# ********************************************************************* # * Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Natural Resources Canada # * All rights reserved. # * # * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # * # * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # * Lesser General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # **********************************************************************/ require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/btap" module BTAP #Contains data and methods for compliance and archetype work. module Compliance # Contains NECB relelvant methods and data. module NECB2011 # NECB data tables / arrays. module Data #Envelope Conductance values for each climat zone / HDD limits. module Conductances #array of conductances(metric) per climate zone. Wall = [0.315,0.278,0.247,0.210,0.210,0.183] Roof = [0.227,0.183,0.183,0.162,0.162,0.142] Floor = [0.227,0.183,0.183,0.162,0.162,0.142] Window = [2.400,2.200,2.200,2.200,2.200,1.600] Door = [2.400,2.200,2.200,2.200,2.200,1.600] GroundWall = [0.568,0.379,0.284,0.284,0.284,0.210] GroundRoof = [0.568,0.379,0.284,0.284,0.284,0.210] GroundFloor = [0.757,0.757,0.757,0.757,0.757,0.379] end end #This method ???. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param hdd [Float] #@return [Double] a constant float def self.max_fwdr(hdd) #NECB if hdd < 4000 return 0.40 elsif hdd >= 4000 and hdd <=7000 return (2000-0.2 * hdd)/3000 elsif hdd >7000 return 0.20 end end # This method will set the the envelope (wall, roof, glazings) to values to # the default NECB 2011 values based on the heating degree day value (hdd) surface by surface. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param hdd [Float] def self.set_necb_envelope( model, runner=nil) BTAP::runner_register("Info","set_envelope_surfaces_to_necb!", runner) if model.weatherFile.empty? or model.weatherFile.get.path.empty? or not File.exists?(model.weatherFile.get.path.get.to_s) BTAP::runner_register("Error","Weather file is not defined. Please ensure the weather file is defined and exists.", runner) return false end hdd = BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(model.weatherFile.get.path.get).hdd18 #interate Through all surfaces model.getSurfaces.each do |surface| #set fenestration to wall ratio. BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_necb_external_surface_conductance(surface,hdd,false,1.0) #dig into the subsurface and change them as well. model.getSubSurfaces.each do |subsurface| BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_necb_external_subsurface_conductance(subsurface,hdd) end end end # this will create a copy and convert all construction sets to NECB reference conductances. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param default_surface_construction_set [String] #@return [Boolean] returns true if sucessful, false if not def self.set_construction_set_to_necb!(model,default_surface_construction_set, runner = nil, scale_wall = 1.0, scale_floor = 1.0 , scale_roof = 1.0, scale_ground_wall = 1.0, scale_ground_floor = 1.0, scale_ground_roof = 1.0, scale_door = 1.0, scale_window = 1.0 ) BTAP::runner_register("Info","set_construction_set_to_necb!", runner) if model.weatherFile.empty? or model.weatherFile.get.path.empty? or not File.exists?(model.weatherFile.get.path.get.to_s) BTAP::runner_register("Error","Weather file is not defined. Please ensure the weather file is defined and exists.", runner) return false end hdd = BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(model.weatherFile.get.path.get).hdd18 old_name = "" unless default_surface_construction_set.getAttribute("name").empty? old_name = default_surface_construction_set.getAttribute("name").get.valueAsString end climate_zone_index = get_climate_zone_index(hdd) new_name = "#{old_name} at climate #{get_climate_zone_name(hdd)}" #convert conductance values to rsi values. (Note: we should really be only using conductances in) wall_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_wall * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Wall[climate_zone_index] ) floor_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_floor * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Floor[climate_zone_index] ) roof_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_roof * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Roof[climate_zone_index] ) ground_wall_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_ground_wall * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundWall[climate_zone_index] ) ground_floor_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_ground_floor * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundFloor[climate_zone_index] ) ground_roof_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_ground_roof * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundRoof[climate_zone_index] ) door_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_door * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Door[climate_zone_index] ) window_rsi = 1.0 / ( scale_window * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Window[climate_zone_index] ) BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(model,new_name,default_surface_construction_set, wall_rsi, floor_rsi, roof_rsi, ground_wall_rsi, ground_floor_rsi, ground_roof_rsi, window_rsi, nil , nil, window_rsi, nil , nil, door_rsi, door_rsi, nil ,nil, door_rsi, window_rsi, nil , nil, window_rsi, nil , nil, window_rsi, nil , nil ) BTAP::runner_register("Info","set_construction_set_to_necb! was sucessful.", runner) return true end # This method will convert in place(over write) a construction set to necb conductances. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param scale_wall [Float] #@param scale_floor [Float] #@param scale_roof [Float] #@param scale_ground_wall [Float] #@param scale_ground_floor [Float] #@param scale_ground_roof [Float] #@param scale_door [Float] #@param scale_window [Float] def self.set_all_construction_sets_to_necb!(model, runner = nil, scale_wall = 1.0, scale_floor = 1.0 , scale_roof = 1.0, scale_ground_wall = 1.0, scale_ground_floor = 1.0, scale_ground_roof = 1.0, scale_door = 1.0, scale_window = 1.0) model.getDefaultConstructionSets.each do |set| self.set_construction_set_to_necb!(model, set, runner, scale_wall, scale_floor , scale_roof, scale_ground_wall, scale_ground_floor, scale_ground_roof, scale_door, scale_window) end end #This model gets the climate zone column index from tables 3.2.2.x #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param hdd [Float] #@return [Fixnum] climate zone 4-8 def self.get_climate_zone_index(hdd) #check for climate zone index from NECB 3.2.2.X case hdd when 0..2999 then return 0 #climate zone 4 when 3000..3999 then return 1 #climate zone 5 when 4000..4999 then return 2 #climate zone 6 when 5000..5999 then return 3 #climate zone 7a when 6000..6999 then return 4 #climate zone 7b when 7000..1000000 then return 5 #climate zone 8 end end #This model gets the climate zone name and returns the climate zone string. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param hdd [Float] #@return [Fixnum] climate zone 4-8 def self.get_climate_zone_name(hdd) case self.get_climate_zone_index(hdd) when 0 then return "4" when 1 then return "5" #climate zone 5 when 2 then return "6" #climate zone 6 when 3 then return "7a" #climate zone 7a when 4 then return "7b" #climate zone 7b when 5 then return "8" #climate zone 8 end end #Set all external surface conductances to NECB values. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param surface [String] #@param hdd [Float] #@param is_radiant [Boolian] #@param scaling_factor [Float] #@return [String] surface as RSI def self.set_necb_external_surface_conductance(surface,hdd,is_radiant = false,scaling_factor = 1.0) conductance_value = 0 climate_zone_index = self.get_climate_zone_index(hdd) if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors" case surface.surfaceType.downcase when "wall" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Wall[climate_zone_index] * scaling_factor when "floor" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Floor[climate_zone_index] * scaling_factor when "roofceiling" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Roof[climate_zone_index] end if (is_radiant) conductance_value = conductance_value * 0.80 end return BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces::set_surfaces_construction_conductance( [surface], conductance_value ) end if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase.match(/ground/) case surface.surfaceType.downcase when "wall" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundWall[BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_index(@hdd)] when "floor" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundFloor[BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_index(@hdd)] when "roofceiling" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundRoof[BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_index(@hdd)] end if (is_radiant) conductance_value = conductance_value * 0.80 end return BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces::set_surfaces_construction_conductance( [surface], conductance_value ) end end #Set all external subsurfaces (doors, windows, skylights) to NECB values. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param subsurface [String] #@param hdd [Float] def self.set_necb_external_subsurface_conductance(subsurface,hdd) conductance_value = 0 climate_zone_index = get_climate_zone_index(hdd) if subsurface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase.match("outdoors") case subsurface.subSurfaceType.downcase when /window/ conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Window[climate_zone_index] when /door/ conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductance::Door[climate_zone_index] end subsurface.setRSI(1/conductance_value) end end # This model converts all DOE to NECB reference building. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param idf_folder [String] #@return [OpenStudio::model::Model] model_array def self.convert_all_doe_to_necb_reference_building(idf_folder, output_folder = 'C:/test/', construction_library_file = nil , construction_set_name = nil , weather_file = nil , set_necb_fdwr = true) #iterate through all idf file in Original folder. filenames = Array.new() idf_filenames = BTAP::FileIO::get_find_files_from_folder_by_extension(idf_folder, "idf") puts idf_folder puts "filenames: #{idf_filenames}" BTAP::FileIO::get_find_files_from_folder_by_extension(idf_folder, ".idf").each do |idf_filename| puts idf_filename #Convert doe E+ file to NECB space types and create osm model. model = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::convert_doe_to_necb_reference_building(idf_filename, construction_library_file , construction_set_name , weather_file, set_necb_fdwr ) #determine climate zone. #set default to nil. weather = nil #set weather file unless weather_file == nil #Set weather file. weather = BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(weather_file) weather.set_weather_file(model) end new_filename = "#{output_folder}#{File.basename(idf_filename,'.idf')}_#{weather.state_province_region}_#{weather.city}_CZ-#{ BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_name(weather.hdd18)}.osm" BTAP::FileIO::save_osm(model, new_filename) filenames << new_filename end return filenames end def self.set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule(model, runner = nil) new_sched_ruleset = OpenStudio::Model::DefaultScheduleSet.new(model) #initialize BTAP::runner_register("Info", "set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule", runner) #Set wildcard schedules based on dominant schedule type in building. dominant_sched_type = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type(model) #puts "dominant_sched_type = #{dominant_sched_type}" # find schedule set that corresponds to dominant schedule type model.getDefaultScheduleSets.each do |sched_ruleset| # just check people schedule # TO DO: should make this smarter: check all schedules people_sched = sched_ruleset.numberofPeopleSchedule people_sched_name = people_sched.get.name.to_s unless people_sched.empty? search_string = "NECB-#{dominant_sched_type}" if people_sched.empty? == false if people_sched_name.include? search_string new_sched_ruleset = sched_ruleset end end end # replace the default schedule set for the space type with * to schedule ruleset with dominant schedule type model.getSpaces.each do |space| #check to see if space space type has a "*" wildcard schedule. spacetype_name = space.spaceType.get.name.to_s unless space.spaceType.empty? if determine_necb_schedule_type( space ).to_s == "*".to_s new_sched = (spacetype_name).to_s optional_spacetype = model.getSpaceTypeByName(new_sched) if optional_spacetype.empty? BTAP::runner_register("Error", "Cannot find NECB spacetype #{new_sched}" , runner ) else BTAP::runner_register("Info","Setting wildcard spacetype #{spacetype_name} default schedule set to #{new_sched_ruleset.name}",runner) optional_spacetype.get.setDefaultScheduleSet(new_sched_ruleset) #this works! end end end # end of do |space| return true end def self.set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules(model,runner = nil) puts "in set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules" BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG","Start-set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules" , runner) model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG","Zone = #{zone.name} Spaces =#{zone.spaces.size} " , runner) array = [] zone.spaces.each do |space| schedule_type = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_necb_schedule_type( space ).to_s BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG","space name/type:#{space.name}/#{schedule_type}" , runner) # if wildcard space type, need to get dominant schedule type if "*".to_s == schedule_type dominant_sched_type = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type(model) schedule_type = dominant_sched_type end array << schedule_type end array.uniq! if array.size > 1 BTAP::runner_register("Error", "#{zone.name} has spaces with different schedule types. Please ensure that all the spaces are of the same schedule type A to I.",runner) return false end htg_search_string = "NECB-#{array[0]}-Thermostat Setpoint-Heating" clg_search_string = "NECB-#{array[0]}-Thermostat Setpoint-Cooling" if model.getScheduleRulesetByName(htg_search_string).empty? == false htg_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(htg_search_string).get else BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","heating_thermostat_setpoint_schedule NECB-#{array[0]} does not exist" , runner) return false end if model.getScheduleRulesetByName(clg_search_string).empty? == false clg_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(clg_search_string).get else BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","cooling_thermostat_setpoint_schedule NECB-#{array[0]} does not exist" , runner) return false end name = "NECB-#{array[0]}-Thermostat Dual Setpoint Schedule" # If dual setpoint already exists, use that one, else create one if model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(name).empty? == false ds = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(name).get else ds = BTAP::Resources::Schedules::create_annual_thermostat_setpoint_dual_setpoint(model, name, htg_sched, clg_sched) end thermostatClone = ds.clone.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostatClone) BTAP::runner_register("Info","ThermalZone #{zone.name} set to DualSetpoint Schedule NECB-#{array[0]}",runner) end BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG","END-set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules" , runner) return true end # This model converts all DOE to NECB reference building. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param idf_filename [String] #@param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] #@param runner [Object] #@return [OpenStudio::model::Model] model def self.convert_idf_to_osm_with_necb_space_types(idf_filename,model = nil,runner = nil) #Load up idf as OSM file and convert spacetypes based on map contained in File.dirname(idf_filename) + "/SpaceTypeConversions.csv" model = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::convert_idf_to_osm_and_map_doe_zones_to_necb_space_types(idf_filename,runner) #Taking care of wildcard spacetypes. BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule(model, runner) #set weather file BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(weather_file).set_weather_file(model,runner) #set Construction set. BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::set_construction_set_by_file(model, construction_library_file, construction_set_name, runner) #set NECB u-values to construction. BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_all_construction_sets_to_necb!( model, runner ) #Set FWDR BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_necb_fwdr( model, true, runner) # Set Surface if they are out of wack. BTAP::Geometry::match_surfaces( model ) #*** HVAC *** BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::necb_autozoner(model) BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules(model,runner) #*** HVAC *** BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::necb_autozoner(model) #Set output for Raymond #create array of output variables strings from E+ output_variable_array = [ "Facility Total Electric Demand Power", "Water Heater Gas Rate", "Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate", "Heating Coil Gas Rate", "Cooling Coil Electric Power", "Boiler Gas Rate", "Heating Coil Air Heating Rate", "Heating Coil Electric Power", "Cooling Coil Total Cooling Rate", "Water Heater Heating Rate", # "Facility Total HVAC Electric Demand Power", # "Facility Total Electric Demand Power", "Zone Air Temperature", "Water Heater Electric Power" # "Baseboard Air Inlet Temperature", # "Baseboard Air Outlet Temperature", # "Baseboard Water Inlet Temperature", # "Baseboard Water Outlet Temperature", # "Boiler Inlet Temperature", # "Boiler Outlet Temperature", # "Plant Supply Side Inlet Temperature", # "Plant Supply Side Outlet Temperature", # "People Radiant Heating Rate", # "People Sensible Heating Rate", # "People Latent Gain Rate", # "People Total Heating Rate", # "Lights Total Heating Rate", # "Electric Equipment Total Heating Rate", # "Other Equipment Total Heating Rate", # "District Heating Hot Water Rate", # "District Heating Rate", # "Air System Outdoor Air Flow Fraction", # "Air System Outdoor Air Minimum Flow Fraction", # "Air System Fan Electric Energy" ] BTAP::Reports::set_output_variables(model,"Hourly", output_variable_array) puts "added output variables ..." << output_variable_array.to_s << "\n" #Purge unused objects and return osm model object. model.purgeUnusedResourceObjects return model end # This method confirms if the type is the proper space type #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param type [String] #@return [String] item def self.is_proper_spacetype(type) BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::SpaceTypeData.each do |item| if item[0] == type return item end end return false end #This model determines the dominant NECB schedule type #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #return s.each [String] def self.determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type( model ) # lookup necb space type properties space_type_properties = model.find_objects($os_standards["space_types"], { "template" => 'NECB 2011'}) # Here is a hash to keep track of the m2 running total of spacetypes for each # sched type. s = Hash[ "A",0, "B",0, "C",0, "D",0, "E",0, "F",0, "G",0, "H",0, "I",0 ] #iterate through spaces in building. wildcard_spaces = 0 model.getSpaces.each do |space| found_space_type = false #iterate through the NECB spacetype property table space_type_properties.each do |spacetype| unless space.spaceType.empty? if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.empty? || space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.empty? OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Error, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "Space #{space.name} does not have a standardSpaceType defined") found_space_type = false elsif space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get == spacetype['space_type'] && space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get == spacetype['building_type'] if "*" == spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] wildcard_spaces =+ 1 else s[ spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] ] = s[ spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] ] + space.floorArea() if "*" != spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] and "- undefined -" != spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] end #puts "Found #{space.spaceType.get.name} schedule #{spacetype[2]} match with floor area of #{space.floorArea()}" found_space_type = true elsif "*" != spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] #found wildcard..will not count to total. found_space_type = true end end end raise ("Did not find #{space.spaceType.get.name} in NECB space types.") if found_space_type == false end #finds max value and returns NECB schedule letter. raise("Only wildcard spaces in model. You need to define the actual spaces. ") if wildcard_spaces == model.getSpaces.size dominant_schedule = s.each { |k, v| return k.to_s if v == s.values.max } return dominant_schedule end #This method determines the spacetype schedule type. This will re #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param space [String] #@return [String]:["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I"] spacetype def self.determine_necb_schedule_type(space) raise ("Undefined spacetype for space #{space.get.name}) if space.spaceType.empty?") if space.spaceType.empty? raise ("Undefined standardsSpaceType or StandardsBuildingType for space #{space.spaceType.get.name}) if space.spaceType.empty?") if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.empty? | space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.empty? space_type_properties = space.model.find_object($os_standards["space_types"], { "template" => 'NECB 2011', "space_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get,"building_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get }) return space_type_properties['necb_schedule_type'].strip end def self.necb_spacetype_system_selection( model, heatingDesignLoad = nil,coolingDesignLoad = nil, runner = nil ) spacezoning_data = Struct.new( :space, # the space object :space_name, # the space name :building_type_name, # space type name :space_type_name, # space type name :necb_hvac_system_selection_type, # :system_number, # the necb system type :number_of_stories, #number of stories :horizontal_placement, # the horizontal placement (norht, south, east, west, core) :vertical_placment, # the vertical placement ( ground, top, both, middle ) :people_obj, # Spacetype people object :heating_capacity, :cooling_capacity ) #Array to store schedule objects schedule_type_array = [] # #this method replaces all the "*" space types with concrete "A-I" schedule based shedules. # BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule(model, runner) # # #find the number of stories in the model. number_of_stories = model.getBuildingStorys.size #set up system array containers. These will contain the spaces associated with the system types. space_zoning_data_array = [] #First pass of spaces to collect information into the space_zoning_data_array . model.getSpaces.each do |space| #this will get the spacetype system index from the SpaceTypeData and BuildingTypeData in (1-12) space_system_index = nil if space.spaceType.empty? space_system_index = nil else space_type_property = space.model.find_object($os_standards["space_types"], { "template" => 'NECB 2011', "space_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get,"building_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get }) raise("could not find necb system selection type for space: #{space.name} and spacetype #{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}") if space_type_property.nil? necb_hvac_system_selection_type = space_type_property['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] end #Get the heating and cooling load for the space. Only Zones with a defined thermostat will have a load. #Make sure we don't have sideeffects by changing the argument variables. cooling_load = coolingDesignLoad heating_load = heatingDesignLoad if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get == "- undefined -" cooling_load = 0.0 heating_load = 0.0 else cooling_load = space.thermalZone.get.coolingDesignLoad.get * space.floorArea * space.multiplier / 1000.0 if cooling_load.nil? heating_load = space.thermalZone.get.heatingDesignLoad.get * space.floorArea * space.multiplier / 1000.0 if heating_load.nil? end #identify space-system_index and assign the right NECB system type 1-7. system = nil case necb_hvac_system_selection_type when nil raise ("#{space.name} does not have an NECB system association. Please define a NECB HVAC System Selection Type in the google docs standards database.") when 0, "- undefined -" #These are spaces are undefined...so they are unconditioned and have no loads other than infiltration and no systems system = 0 when "Assembly Area" #Assembly Area. if number_of_stories <= 4 system = 3 else system = 6 end when "Automotive Area" system = 4 when "Data Processing Area" if coolingDesignLoad > 20 #KW...need a sizing run. system = 2 else system = 1 end when "General Area" #[3,6] if number_of_stories <= 2 system = 3 else system = 6 end when "Historical Collections Area" #[2], system = 2 when "Hospital Area" #[3], system = 6 when "Indoor Arena" #,[7], system = 7 when "Industrial Area"# [3] this need some thought. system = 3 when "Residential/Accomodation Area"#,[1], this needs some thought. system = 1 when "Sleeping Area" #[3], system = 3 when "Supermarket/Food Services Area"#[3,4], system = 3 when "Supermarket/Food Services Area - vented" system = 4 when "Warehouse Area" system = 4 when "Warehouse Area - refrigerated" system = 5 when "Wildcard" system = nil else raise ("NECB HVAC System Selection Type #{necb_hvac_system_selection_type} not valid") end #get placement on floor, core or perimeter and if a top, bottom, middle or single story. horizontal_placement, vertical_placement = BTAP::Geometry::Spaces::get_space_placement( space ) #dump all info into an array for debugging and iteration. unless space.spaceType.empty? space_type_name = space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get building_type_name = space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get space_zoning_data_array << spacezoning_data.new( space, space.name.get, building_type_name, space_type_name, necb_hvac_system_selection_type, system, number_of_stories, horizontal_placement, vertical_placement, space.spaceType.get.people, heating_load, cooling_load ) schedule_type_array << BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_necb_schedule_type( space ).to_s end end return schedule_type_array.uniq! , space_zoning_data_array end # This method will take a model that uses NECB 2011 spacetypes , and.. # 1. Create a building story schema. # 2. Remove all existing Thermal Zone defintions. # 3. Create new thermal zones based on the following definitions. # Rule1 all zones must contain only the same schedule / occupancy schedule. # Rule2 zones must cater to similar solar gains (N,E,S,W) # Rule3 zones must not pass from floor to floor. They must be contained to a single floor or level. # Rule4 Wildcard spaces will be associated with the nearest zone of similar schedule type in which is shared most of it's internal surface with. # Rule5 For NECB zones must contain spaces of similar system type only. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@return [String] system_zone_array def self.necb_autozone_and_autosystem( model, runner, use_ideal_air_loads = false, boiler_fueltype = "NaturalGas", mau_type = true, mau_heating_coil_type = "Hot Water", baseboard_type = "Hot Water", chiller_type = "Scroll", mua_cooling_type = "DX", heating_coil_types_sys3 = "Gas", heating_coil_types_sys4 = "Gas", heating_coil_types_sys6 = "Hot Water", fan_type = "AF_or_BI_rdg_fancurve" ) #Create a data struct for the space to system to placement information. #system assignment. unless ["NaturalGas","Electricity","PropaneGas","FuelOil#1","FuelOil#2","Coal","Diesel","Gasoline","OtherFuel1"].include?(boiler_fueltype) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","boiler_fueltype = #{boiler_fueltype}",runner) return end unless [true, false].include?(mau_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","mau_type = #{mau_type}",runner) return end unless ["Hot Water", "Electric"].include?(mau_heating_coil_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","mau_heating_coil_type = #{mau_heating_coil_type}",runner) return false end unless ["Hot Water" , "Electric"].include?(baseboard_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","baseboard_type = #{baseboard_type}",runner) return false end unless ["Scroll","Centrifugal","Rotary Screw","Reciprocating"].include?(chiller_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","chiller_type = #{chiller_type}",runner) return false end unless ["DX","Hydronic"].include?(mua_cooling_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","mua_cooling_type = #{mua_cooling_type}",runner) return false end unless ["Electric", "Gas", "DX"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys3) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","heating_coil_types_sys3 = #{heating_coil_types_sys3}",runner) return false end unless ["Electric", "Gas", "DX"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys4) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","heating_coil_types_sys4 = #{heating_coil_types_sys4}",runner) return false end unless ["Hot Water", "Electric"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys6) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","heating_coil_types_sys6 = #{heating_coil_types_sys6}",runner) return false end unless ["AF_or_BI_rdg_fancurve","AF_or_BI_inletvanes","fc_inletvanes","var_speed_drive"].include?(fan_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","fan_type = #{fan_type}",runner) return false end unless ["Electric", "Hot Water"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys6) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","heating_coil_types_sys6 = #{heating_coil_types_sys6}",runner) return false end unless ["Electric", "Gas"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys4) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR","heating_coil_types_sys4 = #{heating_coil_types_sys4}",runner) return false end # Reassign / set floors if required. BTAP::Geometry::BuildingStoreys::auto_assign_stories(model) #this method will determine the spaces that should be set to each system schedule_type_array , space_zoning_data_array = self.necb_spacetype_system_selection(model) #Deal with Wildcard spaces. Might wish to have logic to do coridors first. space_zoning_data_array.each do |space_zone_data| #If it is a wildcard space. if space_zone_data.system_number.nil? #iterate through all adjacent spaces from largest shared wall area to smallest. # Set system type to match first space system that is not nil. space_zone_data.space.get_adjacent_spaces_with_shared_wall_areas(true).each do |adj_space| #if there are no adjacent zones near a wh raise ("Could not determine adj space to space #{space_zone_data.space.name.get}") if adj_space.nil? adj_space_data = space_zoning_data_array.find { |data| data.space == adj_space[0] } if adj_space_data.system_number.nil? next else space_zone_data.system_number = adj_space_data.system_number break end end raise ("Could not determine adj space system to space #{space_zone_data.space.name.get}") if space_zone_data.system_number.nil? end end #remove any thermal zones used for sizing to start fresh. Should only do this after the above system selection method. model.getThermalZones.each {|zone| zone.remove} #now lets apply the rules. # Rule1 all zones must contain only the same schedule / occupancy schedule. # Rule2 zones must cater to similar solar gains (N,E,S,W) # Rule3 zones must not pass from floor to floor. They must be contained to a single floor or level. # Rule4 Wildcard spaces will be associated with the nearest zone of similar schedule type in which is shared most of it's internal surface with. # Rule5 NECB zones must contain spaces of similar system type only. #Array of system types of Array of Spaces system_zone_array = [] #Lets iterate by system (0..7).each do |system_number| system_zone_array[system_number] = [] #iterate by story story_counter = 0 model.getBuildingStorys.each do |story| #puts "Story:#{story}" story_counter = story_counter + 1 #iterate by operation schedule type. schedule_type_array.each do |schedule_type| #iterate by horizontal location ["north","east","west","south","core"].each do |horizontal_placement| #puts "horizontal_placement:#{horizontal_placement}" space_array = Array.new space_zoning_data_array.each do |space_info| #puts "Spacename: #{space_info.space.name}:#{space_info.space.spaceType.get.name}" if space_info.system_number == system_number and space_info.space.spaceType.get.name.get.include?("- undefined -") == false and space_info.space.buildingStory.get == story and BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_necb_schedule_type(space_info.space).to_s == schedule_type and space_info.horizontal_placement == horizontal_placement space_array << space_info.space end end #create Thermal Zone if space_array is not empty. if space_array.size > 0 #create new zone and add the spaces to it. name = "Sys-#{system_number.to_s} Flr-#{story_counter.to_s} Sch-#{schedule_type.to_s} HPlcmt-#{horizontal_placement}" thermal_zone = BTAP::Geometry::Zones::create_thermal_zone(model, space_array) thermal_zone.setAttribute("name",name) #Set Thermostat bases on # Add a thermostat based on the first space space_type_name = space_array[0].spaceType.get.name.get thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{space_array[0].name}") raise (" Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{space_array[0].name}") else thermostatClone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get thermal_zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostatClone) end #add thermal zone to system array. system_zone_array[system_number] << thermal_zone end end end end end #system iteration #Create and assign the zones to the systems. unless use_ideal_air_loads == true system_zone_array.each_with_index do |zones,system_index| #skip if no thermal zones for this system. next if zones.size == 0 # puts "Zone Names for System #{system_index}" # puts "system_index = #{system_index}" case system_index when 0 , nil #Do nothing no system assigned to zone. Used for Unconditioned spaces when 1 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys1(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type) when 2 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys2(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, chiller_type, mua_cooling_type) when 3 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys3(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_types_sys3, baseboard_type) when 4 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys4(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_types_sys4, baseboard_type) when 5 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys5(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, chiller_type, mua_cooling_type) when 6 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys6(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_types_sys6, baseboard_type, chiller_type, fan_type) when 7 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys7(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, chiller_type, mua_cooling_type) end end else #otherwise use ideal loads. model.getThermalZones.each do |thermal_zone| thermal_zone_ideal_loads = OpenStudio::Model::ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem.new(model) thermal_zone_ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(thermal_zone) end end #Check to ensure that all spaces are assigned to zones except undefined ones. model.getSpaces.each do |space| if space.thermalZone.empty? and space.spaceType.get.name.get != 'Space Function - undefined -' raise( "space #{space.name} with spacetype #{space.spaceType.get.name.get}" ) end end end # end end #Compliance end