sane ---- I've been driven to insanity by node filesystem watcher wrappers. Sane aims to be fast, small, and reliable file system watcher. It does that by: * Always use (unless polling is forced) and sensibly workaround the various issues with it * Sane is all JavaScript, no native components * Stay away from polling because it's very slow and cpu intensive * Support polling for environments like Vagrant shared directory where there are no native filesystem events ## Install Requires node >= v0.10.0. ``` $ npm install sane ``` ## API ### sane(dir, globs, options) Watches a directory and all it's descendant directorys for changes, deletions, and additions on files and directories. Shortcut for `new sane.Watcher(dir, {glob: globs, ..options})`. ```js var watcher = sane('path/to/dir', ['**/*.js, '**/*.css']); watcher.on('ready', function () { console.log('ready') }); watcher.on('change', function (filepath) { console.log('file changed', filepath); }); watcher.on('add', function (filepath) { console.log('file added', filepath); }); watcher.on('delete', function (filepath) { console.log('file deleted', filepath); }); // close watcher.close(); ``` For `options` see `sane.Watcher`. ### sane.Watcher(dir, options) options: * `persistent`: boolean indicating that the process shouldn't die while we're watching files. * `glob`: a single string glob pattern or an array of them. * `poll`: puts the watcher in polling mode. Under the hood that means `fs.watchFile`. * `interval`: indicates how often the files should be polled. (passed to `fs.watchFile`) For the glob pattern documentation, see [minimatch]( ### sane.Watcher#close Stops watching. ### sane.Watcher events Emits the following events: All events are passed the file/dir path relative to the root directory * `ready` when the program is ready to detect events in the directory * `change` when a file changes * `add` when a file or directory has been added * `delete` when a file or directory has been deleted ## License MIT