#-- # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Engine Yard, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # This source code is available under the MIT license. # See the file LICENSE.txt for details. #++ require 'ostruct' module Warbler module Traits # The War trait sets up the layout and generates web.xml for the war project. class War include Trait include RakeHelper include PathmapHelper DEFAULT_GEM_PATH = '/WEB-INF/gems' def self.detect? Traits::Rails.detect? || Traits::Merb.detect? || Traits::Rack.detect? end def before_configure config.gem_path = DEFAULT_GEM_PATH config.pathmaps = default_pathmaps config.webxml = default_webxml_config config.webinf_files = default_webinf_files config.java_libs = default_jar_files config.public_html = FileList["public/**/*"] config.jar_extension = 'war' config.init_contents << "#{config.warbler_templates}/war.erb" end def after_configure update_gem_path(DEFAULT_GEM_PATH) end def default_pathmaps p = OpenStruct.new p.public_html = ["%{public/,}p"] p.java_libs = ["WEB-INF/lib/%f"] p.java_classes = ["WEB-INF/classes/%p"] p.application = ["WEB-INF/%p"] p.webinf = ["WEB-INF/%{.erb$,}f"] p.gemspecs = ["#{config.relative_gem_path}/specifications/%f"] p.gems = ["#{config.relative_gem_path}/gems/%p"] p end def default_webxml_config c = WebxmlOpenStruct.new c.public.root = '/' c.jndi = nil c.ignored = %w(jndi booter) c end def default_webinf_files webxml = if File.exist?("config/web.xml") "config/web.xml" elsif File.exist?("config/web.xml.erb") "config/web.xml.erb" else "#{WARBLER_HOME}/web.xml.erb" end FileList[webxml] end def default_jar_files require 'jruby-jars' require 'jruby-rack' FileList[JRubyJars.core_jar_path, JRubyJars.stdlib_jar_path, JRubyJars.jruby_rack_jar_path] end def update_archive(jar) add_public_files(jar) add_webxml(jar) move_jars_to_webinf_lib(jar) if config.move_jars_to_webinf_lib add_runnables(jar) if config.features.include?("runnable") add_executables(jar) if config.features.include?("executable") add_gemjar(jar) if config.features.include?("gemjar") end # Add public/static assets to the root of the war file. def add_public_files(jar) config.public_html.exclude *(config.excludes.to_a) config.public_html.map {|f| jar.add_with_pathmaps(config, f, :public_html) } end # Add web.xml and other WEB-INF configuration files from # config.webinf_files to the war file. def add_webxml(jar) config.webinf_files.each do |wf| if wf =~ /\.erb$/ jar.files[apply_pathmaps(config, wf, :webinf)] = jar.expand_erb(wf, config) else jar.files[apply_pathmaps(config, wf, :webinf)] = wf end end end def add_runnables(jar, main_class = 'WarMain') main_class = main_class.sub('.class', '') # handles WarMain.class unless config.manifest_file manifest = Warbler::Jar::DEFAULT_MANIFEST.chomp + "Main-Class: #{main_class}\n" jar.files['META-INF/MANIFEST.MF'] = StringIO.new(manifest) end [ 'JarMain', 'WarMain', main_class ].uniq.each do |klass| jar.files["#{klass}.class"] = jar.entry_in_jar(WARBLER_JAR, "#{klass}.class") end end def add_executables(jar) webserver = WEB_SERVERS[config.webserver.to_s] webserver.add(jar) add_runnables jar, webserver.main_class || 'WarMain' end def add_gemjar(jar) gem_jar = Warbler::Jar.new gem_path = Regexp::quote(config.relative_gem_path) gems = jar.files.select{|k,v| k =~ %r{#{gem_path}/} } gems.each do |k,v| gem_jar.files[k.sub(%r{#{gem_path}/}, '')] = v end jar.files["WEB-INF/lib/gems.jar"] = "tmp/gems.jar" jar.files.reject!{|k,v| k =~ /#{gem_path}/ || k == "WEB-INF/tmp/gems.jar"} mkdir_p "tmp" gem_jar.add_manifest gem_jar.create("tmp/gems.jar") end def move_jars_to_webinf_lib(jar) jar.files.keys.select {|k| k =~ /^WEB-INF\/.*\.jar$/ }.each do |k| next if k =~ /^WEB-INF\/lib\/([^\/]+)\.jar$/ # skip jars already in WEB-INF/lib jar.files["WEB-INF/lib/#{k.sub('WEB-INF','')[1..-1].gsub(/[\/\\]/,'-')}"] = jar.files[k] jar.files[k] = empty_jar end end def empty_jar @empty_jar ||= begin t = Tempfile.new(["empty", "jar"]) path = t.path t.close! ZipSupport.create(path) do |zipfile| zipfile.mkdir("META-INF") zipfile.get_output_stream("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") {|f| f << ::Warbler::Jar::DEFAULT_MANIFEST } end at_exit { File.delete(path) } path end end # Helper class for holding arbitrary config.webxml values for injecting into +web.xml+. class WebxmlOpenStruct < OpenStruct %w(java com org javax gem).each do |name| class_eval "def #{name}; method_missing(:#{name}); end" end def initialize(key = 'webxml') @key = key @table = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = WebxmlOpenStruct.new(k) } end def servlet_context_listener case self.booter when :rack "org.jruby.rack.RackServletContextListener" when :merb "org.jruby.rack.merb.MerbServletContextListener" else # :rails, default "org.jruby.rack.rails.RailsServletContextListener" end end def [](key) new_ostruct_member(key) send(key) end def []=(key, value) new_ostruct_member(key) send("#{key}=", value) end def context_params(escape = true) require 'cgi' params = {} @table.each do |k,v| case v when WebxmlOpenStruct nested_params = v.context_params nested_params.each do |nk,nv| params["#{escape ? CGI::escapeHTML(k.to_s) : k.to_s}.#{nk}"] = nv end else params[escape ? CGI::escapeHTML(k.to_s) : k.to_s] = escape ? CGI::escapeHTML(v.to_s) : v.to_s end end extra_ignored = Array === ignored ? ignored : [] params.delete_if {|k,v| ['ignored', *extra_ignored].include?(k.to_s) } params end def to_s "No value for '#@key' found" end end end end end