require 'action_controller' class MetalController < ActionController::Metal include Rack::Tracker::Controller include AbstractController::Rendering # depending on the actionpack version the layout code was moved if defined?(ActionView::Layouts) include ActionView::Layouts # => this is the new and shiny else include AbstractController::Layouts end append_view_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/views') layout 'application' def turing tracker do |t| t.track_all_the_things like: 'turing' t.another_handler likes: 'turing' end render "metal/turing", layout: false end def do_not_track_alan render "metal/turing", layout: false end def index tracker do |t| t.track_all_the_things like: 'no-one-else' t.another_handler likes: 'you' end render "metal/index" end def facebook tracker do |t| t.facebook :track, { id: 'conversion-event', value: '1', currency: 'EUR' } end render "metal/index" end def facebook_pixel tracker do |t| t.facebook_pixel :track, { type: 'Purchase', options: { value: 42, currency: 'USD' } } t.facebook_pixel :track, { type: 'CompleteRegistration', options: { value: 0.75, currency: 'EUR' } } t.facebook_pixel :track_custom, { type: 'FrequentShopper', options: { purchases: 24, category: 'Sport' } } end render "metal/index" end def google_analytics tracker do |t| t.google_analytics :ecommerce, { type: 'addTransaction', id: 1234, affiliation: 'Acme Clothing', revenue: 11.99, shipping: 5, tax: 1.29 } t.google_analytics :ecommerce, { type: 'addItem', id: 1234, name: 'Fluffy Pink Bunnies', sku: 'DD23444', category: 'Party Toys', price: 11.99, quantity: 1 } t.google_analytics :send, { type: 'event', category: 'button', action: 'click', label: 'nav-buttons', value: 'X' } t.google_analytics :parameter, dimension1: %q{Some escaped \\'value} t.google_analytics :parameter, dimension2: %q{Author's name} end render "metal/index" end def google_tag_manager unless params[:no_events] tracker do |t| t.google_tag_manager :push, { click: 'X', price: 10 } t.google_tag_manager :push, transactionProducts: [{ sku: 'DD44', name: 'T-shirt' }, { sku: 'DD66', name: 'Jeans' }] end end render "metal/index" end def google_adwords_conversion tracker do |t| t.google_adwords_conversion :conversion, { id: 123456, language: 'en', format: '3', color: 'ffffff', label: 'Conversion Label' } end render "metal/index" end def vwo render "metal/index" end def go_squared tracker do |t| t.go_squared :visitor_name, { name: 'John Doe' } t.go_squared :visitor_info, { age: 35, favorite_food: 'pizza' } end render "metal/index" end def criteo tracker do |t| t.criteo :view_item, { item: 'P001' } t.criteo :view_list, { item: ['P001', 'P002'] } t.criteo :track_transaction, { id: 'id', item: { id: "P0038", price:"6.54", quantity:1 } } t.criteo :view_basket, { item: [{ id: "P001", price:"6.54", quantity:1 }, { id: "P0038", price:"2.99", quantity:1 }] } end render 'metal/index' end def zanox tracker do |t| t.zanox :mastertag, { id: 'blurg567', category: 'cake decorating', amount: '5.90'} t.zanox :sale, { customer_i_d: '123456', order_i_d: 'DEFC-4321', currency_symbol: 'EUR', total_price: '150.00' } t.zanox :lead, { customer_i_d: '654321' } end render 'metal/index' end def hotjar render "metal/index" end end