require 'yaml' require 'erb' require 'base64' module CapsuleCD class Configuration # Order of inheritance: file <- environment <- cli options # <- means 'overridden by', eg. file overridden by environment vars # @param [String] config_path The path to the configuration file def initialize(options={}) @options = options @config_path = @options[:config_file] populate_defaults populate_system_config_file populate_runner_overrides populate_env_overrides populate_cli_overrides standardize_settings end # Cli config, shouldnt be set via environmental variables (will be overridden) attr_reader :package_type attr_reader :source attr_reader :runner attr_reader :dry_run # General config attr_reader :config_path attr_reader :configuration # Source config (any credentials added here should also be added to the spec_helper.rb VCR config) attr_reader :source_git_parent_path attr_reader :source_github_api_endpoint attr_reader :source_github_web_endpoint attr_reader :source_github_access_token # Runner config attr_reader :runner_pull_request attr_reader :runner_sha attr_reader :runner_branch attr_reader :runner_clone_url attr_reader :runner_repo_full_name attr_reader :runner_repo_name # Package auth/config (any credentials added here should also be added to the spec_helper.rb VCR config) attr_reader :chef_supermarket_username attr_reader :npm_auth_token attr_reader :pypi_username attr_reader :pypi_password attr_reader :chef_supermarket_type attr_reader :rubygems_api_key def chef_supermarket_key @chef_supermarket_key.to_s.empty? ? nil : Base64.strict_decode64(@chef_supermarket_key) end # Engine config attr_reader :engine_disable_test attr_reader :engine_disable_minification attr_reader :engine_disable_lint attr_reader :engine_disable_coverage attr_reader :engine_cmd_test attr_reader :engine_cmd_minification attr_reader :engine_cmd_lint attr_reader :engine_cmd_coverage attr_reader :engine_version_bump_type def populate_repo_config_file(repo_local_path) repo_config_file_path = repo_local_path + '/capsule.yml' load_config_file(repo_config_file_path) populate_runner_overrides populate_env_overrides populate_cli_overrides standardize_settings end # The raw parsed configuration file, system level, a repo level configuration file will override settings in this file. def populate_system_config_file load_config_file(@config_path) end private # These are defaults for engine settings. They can be overridden via configuration files or env variables def populate_defaults @engine_version_bump_type = :patch # can be :major, :minor, :patch @chef_supermarket_type = 'Other' end def load_config_file(path) if !path || !File.exist?(path) puts 'The configuration file could not be found. Using defaults' return end file = unserialize(file) end def populate_runner_overrides # @runner = :circleci unless ENV['CIRCLECI'].to_s.empty? populate_runner end def populate_runner # if (@runner == :circleci) # # parse the PR# from the environment variable, eg. # @runner_pull_request ||= File.basename(URI.parse(ENV['CI_PULL_REQUEST']).path).to_i # => baz # @runner_sha ||= ENV['CIRCLE_SHA1'] # @runner_branch ||= ENV['CIRCLE_BRANCH'] # @runner_clone_url ||= '' + ENV['CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME'] + '/' + ENV['CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME'] + '.git' # @runner_repo_name ||= ENV['CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME'] # @runner_repo_full_name ||= ENV['CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME'] + '/' + ENV['CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME'] # end end def populate_env_overrides # override config file with env variables. ENV.each do|key, value| config_key = key.dup if config_key.start_with?('CAPSULE_') && !value.to_s.empty? config_key.slice!('CAPSULE_') config_key.downcase! # override instance variable instance_variable_set('@' + config_key, value) end end end def populate_cli_overrides # then override with cli options @options.each do|key, value| instance_variable_set('@' + key.to_s, value) end end # certain settings are symbols, so make sure that any settings that are specified via a string are converted to the correct type. def standardize_settings # set types if missing @engine_version_bump_type = @engine_version_bump_type.to_sym if @engine_version_bump_type.is_a? String end def unserialize(string) obj = YAML.load(string) obj.keys.each do |key| next if %w(source_configure source_process_pull_request_payload source_process_push_payload runner_retrieve_payload build_step test_step package_step source_release release_step).include?(key) instance_variable_set('@' + key, obj[key]) end obj end end end