
Class Index [+]



This is a specialized XMLElement to represent XML blobs. The content is not interpreted and must be valid XML in the content it is added.

Public Class Methods

new(blob = '') click to toggle source
     # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 180
180:     def initialize(blob = '')
181:       super(nil, {})
182:       @blob = blob
183:     end

Public Instance Methods

to_s(indent) click to toggle source
     # File lib/XMLElement.rb, line 185
185:     def to_s(indent)
186:       out = ''
187:       @blob.each_utf8_char do |c|
188:         out += (c == "\n" ? "\n" + ' ' * indent : c)
189:       end
190:       out
191:     end

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