require "rubygems" $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require "acts_as_api/base" require "acts_as_api/rendering" require "acts_as_api/array" # acts_as_api is a gem that aims to make the construction of JSON and XML # responses in rails 3 easy and fun. # # Therefore it attaches a couple of helper methods to active record and # the action controller base classes. # # acts_as_api uses the default serializers of your rails app and doesn't # force you into more dependencies. module ActsAsApi VERSION = '0.2.2' # The accepted response formats # Default is +[:xml, :json]+ ACCEPTED_API_FORMATS = [:xml, :json] # Holds references to formats that need # to get added an additional root node # with the name of the model. ADD_ROOT_NODE_FOR = [:json] # Holds formats that should be dasherized DASHERIZE_FOR = [:xml] # The default name of a root node of a response # if no root paramter is passed in render_for_api # and the gem is not able to determine a root name # automatically DEFAULT_ROOT = :record end # Attach ourselves to active record if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveRecord::Base.extend ActsAsApi::Base end # Attach ourselves to the action controller of rails if defined?(ActionController::Base) ActionController::Base.send :include, ActsAsApi::Rendering end