option.attr('selected', true); } $selectControl.append(option); } } function sortSelectControl(selectControl, orderBy) { var $selectControl = $(selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1)); var $opts = $selectControl.find('option:gt(0)'); if (orderBy !== 'server') { $opts.sort(function (a, b) { return Utils.sort(a.textContent, b.textContent, orderBy === 'desc' ? -1 : 1); }); } $selectControl.find('option:gt(0)').remove(); $selectControl.append($opts); } function fixHeaderCSS(_ref) { var $tableHeader = _ref.$tableHeader; $tableHeader.css('height', '89px'); } function getElementClass($element) { return $element.attr('class').replace('form-control', '').replace('focus-temp', '').replace('search-input', '').trim(); } function getCursorPosition(el) { if (Utils.isIEBrowser()) { if ($(el).is('input[type=text]')) { var pos = 0; if ('selectionStart' in el) { pos = el.selectionStart; } else if ('selection' in document) { el.focus(); var Sel = document.selection.createRange(); var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length; Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length); pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength; } return pos; } return -1; } return -1; } function setCursorPosition(el) { $(el).val(el.value); } function copyValues(that) { var searchControls = getSearchControls(that); that.options.valuesFilterControl = []; searchControls.each(function () { var $field = $(this); if (that.options.height) { var fieldClass = getElementClass($field); $field = $(".fixed-table-header .".concat(fieldClass)); } that.options.valuesFilterControl.push({ field: $field.closest('[data-field]').data('field'), value: $field.val(), position: getCursorPosition($field.get(0)), hasFocus: $field.is(':focus') }); }); } function setValues(that) { var field = null; var result = []; var searchControls = getSearchControls(that); if (that.options.valuesFilterControl.length > 0) { // Callback to apply after settings fields values var fieldToFocusCallback = null; searchControls.each(function (index, ele) { var $this = $(this); field = $this.closest('[data-field]').data('field'); result = that.options.valuesFilterControl.filter(function (valueObj) { return valueObj.field === field; }); if (result.length > 0) { if ($this.is('[type=radio]')) { return; } $this.val(result[0].value); if (result[0].hasFocus && result[0].value !== '') { // set callback if the field had the focus. fieldToFocusCallback = function (fieldToFocus, carretPosition) { // Closure here to capture the field and cursor position var closedCallback = function closedCallback() { fieldToFocus.focus(); setCursorPosition(fieldToFocus); }; return closedCallback; }($this.get(0), result[0].position); } } }); // Callback call. if (fieldToFocusCallback !== null) { fieldToFocusCallback(); } } } function collectBootstrapCookies() { var cookies = []; var foundCookies = document.cookie.match(/(?:bs.table.)(\w*)/g); var foundLocalStorage = localStorage; if (foundCookies) { $.each(foundCookies, function (i, _cookie) { var cookie = _cookie; if (/./.test(cookie)) { cookie = cookie.split('.').pop(); } if ($.inArray(cookie, cookies) === -1) { cookies.push(cookie); } }); } if (foundLocalStorage) { for (var i = 0; i < foundLocalStorage.length; i++) { var cookie = foundLocalStorage.key(i); if (/./.test(cookie)) { cookie = cookie.split('.').pop(); } if (!cookies.includes(cookie)) { cookies.push(cookie); } } } return cookies; } function escapeID(id) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape return String(id).replace(/([:.\[\],])/g, '\\$1'); } function isColumnSearchableViaSelect(_ref2) { var filterControl = _ref2.filterControl, searchable = _ref2.searchable; return filterControl && filterControl.toLowerCase() === 'select' && searchable; } function isFilterDataNotGiven(_ref3) { var filterData = _ref3.filterData; return filterData === undefined || filterData.toLowerCase() === 'column'; } function hasSelectControlElement(selectControl) { return selectControl && selectControl.length > 0; } function initFilterSelectControls(that) { var data = that.data; var z = that.options.pagination ? that.options.sidePagination === 'server' ? that.pageTo : that.options.totalRows : that.pageTo; $.each(that.header.fields, function (j, field) { var column = that.columns[that.fieldsColumnsIndex[field]]; var selectControl = getControlContainer(that).find("select.bootstrap-table-filter-control-".concat(escapeID(column.field))); if (isColumnSearchableViaSelect(column) && isFilterDataNotGiven(column) && hasSelectControlElement(selectControl)) { if (selectControl.get(selectControl.length - 1).options.length === 0) { // Added the default option addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, '', column.filterControlPlaceholder, column.filterDefault); } var uniqueValues = {}; for (var i = 0; i < z; i++) { // Added a new value var fieldValue = data[i][field]; var formatter = that.options.editable && column.editable ? column._formatter : that.header.formatters[j]; var formattedValue = Utils.calculateObjectValue(that.header, formatter, [fieldValue, data[i], i], fieldValue); if (column.filterDataCollector) { formattedValue = Utils.calculateObjectValue(that.header, column.filterDataCollector, [fieldValue, data[i], formattedValue], formattedValue); } if (column.searchFormatter) { fieldValue = formattedValue; } uniqueValues[formattedValue] = fieldValue; if (_typeof(formattedValue) === 'object' && formattedValue !== null) { formattedValue.forEach(function (value) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, value, value, column.filterDefault); }); continue; } for (var key in uniqueValues) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, uniqueValues[key], key, column.filterDefault); } } sortSelectControl(selectControl, column.filterOrderBy); if (that.options.hideUnusedSelectOptions) { hideUnusedSelectOptions(selectControl, uniqueValues); } } }); } function getFilterDataMethod(objFilterDataMethod, searchTerm) { var keys = Object.keys(objFilterDataMethod); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (keys[i] === searchTerm) { return objFilterDataMethod[searchTerm]; } } return null; } function createControls(that, header) { var addedFilterControl = false; var html; $.each(that.columns, function (_, column) { html = []; if (!column.visible) { return; } if (!column.filterControl && !that.options.filterControlContainer) { html.push('<div class="no-filter-control"></div>'); } else if (that.options.filterControlContainer) { var $filterControls = $(".bootstrap-table-filter-control-".concat(column.field)); $.each($filterControls, function (_, filterControl) { var $filterControl = $(filterControl); if (!$filterControl.is('[type=radio]')) { var placeholder = column.filterControlPlaceholder ? column.filterControlPlaceholder : ''; $filterControl.attr('placeholder', placeholder).val(column.filterDefault); } $filterControl.attr('data-field', column.field); }); addedFilterControl = true; } else { var nameControl = column.filterControl.toLowerCase(); html.push('<div class="filter-control">'); addedFilterControl = true; if (column.searchable && that.options.filterTemplate[nameControl]) { html.push(that.options.filterTemplate[nameControl](that, column.field, column.filterControlPlaceholder ? column.filterControlPlaceholder : '', column.filterDefault)); } } if (!column.filterControl && '' !== column.filterDefault && 'undefined' !== typeof column.filterDefault) { if ($.isEmptyObject(that.filterColumnsPartial)) { that.filterColumnsPartial = {}; } that.filterColumnsPartial[column.field] = column.filterDefault; } $.each(header.find('th'), function (i, th) { var $th = $(th); if ($th.data('field') === column.field) { $th.find('.fht-cell').append(html.join('')); return false; } }); if (column.filterData && column.filterData.toLowerCase() !== 'column') { var filterDataType = getFilterDataMethod( /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ filterDataMethods, column.filterData.substring(0, column.filterData.indexOf(':'))); var filterDataSource; var selectControl; if (filterDataType) { filterDataSource = column.filterData.substring(column.filterData.indexOf(':') + 1, column.filterData.length); selectControl = header.find(".bootstrap-table-filter-control-".concat(escapeID(column.field))); addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, '', column.filterControlPlaceholder, column.filterDefault); filterDataType(filterDataSource, selectControl, that.options.filterOrderBy, column.filterDefault); } else { throw new SyntaxError('Error. You should use any of these allowed filter data methods: var, obj, json, url, func.' + ' Use like this: var: {key: "value"}'); } } }); if (addedFilterControl) { header.off('keyup', 'input').on('keyup', 'input', function (_ref4, obj) { var currentTarget = _ref4.currentTarget, keyCode = _ref4.keyCode; syncControls(that); // Simulate enter key action from clear button keyCode = obj ? obj.keyCode : keyCode; if (that.options.searchOnEnterKey && keyCode !== 13) { return; } if ($.inArray(keyCode, [37, 38, 39, 40]) > -1) { return; } var $currentTarget = $(currentTarget); if ($currentTarget.is(':checkbox') || $currentTarget.is(':radio')) { return; } clearTimeout(currentTarget.timeoutId || 0); currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { that.onColumnSearch({ currentTarget: currentTarget, keyCode: keyCode }); }, that.options.searchTimeOut); }); header.off('change', 'select:not(".ms-offscreen")').on('change', 'select:not(".ms-offscreen")', function (_ref5) { var currentTarget = _ref5.currentTarget, keyCode = _ref5.keyCode; syncControls(that); var $select = $(currentTarget); var value = $select.val(); if (value && value.length > 0 && value.trim()) { $select.find('option[selected]').removeAttr('selected'); $select.find('option[value="' + value + '"]').attr('selected', true); } else { $select.find('option[selected]').removeAttr('selected'); } clearTimeout(currentTarget.timeoutId || 0); currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { that.onColumnSearch({ currentTarget: currentTarget, keyCode: keyCode }); }, that.options.searchTimeOut); }); header.off('mouseup', 'input:not([type=radio])').on('mouseup', 'input:not([type=radio])', function (_ref6) { var currentTarget = _ref6.currentTarget, keyCode = _ref6.keyCode; var $input = $(currentTarget); var oldValue = $input.val(); if (oldValue === '') { return; } setTimeout(function () { syncControls(that); var newValue = $input.val(); if (newValue === '') { clearTimeout(currentTarget.timeoutId || 0); currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { that.onColumnSearch({ currentTarget: currentTarget, keyCode: keyCode }); }, that.options.searchTimeOut); } }, 1); }); header.off('change', 'input[type=radio]').on('change', 'input[type=radio]', function (_ref7) { var currentTarget = _ref7.currentTarget, keyCode = _ref7.keyCode; clearTimeout(currentTarget.timeoutId || 0); currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { syncControls(that); that.onColumnSearch({ currentTarget: currentTarget, keyCode: keyCode }); }, that.options.searchTimeOut); }); if (header.find('.date-filter-control').length > 0) { $.each(that.columns, function (i, _ref8) { var filterControl = _ref8.filterControl, field = _ref8.field, filterDatepickerOptions = _ref8.filterDatepickerOptions; if (filterControl !== undefined && filterControl.toLowerCase() === 'datepicker') { header.find(".date-filter-control.bootstrap-table-filter-control-".concat(field)).datepicker(filterDatepickerOptions).on('changeDate', function (_ref9) { var currentTarget = _ref9.currentTarget, keyCode = _ref9.keyCode; clearTimeout(currentTarget.timeoutId || 0); currentTarget.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { syncControls(that); that.onColumnSearch({ currentTarget: currentTarget, keyCode: keyCode }); }, that.options.searchTimeOut); }); } }); } if (that.options.sidePagination !== 'server' && !that.options.height) { that.triggerSearch(); } if (!that.options.filterControlVisible) { header.find('.filter-control, .no-filter-control').hide(); } } else { header.find('.filter-control, .no-filter-control').hide(); } that.trigger('created-controls'); } function getDirectionOfSelectOptions(_alignment) { var alignment = _alignment === undefined ? 'left' : _alignment.toLowerCase(); switch (alignment) { case 'left': return 'ltr'; case 'right': return 'rtl'; case 'auto': return 'auto'; default: return 'ltr'; } } function syncControls(that) { if (that.options.height) { var controlsTableHeader = that.$tableHeader.find(searchControls); that.$header.find(searchControls).each(function (_, control) { var $control = $(control); var controlClass = getElementClass($control); var foundControl = controlsTableHeader.filter(function (_, ele) { var eleClass = getElementClass($(ele)); return controlClass === eleClass; }); if (foundControl.length === 0) { return; } if ($control.is('select')) { $control.find('option:selected').removeAttr('selected'); $control.find("option[value='".concat(foundControl.val(), "']")).attr('selected', true); } else { $control.val(foundControl.val()); } }); } } var filterDataMethods = { func: function func(filterDataSource, selectControl, filterOrderBy, selected) { var variableValues = window[filterDataSource].apply(); for (var key in variableValues) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key], selected); } sortSelectControl(selectControl, filterOrderBy); }, obj: function obj(filterDataSource, selectControl, filterOrderBy, selected) { var objectKeys = filterDataSource.split('.'); var variableName = objectKeys.shift(); var variableValues = window[variableName]; if (objectKeys.length > 0) { objectKeys.forEach(function (key) { variableValues = variableValues[key]; }); } for (var key in variableValues) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key], selected); } sortSelectControl(selectControl, filterOrderBy); }, var: function _var(filterDataSource, selectControl, filterOrderBy, selected) { var variableValues = window[filterDataSource]; var isArray = Array.isArray(variableValues); for (var key in variableValues) { if (isArray) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, variableValues[key], variableValues[key], selected); } else { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key], selected); } } sortSelectControl(selectControl, filterOrderBy); }, url: function url(filterDataSource, selectControl, filterOrderBy, selected) { $.ajax({ url: filterDataSource, dataType: 'json', success: function success(data) { for (var key in data) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, data[key], selected); } sortSelectControl(selectControl, filterOrderBy); } }); }, json: function json(filterDataSource, selectControl, filterOrderBy, selected) { var variableValues = JSON.parse(filterDataSource); for (var key in variableValues) { addOptionToSelectControl(selectControl, key, variableValues[key], selected); } sortSelectControl(selectControl, filterOrderBy); } }; exports.addOptionToSelectControl = addOptionToSelectControl; exports.collectBootstrapCookies = collectBootstrapCookies; exports.copyValues = copyValues; exports.createControls = createControls; exports.escapeID = escapeID; exports.existOptionInSelectControl = existOptionInSelectControl; exports.fixHeaderCSS = fixHeaderCSS; exports.getControlContainer = getControlContainer; exports.getCursorPosition = getCursorPosition; exports.getDirectionOfSelectOptions = getDirectionOfSelectOptions; exports.getElementClass = getElementClass; exports.getFilterDataMethod = getFilterDataMethod; exports.getOptionsFromSelectControl = getOptionsFromSelectControl; exports.getSearchControls = getSearchControls; exports.hasSelectControlElement = hasSelectControlElement; exports.hideUnusedSelectOptions = hideUnusedSelectOptions; exports.initFilterSelectControls = initFilterSelectControls; exports.isColumnSearchableViaSelect = isColumnSearchableViaSelect; exports.isFilterDataNotGiven = isFilterDataNotGiven; exports.setCursorPosition = setCursorPosition; exports.setValues = setValues; exports.sortSelectControl = sortSelectControl; exports.syncControls = syncControls; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })));