# history # http://blog.bleything.net/pages # http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com/2007/06/irbrc-modifications.html # Ben's history stuff, slightly modified, plus hvi method # Adds shell-style history display and replay to irb. The magic happens in # the h, h!, and hw methods. # # == Authors # # * Ben Bleything # # == Copyright # # Copyright (c) 2007 Ben Bleything # # This code released under the terms of the BSD license. # # == Version # # $Id: history.rb 50 2007-07-30 18:55:09Z ben $ # require 'tempfile' class Object def history(how_many = 50) history_size = Readline::HISTORY.size # no lines, get out of here puts "No history" and return if history_size == 0 start_index = 0 # not enough lines, only show what we have if history_size <= how_many how_many = history_size - 1 end_index = how_many else end_index = history_size - 1 # -1 to adjust for array offset start_index = end_index - how_many end start_index.upto(end_index) {|i| print_line i} end alias :h :history # -2 because -1 is ourself def history_do(lines = (Readline::HISTORY.size - 2)) irb_eval lines end alias :h! :history_do def history_write(filename, lines) file = File.open(filename, 'w') get_lines(lines).each do |l| file << "#{l}\n" end file.close end # hack to handle JRuby bug def handling_jruby_bug(&block) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ puts "JRuby IRB has a bug which prevents successful IRB vi interoperation." puts "The JRuby team is aware of this and working on it." puts "(http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-2049)" else yield end end # TODO: history_write should go to a file, or the clipboard, or a file which opens in an application def history_to_vi handling_jruby_bug do file = Tempfile.new("irb_tempfile") get_lines(0..(Readline::HISTORY.size - 1)).each do |line| file << "#{line}\n" end file.close system("vim #{file.path}") end end alias :hvi :history_to_vi private def get_line(line_number) Readline::HISTORY[line_number] rescue "" end def get_lines(lines = []) return [get_line(lines)] if lines.is_a? Fixnum out = [] lines = lines.to_a if lines.is_a? Range lines.each do |l| out << Readline::HISTORY[l] end out end def print_line(line_number, show_line_numbers = true) print line_number.to_s + ": " if show_line_numbers puts get_line(line_number) end def irb_eval(lines) to_eval = get_lines(lines) to_eval.each {|l| Readline::HISTORY << l} eval to_eval.join("\n") end end