#! /bin/bash set -e : ${APP_PATH:="/app"} : ${APP_TEMP_PATH:="$APP_PATH/tmp"} : ${APP_SETUP_LOCK:="$APP_TEMP_PATH/setup.lock"} : ${APP_SETUP_WAIT:="5"} : ${HOST_DOMAIN:="host.docker.internal"} # 1: Define the functions lock and unlock our app containers setup # processes: function lock_setup { mkdir -p $APP_TEMP_PATH && touch $APP_SETUP_LOCK; } function unlock_setup { rm -rf $APP_SETUP_LOCK; } function wait_setup { echo "Waiting for app setup to finish..."; sleep $APP_SETUP_WAIT; } function check_host { ping -q -c1 $HOST_DOMAIN > /dev/null 2>&1; } # 2: 'Unlock' the setup process if the script exits prematurely: trap unlock_setup HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM EXIT # 3: Wait for postgres to come up echo "DB is not ready, sleeping..." echo "DB is ready, starting Rails." # 4: Specify a default command, in case it wasn't issued: if [ -z "$1" ]; then set -- bundle exec rails server -p 3000 -b "$@"; fi # 5: Run the checks only if the app code is going to be executed: if [[ "$3" = "rails" ]] then # Clean up any orphaned lock file unlock_setup # 6: Wait until the setup 'lock' file no longer exists: while [ -f $APP_SETUP_LOCK ]; do wait_setup; done # 6: 'Lock' the setup process, to prevent a race condition when the # project's app containers will try to install gems and setup the # database concurrently: lock_setup # 8: Check if dependencies need to be installed and install them bundle check || bundle install yarn install # 9: Setup the database if it doesn't if ! rake db:version then rake db:setup fi # check if the docker host is running on mac or windows if ! check_host; then HOST_IP=$(ip route | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}') echo "$HOST_IP $HOST_DOMAIN" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null fi # 10: 'Unlock' the setup process: unlock_setup # 11: If the command to execute is 'rails server', then we must remove any # pid file present. Suddenly killing and removing app containers might leave # this file, and prevent rails from starting-up if present: if [[ "$4" = "s" || "$4" = "server" ]]; then rm -rf /app/tmp/pids/server.pid; fi fi # 10: Execute the given or default command: exec "$@"