require "twitter_cldr" require "bigdecimal" require "plurimath" module IsoDoc class PresentationXMLConvert < ::IsoDoc::Convert MATHML = { "m" => "" }.freeze def mathml(docxml) docxml.xpath("//m:math", MATHML).each { |f| mathml_linebreak(f) } locale = @lang.to_sym @numfmt = Plurimath::NumberFormatter .new(locale, localize_number: @localizenumber, localizer_symbols: twitter_cldr_localiser_symbols) docxml.xpath("//m:math", MATHML).each do |f| # rubocop:disable Style/CombinableLoops mathml1(f, locale) end end # symbols is merged into # def localize_maths(node, locale) node.xpath(".//m:mn", MATHML).each do |x| x.children = if fmt = x["data-metanorma-numberformat"] x.delete("data-metanorma-numberformat") explicit_number_formatter(x, locale, fmt) else implicit_number_formatter(x, locale) end rescue ArgumentError rescue Error => e warn "Failure to localised MathML/mn\n#{node.parent.to_xml}\n#{e}" end end def normalise_number(num) n = BigDecimal(num).to_s("F") /\.\d/.match?(num) or n.sub!(/\.\d+$/, "") n end def implicit_number_formatter(num, locale) fmt = { digit_count: num_totaldigits(num.text) }.compact n = normalise_number(num.text) # Plurimath confused by exponent notation #warn "IMPLICIT: precision: #{num_precision(num.text)} ; symbols: #{fmt}, n: #{n}; output: #{@numfmt.localized_number(n, locale:, format: fmt, precision: num_precision(num.text))}" @numfmt.localized_number(n, locale:, format: fmt, precision: num_precision(num.text)) end def numberformat_extract(options) options.gsub!(/([a-z_]+)='/, %('\\1=)) CSV.parse_line(options, quote_char: "'").each_with_object({}) do |x, acc| m = /^(.+?)=(.+)?$/.match(x) or next acc[m[1].to_sym] = m[2].sub(/^(["'])(.+)\1$/, "\\2") end end def numberformat_type(ret) %i(precision digit_count group_digits fraction_group_digits).each do |i| ret[i] &&= ret[i].to_i end %i(notation exponent_sign locale).each do |i| ret[i] &&= ret[i].to_sym end ret end def explicit_number_formatter(num, locale, options) ret = numberformat_type(numberformat_extract(options)) l = ret[:locale] || locale precision, symbols, digit_count = explicit_number_formatter_cfg(num, ret) n = normalise_number(num.text) # Plurimath confused by exponent notation #warn "EXPLICIT: precision: #{precision} ; symbols: #{symbols}, n: #{n}; output: #{, localizer_symbols: symbols).localized_number(n, precision:, format: symbols.merge(digit_count:))}", localizer_symbols: symbols) .localized_number(n, precision:, format: symbols.merge(digit_count:)) end def explicit_number_formatter_cfg(num, fmt) symbols = twitter_cldr_localiser_symbols.dup.merge(fmt) precision = symbols[:precision]&.to_i || num_precision(num.text) symbols[:precision] or digit_count = num_totaldigits(num.text) [precision, symbols, digit_count] end def num_precision(num) precision = nil /\.(?!\d+e)/.match?(num) and precision = twitter_cldr_localiser_symbols[:precision] || num.sub(/^.*\./, "").size precision end def num_totaldigits(num) totaldigits = nil /\.(?=\d+e)/.match?(num) and totaldigits = twitter_cldr_localiser_symbols[:digit_count] || num.sub(/^.*\./, "").sub(/e.*$/, "").size totaldigits end def twitter_cldr_localiser_symbols {} end def asciimath_dup(node) @suppressasciimathdup ||"./asciimath")) and return math = node.to_xml.gsub(/ xmlns=["'][^"']+["']/, "") .gsub(%r{<[^:/>]+:}, "<").gsub(%r{]+:}, "#{@c.encode(ret, :basic)}" rescue StandardError => e warn "Failure to convert MathML to AsciiMath\n#{node.parent.to_xml}\n#{e}" end def maths_just_numeral(node) mn =".//m:mn", MATHML).children if == "stem" node.parent.replace(mn) else node.replace(mn) end end def mathml1(node, locale) mathml_style_inherit(node) mathml_number(node, locale) end def mathml_linebreak(node)".//*/@linebreak") or return m = Plurimath::Math.parse(node.to_xml, :mathml) .to_mathml(split_on_linebreak: true) ret = Nokogiri::XML("#{m}").root ret.elements.each_with_index do |e, i| or e.previous = "
" end node.replace(<<~OUTPUT) #{ret.children}#{node.to_xml} OUTPUT end def mathml_number(node, locale) justnumeral = numeric_mathml?(node) justnumeral or asciimath_dup(node) localize_maths(node, locale) justnumeral and maths_just_numeral(node) end def numeric_mathml?(node) m = {} node.traverse do |x| %w(mstyle mrow math text).include?( and next m[] ||= 0 m[] += 1 end m.keys.size == 1 && m["mn"] == 1 end def mathml_style_inherit(node)"./ancestor::xmlns:strong") or return node.children = "#{node.children.to_xml}" end def mathml_number_to_number(node) (node.elements.size == 1 && == "mn") or return repl ="./m:mn", MATHML).children if == "stem" node.parent.replace(repl) else node.replace(repl) end end end end