Feature: Show build details I want to see details about a particular build for a job I'm interested in Scenario: Show build details for a job on a non-existent server (jenkins build_details) When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "build_details ruby 1 --host localhost --port 9999" Then I should see exactly """ No connection available to the server. """ Scenario: Show build details for a non-existent job (jenkins build_details) Given I have a Jenkins server running And the Jenkins server has no current jobs When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "build_details ruby 1 --host localhost --port 3010" Then I should see exactly """ ERROR: Cannot find project 'ruby'. """ Scenario: Show build details for a job (jenkins build_details) Given I have a Jenkins server running And the Jenkins server has no current jobs And I am in the "ruby" project folder And the project uses "git" scm When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --host localhost --port 3010" When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "build" When I wait for ruby build 1 to start When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "build_details ruby 1 --host localhost --port 3010 --json" Then I should see """ "builtOn":"","result":"FAILURE","number":1,"keepLog":false, """ And I should see """ "actions":[{"causes":[{"userName":"anonymous","shortDescription":"Started by user anonymous"},{"userName":"anonymous","shortDescription":"Started by user anonymous"}]}], """ And I should see """ "description":null,"changeSet":{"kind":null,"items":[]},"fullDisplayName":"ruby #1" """