=RSolr A Ruby client for Apache Solr. RSolr has been developed to be simple and extendable. It features transparent JRuby DirectSolrConnection support and a simple Hash-in, Hash-out architecture. == Installation: gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org sudo gem install rsolr ==Related Resources & Projects * {Solr}[http://lucene.apache.org/solr/] * {RSolr Google Group}[http://groups.google.com/group/rsolr] * {RSolr::Ext}[http://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr-ext] -- an extension kit for RSolr * {Sunspot}[http://github.com/outoftime/sunspot] -- an awesome Solr DSL, built with RSolr * {Blacklight}[http://blacklightopac.org] -- a next generation Library OPAC, built with RSolr * {solr-ruby}[http://wiki.apache.org/solr/solr-ruby] -- the original Solr Ruby Gem == Simple usage: require 'rubygems' require 'rsolr' solr = RSolr.connect :url=>'http://solrserver.com' # send a request to /select response = rsolr.select :q=>'*:*' # send a request to a custom request handler; /catalog response = rsolr.request '/catalog', :q=>'*:*' # alternative to above: response = rsolr.catalog :q=>'*:*' To use a DirectSolrConnection (no http) in JRuby: # "apache-solr" should be a path to a solr build. Dir['apache-solr/dist/*.jar'].each{|jar|require jar} Dir['apache-solr/lib/*.jar'].each{|jar|require jar} opts = {:home_dir=>'/path/to/solr/home'} # note: you'll have to close the direct connection yourself unless using a block. solr = RSolr.direct_connect(opts) solr.select :q=>'*:*' solr.connection.close # OR using a block for automatic connection closing: RSolr.direct_connect opts do |solr| solr.select :q=>'*:*' end In general, the direct connection is less than ideal in most applications. You'll be missing out on Http caching, and it'll be impossible to do distributed searches. The direct connection could possibly come in handy though, for quickly indexing large numbers of documents. For more information about DirectSolrConnection, see the {API}[http://lucene.apache.org/solr/api/org/apache/solr/servlet/DirectSolrConnection.html]. == Querying Use the #select method to send requests to the /select handler: response = solr.select({ :q=>'washington', :start=>0, :rows=>10 }) The params sent into the method are sent to Solr as-is. The one exception is if a value is an array. When an array is used, multiple parameters are generated for the Solr query. Example: solr.select :q=>'roses', :fq=>['red', 'violet'] The above statement generates this Solr query: ?q=roses&fq=red&fq=violet Use the #request method for a custom request handler path: response = solr.request '/documents', :q=>'test' A shortcut for the above example: response = solr.documents :q=>'test' == Updating Solr Updating can be done using native Ruby structures. Hashes are used for single documents and arrays are used for a collection of documents (hashes). These structures get turned into simple XML "messages". Raw XML strings can also be used. Raw XML via #update solr.update '' solr.update '' Single document via #add solr.add :id=>1, :price=>1.00 Multiple documents via #add documents = [{:id=>1, :price=>1.00}, {:id=>2, :price=>10.50}] solr.add documents When adding, you can also supply "add" xml element attributes and/or a block for manipulating other "add" related elements (docs and fields) when using the #add method: doc = {:id=>1, :price=>1.00} add_attributes = {:allowDups=>false, :commitWithin=>10.0} solr.add(doc, add_attributes) do |doc| # boost each document doc.attrs[:boost] = 1.5 # boost the price field: doc.field_by_name(:price).attrs[:boost] = 2.0 end Delete by id solr.delete_by_id 1 or an array of ids solr.delete_by_id [1, 2, 3, 4] Delete by query: solr.delete_by_query 'price:1.00' Delete by array of queries solr.delete_by_query ['price:1.00', 'price:10.00'] Commit & optimize shortcuts solr.commit solr.optimize == Response Formats The default response format is Ruby. When the :wt param is set to :ruby, the response is eval'd resulting in a Hash. You can get a raw response by setting the :wt to "ruby" - notice, the string -- not a symbol. RSolr will eval the Ruby string ONLY if the :wt value is :ruby. All other response formats are available as expected, :wt=>'xml' etc.. ===Evaluated Ruby (default) solr.select(:wt=>:ruby) # notice :ruby is a Symbol ===Raw Ruby solr.select(:wt=>'ruby') # notice 'ruby' is a String ===XML: solr.select(:wt=>:xml) ===JSON: solr.select(:wt=>:json) You can access the original request context (path, params, url etc.) by calling the #raw method: response = solr.select :q=>'*:*' response.raw[:status_code] response.raw[:body] response.raw[:url] The raw is a hash that contains the generated params, url, path, post data, headers etc., very useful for debugging and testing.