module Spigot module ActiveRecord module ClassMethods ## #find_by_api(params) # Build a query based on the defined map for this resource # to find a single matching record in the database # # @param params [Hash] Data as received from the api with optional service key def find_by_api(params = {}) find_all_by_api(params).first end ## #find_all_by_api(params) # Build a query based on the defined map for this resource # to find all matching records in the database. # # @param params [Hash] Data as received from the api with optional service key def find_all_by_api(params = {}) find_by_translator params_to_translator(params) end ## #create_by_api(params) # Insert mapped data into the calling model's table. Does not # perform any checks on existing content already present in the database # # @param params [Hash] Data as received from the api with optional service key def create_by_api(params = {}) create_by_translator params_to_translator(params) end ## #update_by_api(params) # Queries the database to find an existing record. # If a record is found, it updates that record # with any new formatted data received by the API # # @param params [Hash] Data as received from the api with optional service key def update_by_api(params = {}) babel = params_to_translator(params) record = find_by_translator(babel).first update_by_translator(babel, record) if record.present? end ## #find_or_create_by_api(params) # Queries the database to find an existing record. If that record is found # simply return it, otherwise return a newly created record. This does # not update any existing record. If you want that, use `create_or_update_by_api` # # @param params [Hash] Data as received from the api with optional service key def find_or_create_by_api(params = {}) babel = params_to_translator(params) find_by_translator(babel).first || create_by_translator(babel) end ## #create_or_update_by_api(params) # Queries the database to find an existing record. If that record is found # it updates it with passed api_data and returns the record. Otherwise it # creates a new record and returns the newly created record. # # @param params [Hash] Data as received from the api with optional service key def create_or_update_by_api(params = {}) babel = params_to_translator(params) record = find_by_translator(babel).first record.present? ? update_by_translator(babel, record) : create_by_translator(babel) end private def params_to_translator(params) service, data = Spigot::Map::Service.extract(params), service, data) end def find_by_translator(translator) if invalid_primary_keys?(translator) message = "The #{translator.primary_key} column does not exist on #{to_s}" raise Spigot::InvalidSchemaError, message end return [] if translator.conditions.blank? where(translator.conditions) end def create_by_translator(translator) Record.create(translator.service, self, translator.format) end def update_by_translator(translator, record) Record.update(translator.service, self, record, translator.format) record end def invalid_primary_keys?(translator) [*translator.primary_key].each do |key| return true unless column_names.include?(key.to_s) end false end end end end