Feature: Niftier Layout Generator In order to have a layout As a rails developer I want to generate a simple layout Scenario: Generate normal application layout Given a new Rails app When I run "rails g niftier:layout -f" Then I should see "stylesheet_link_tag "application"" in file "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb" And I should see file "app/helpers/layout_helper.rb" And I should see file "app/helpers/error_messages_helper.rb" And I should see file "public/stylesheets/application.css" Scenario: Generate named layout with haml and sass Given a new Rails app When I run "rails g niftier:layout FooBar --haml -f" Then I should see "stylesheet_link_tag "foo_bar"" in file "app/views/layouts/foo_bar.html.haml" And I should see file "public/stylesheets/sass/foo_bar.sass" And I should see file "app/helpers/layout_helper.rb"