module Alias # Creates validations for use with Alias::Creator.valid. class Validator class MissingConditionError < StandardError; end class InvalidValidatorError < StandardError; end attr_reader :validation_proc, :message # Options are described in Alias::Creator.valid. def initialize(options={}) raise ArgumentError unless options[:key] && options[:creator] @condition = options[:if] || options[:unless] || raise(MissingConditionError) inherits(Validator.validators[@condition]) if Validator.validators[@condition] raise InvalidValidatorError unless @condition.is_a?(Proc) @optional = options[:optional] || false @validation_proc = options[:unless] ? lambda {|e| ! } : @condition @options = options @message = options[:message] if options[:message] @message = default_message unless @message.is_a?(Proc) end # Validates a given alias hash with the validator proc defined by :if or :unless in Alias::Creator.valid. # Default arguments that these procs receive works as follows: # If the validation key is the same name as any of the keys in the alias hash, then only the value of that # that alias key is passed to the procs. If not, then the whole alias hash is passed. def validate(current_creator, alias_hash, current_attribute) return true if @optional && current_creator.force arg = create_proc_arg(alias_hash, current_attribute) result = !! puts create_message(arg) if result != true && current_creator.verbose result end #:stopdoc: def inherits(parent_validator) @condition = parent_validator.validation_proc.clone @message = parent_validator.message.clone end def default_message lambda {|e| "Validation failed for #{@options[:creator]}'s #{@options[:key]} since it doesn't exist"} end def create_proc_arg(alias_hash, current_attribute) #:nodoc: @options[:with] ? @options[:with].map {|f| alias_hash[f] } : (alias_hash[current_attribute] || alias_hash) end def create_message(arg) result = @options[:unless] ? result.gsub("doesn't exist", 'already exists') : result end #:startdoc: class <self)) end end # Default validators are :constant, :class, :instance_method and :class_method. def default_validators [ {:key=>:constant, :if=>lambda {|e| any_const_get(e) }, :message=>lambda {|e| "Constant '#{e}' not created since it doesn't exist"}}, {:key=>:class, :if=>lambda {|e| ((klass = any_const_get(e)) && klass.is_a?(Module)) }, :message=>lambda {|e| "Alias for class '#{e}' not created since the class doesn't exist"}}, {:key=>:instance_method, :if=> lambda {|e| instance_method?(*e) }, :message=>lambda {|e| "Alias for instance method '#{e[0]}.#{e[1]}' not created since it doesn't exist" }}, {:key=>:class_method, :if=>lambda {|e| class_method?(*e) }, :message=>lambda {|e| "Alias for class method '#{e[0]}.#{e[1]}' not created since it doesn't exist" }} ] end #:stopdoc: def any_const_get(name) Util.any_const_get(name) end def instance_method?(klass, method) (klass = any_const_get(klass)) && (klass.method_defined?(method) || klass.private_method_defined?(method)) end def class_method?(klass, method) (klass = any_const_get(klass)) && klass.respond_to?(method, true) end #:startdoc: end end end Alias::Validator.register_validators(Alias::Validator.default_validators)