#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any # kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software # code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that # you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software # code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon # Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of # this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its # affiliates. require 'base64' require 'cgi' require 'openssl' require 'digest/sha1' require 'net/https' require 'rexml/document' require 'time' # this wasn't added until v 1.8.3 if (RUBY_VERSION < '1.8.3') class Net::HTTP::Delete < Net::HTTPRequest METHOD = 'DELETE' REQUEST_HAS_BODY = false RESPONSE_HAS_BODY = true end end # this module has two big classes: AWSAuthConnection and # QueryStringAuthGenerator. both use identical apis, but the first actually # performs the operation, while the second simply outputs urls with the # appropriate authentication query string parameters, which could be used # in another tool (such as your web browser for GETs). module S3 DEFAULT_HOST = 's3.amazonaws.com' DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_PATH = '' PORTS_BY_SECURITY = { true => 443, false => 80 } METADATA_PREFIX = 'x-amz-meta-' AMAZON_HEADER_PREFIX = 'x-amz-' # builds the canonical string for signing. def S3.canonical_string(method, virtual_path, bucket="", path="", path_args={}, headers={}, expires=nil) interesting_headers = {} headers.each do |key, value| lk = key.downcase if (lk == 'content-md5' or lk == 'content-type' or lk == 'date' or lk =~ /^#{AMAZON_HEADER_PREFIX}/o) interesting_headers[lk] = value.to_s.strip end end # these fields get empty strings if they don't exist. interesting_headers['content-type'] ||= '' interesting_headers['content-md5'] ||= '' # just in case someone used this. it's not necessary in this lib. if interesting_headers.has_key? 'x-amz-date' interesting_headers['date'] = '' end # if you're using expires for query string auth, then it trumps date # (and x-amz-date) if not expires.nil? interesting_headers['date'] = expires end buf = "#{method}\n" interesting_headers.sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.each do |key, value| if key =~ /^#{AMAZON_HEADER_PREFIX}/o buf << "#{key}:#{value}\n" else buf << "#{value}\n" end end buf << "#{virtual_path}" # build the path using the bucket and key if not bucket.empty? buf << "/#{bucket}" end # append the key (it might be empty string) # append a slash regardless buf << "/#{path}" # if there is an acl, logging, or torrent parameter # add them to the string if path_args.has_key?('acl') buf << '?acl' elsif path_args.has_key?('torrent') buf << '?torrent' elsif path_args.has_key?('location') buf << '?location' elsif path_args.has_key?('logging') buf << '?logging' end return buf end # encodes the given string with the aws_secret_access_key, by taking the # hmac-sha1 sum, and then base64 encoding it. optionally, it will also # url encode the result of that to protect the string if it's going to # be used as a query string parameter. def S3.encode(aws_secret_access_key, str, urlencode=false) digest = OpenSSL::Digest::Digest.new('sha1') b64_hmac = Base64.encode64( OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, aws_secret_access_key, str)).strip if urlencode return CGI::escape(b64_hmac) else return b64_hmac end end # build the path_argument string def S3.path_args_hash_to_string(path_args={}) arg_string = '' path_args.each { |k, v| arg_string << k if not v.nil? arg_string << "=#{CGI::escape(v)}" end arg_string << '&' } return arg_string end # uses Net::HTTP to interface with S3. note that this interface should only # be used for smaller objects, as it does not stream the data. if you were # to download a 1gb file, it would require 1gb of memory. also, this class # creates a new http connection each time. it would be greatly improved with # some connection pooling. class AWSAuthConnection attr_accessor :calling_format def initialize(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, is_secure=true, server=DEFAULT_HOST, port=PORTS_BY_SECURITY[is_secure], vpath=DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_PATH, calling_format=CallingFormat::REGULAR) @aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id @aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key @server = server @virtual_path = vpath @is_secure = is_secure @calling_format = calling_format @port = port end def create_bucket(bucket, headers={}) return Response.new(make_request('PUT', bucket, '', {}, headers)) end # takes options :prefix, :marker, :max_keys, and :delimiter def list_bucket(bucket, options={}, headers={}) path_args = {} options.each { |k, v| path_args[k] = v.to_s } return ListBucketResponse.new(make_request('GET', bucket, '', path_args, headers)) end def delete_bucket(bucket, headers={}) return Response.new(make_request('DELETE', bucket, '', {}, headers)) end def put(bucket, key, object, headers={}) object = S3Object.new(object) if not object.instance_of? S3Object return Response.new( make_request('PUT', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers, object.data, object.metadata) ) end def get(bucket, key, headers={}) return GetResponse.new(make_request('GET', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers)) end def delete(bucket, key, headers={}) return Response.new(make_request('DELETE', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers)) end def head(bucket, key, headers={}) return GetResponse.new(make_request('HEAD', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers)) end def get_bucket_logging(bucket, headers={}) return GetResponse.new(make_request('GET', bucket, '', {'logging' => nil}, headers)) end def put_bucket_logging(bucket, logging_xml_doc, headers={}) return Response.new(make_request('PUT', bucket, '', {'logging' => nil}, headers, logging_xml_doc)) end def get_bucket_acl(bucket, headers={}) return get_acl(bucket, '', headers) end # returns an xml document representing the access control list. # this could be parsed into an object. def get_acl(bucket, key, headers={}) return GetResponse.new(make_request('GET', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {'acl' => nil}, headers)) end def put_bucket_acl(bucket, acl_xml_doc, headers={}) return put_acl(bucket, '', acl_xml_doc, headers) end # sets the access control policy for the given resource. acl_xml_doc must # be a string in the acl xml format. def put_acl(bucket, key, acl_xml_doc, headers={}) return Response.new( make_request('PUT', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {'acl' => nil}, headers, acl_xml_doc, {}) ) end def list_all_my_buckets(headers={}) return ListAllMyBucketsResponse.new(make_request('GET', '', '', {}, headers)) end private def make_request(method, bucket='', key='', path_args={}, headers={}, data='', metadata={}) # build the domain based on the calling format server = '' if bucket.empty? # for a bucketless request (i.e. list all buckets) # revert to regular domain case since this operation # does not make sense for vanity domains server = @server elsif @calling_format == CallingFormat::SUBDOMAIN server = "#{bucket}.#{@server}" elsif @calling_format == CallingFormat::VANITY server = bucket else server = "#{@server}" end # build the path based on the calling format path = "#{@virtual_path}" if (not bucket.empty?) and (@calling_format == CallingFormat::REGULAR) path << "/#{bucket}" end # add the slash after the bucket regardless # the key will be appended if it is non-empty path << "/#{key}" # build the path_argument string # add the ? in all cases since # signature and credentials follow path args path << '?' path << S3.path_args_hash_to_string(path_args) http = Net::HTTP.new(server, @port) http.use_ssl = @is_secure http.start do req = method_to_request_class(method).new("#{path}") set_headers(req, headers) set_headers(req, metadata, METADATA_PREFIX) set_aws_auth_header(req, @aws_access_key_id, @aws_secret_access_key, @virtual_path, bucket, key, path_args) if req.request_body_permitted? return http.request(req, data) else return http.request(req) end end end def method_to_request_class(method) case method when 'GET' return Net::HTTP::Get when 'PUT' return Net::HTTP::Put when 'DELETE' return Net::HTTP::Delete when 'HEAD' return Net::HTTP::Head else raise "Unsupported method #{method}" end end # set the Authorization header using AWS signed header authentication def set_aws_auth_header(request, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, virtual_path='', bucket='', key='', path_args={}) # we want to fix the date here if it's not already been done. request['Date'] ||= Time.now.httpdate # ruby will automatically add a random content-type on some verbs, so # here we add a dummy one to 'supress' it. change this logic if having # an empty content-type header becomes semantically meaningful for any # other verb. request['Content-Type'] ||= '' canonical_string = S3.canonical_string(request.method, virtual_path, bucket, key, path_args, request.to_hash, nil) encoded_canonical = S3.encode(aws_secret_access_key, canonical_string) request['Authorization'] = "AWS #{aws_access_key_id}:#{encoded_canonical}" end def set_headers(request, headers, prefix='') headers.each do |key, value| request[prefix + key] = value end end end # This interface mirrors the AWSAuthConnection class above, but instead # of performing the operations, this class simply returns a url that can # be used to perform the operation with the query string authentication # parameters set. class QueryStringAuthGenerator attr_accessor :calling_format attr_accessor :expires attr_accessor :expires_in attr_reader :server attr_reader :port # by default, expire in 1 minute DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN = 60 def initialize(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, is_secure=true, server=DEFAULT_HOST, port=PORTS_BY_SECURITY[is_secure], vpath=DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_PATH, format=CallingFormat::REGULAR) @aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id @aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key @protocol = is_secure ? 'https' : 'http' @server = server @virtual_path = vpath @port = port @calling_format = format # by default expire @expires_in = DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN end # set the expires value to be a fixed time. the argument can # be either a Time object or else seconds since epoch. def expires=(value) @expires = value @expires_in = nil end # set the expires value to expire at some point in the future # relative to when the url is generated. value is in seconds. def expires_in=(value) @expires_in = value @expires = nil end def create_bucket(bucket, headers={}) return generate_url('PUT', bucket, '', {}, headers) end # takes options :prefix, :marker, :max_keys, and :delimiter def list_bucket(bucket, options={}, headers={}) path_args = {} options.each { |k, v| path_args[k] = v.to_s } return generate_url('GET', bucket, '', path_args, headers) end def delete_bucket(bucket, headers={}) return generate_url('DELETE', bucket, '', {}, headers) end # don't really care what object data is. it's just for conformance with the # other interface. If this doesn't work, check tcpdump to see if the client is # putting a Content-Type header on the wire. def put(bucket, key, object=nil, headers={}) object = S3Object.new(object) if not object.instance_of? S3Object return generate_url('PUT', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, merge_meta(headers, object)) end def get(bucket, key, headers={}) return generate_url('GET', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers) end def delete(bucket, key, headers={}) return generate_url('DELETE', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers) end def get_bucket_logging(bucket, headers={}) return generate_url('GET', bucket, '', {'logging' => nil}, headers) end def put_bucket_logging(bucket, logging_xml_doc, headers={}) return generate_url('PUT', bucket, '', {'logging' => nil}, headers) end def get_acl(bucket, key='', headers={}) return generate_url('GET', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {'acl' => nil}, headers) end def get_bucket_acl(bucket, headers={}) return get_acl(bucket, '', headers) end # don't really care what acl_xml_doc is. # again, check the wire for Content-Type if this fails. def put_acl(bucket, key, acl_xml_doc, headers={}) return generate_url('PUT', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {'acl' => nil}, headers) end def put_bucket_acl(bucket, acl_xml_doc, headers={}) return put_acl(bucket, '', acl_xml_doc, headers) end def list_all_my_buckets(headers={}) return generate_url('GET', '', '', {}, headers) end private # generate a url with the appropriate query string authentication # parameters set. def generate_url(method, bucket="", key="", path_args={}, headers={}) expires = 0 if not @expires_in.nil? expires = Time.now.to_i + @expires_in elsif not @expires.nil? expires = @expires else raise "invalid expires state" end canonical_string = S3::canonical_string(method, @virtual_path, bucket, key, path_args, headers, expires) encoded_canonical = S3::encode(@aws_secret_access_key, canonical_string) url = CallingFormat.build_url_base(@protocol, @server, @port, @virtual_path, bucket, @calling_format) path_args["Signature"] = encoded_canonical.to_s path_args["Expires"] = expires.to_s path_args["AWSAccessKeyId"] = @aws_access_key_id.to_s arg_string = S3.path_args_hash_to_string(path_args) return "#{url}/#{key}?#{arg_string}" end def merge_meta(headers, object) final_headers = headers.clone if not object.nil? and not object.metadata.nil? object.metadata.each do |k, v| final_headers[METADATA_PREFIX + k] = v end end return final_headers end end class S3Object attr_accessor :data attr_accessor :metadata def initialize(data, metadata={}) @data, @metadata = data, metadata end end # class for storing calling format constants module CallingFormat REGULAR = 0 # http://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket/key SUBDOMAIN = 1 # http://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/key VANITY = 2 # http:///key -- vanity_domain resolves to s3.amazonaws.com # build the url based on the calling format, and bucket def CallingFormat.build_url_base(protocol, server, port, vpath, bucket, format) build_url_base = "#{protocol}://" if bucket.empty? build_url_base << "#{server}:#{port}/${vpath}" elsif format == SUBDOMAIN build_url_base << "#{bucket}.#{server}:#{port}/${vpath}" elsif format == VANITY build_url_base << "#{bucket}:#{port}/${vpath}" else build_url_base << "#{server}:#{port}/${vpath}/#{bucket}" end return build_url_base end end class Owner attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :display_name end class ListEntry attr_accessor :key attr_accessor :last_modified attr_accessor :etag attr_accessor :size attr_accessor :storage_class attr_accessor :owner end class ListProperties attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :prefix attr_accessor :marker attr_accessor :max_keys attr_accessor :delimiter attr_accessor :is_truncated attr_accessor :next_marker end class CommonPrefixEntry attr_accessor :prefix end # Parses the list bucket output into a list of ListEntry objects, and # a list of CommonPrefixEntry objects if applicable. class ListBucketParser attr_reader :properties attr_reader :entries attr_reader :common_prefixes def initialize reset end def tag_start(name, attributes) if name == 'ListBucketResult' @properties = ListProperties.new elsif name == 'Contents' @curr_entry = ListEntry.new elsif name == 'Owner' @curr_entry.owner = Owner.new elsif name == 'CommonPrefixes' @common_prefix_entry = CommonPrefixEntry.new end end # we have one, add him to the entries list def tag_end(name) # this prefix is the one we echo back from the request if name == 'Name' @properties.name = @curr_text elsif name == 'Prefix' and @is_echoed_prefix @properties.prefix = @curr_text @is_echoed_prefix = nil elsif name == 'Marker' @properties.marker = @curr_text elsif name == 'MaxKeys' @properties.max_keys = @curr_text.to_i elsif name == 'Delimiter' @properties.delimiter = @curr_text elsif name == 'IsTruncated' @properties.is_truncated = @curr_text == 'true' elsif name == 'NextMarker' @properties.next_marker = @curr_text elsif name == 'Contents' @entries << @curr_entry elsif name == 'Key' @curr_entry.key = @curr_text elsif name == 'LastModified' @curr_entry.last_modified = @curr_text elsif name == 'ETag' @curr_entry.etag = @curr_text elsif name == 'Size' @curr_entry.size = @curr_text.to_i elsif name == 'StorageClass' @curr_entry.storage_class = @curr_text elsif name == 'ID' @curr_entry.owner = Owner.new if !@curr_entry.owner @curr_entry.owner.id = @curr_text elsif name == 'DisplayName' @curr_entry.owner = Owner.new if !@curr_entry.owner @curr_entry.owner.display_name = @curr_text elsif name == 'CommonPrefixes' @common_prefixes << @common_prefix_entry elsif name == 'Prefix' # this is the common prefix for keys that match up to the delimiter @common_prefix_entry.prefix = @curr_text end @curr_text = '' end def text(text) @curr_text += text end def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone) # ignore end # get ready for another parse def reset @is_echoed_prefix = true; @entries = [] @curr_entry = nil @common_prefixes = [] @common_prefix_entry = nil @curr_text = '' end end class Bucket attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :creation_date end class ListAllMyBucketsParser attr_reader :entries def initialize reset end def tag_start(name, attributes) if name == 'Bucket' @curr_bucket = Bucket.new end end # we have one, add him to the entries list def tag_end(name) if name == 'Bucket' @entries << @curr_bucket elsif name == 'Name' @curr_bucket.name = @curr_text elsif name == 'CreationDate' @curr_bucket.creation_date = @curr_text end @curr_text = '' end def text(text) @curr_text += text end def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone) # ignore end # get ready for another parse def reset @entries = [] @owner = nil @curr_bucket = nil @curr_text = '' end end class Response attr_reader :http_response def initialize(response) @http_response = response end end class GetResponse < Response attr_reader :object def initialize(response) super(response) metadata = get_aws_metadata(response) data = response.body @object = S3Object.new(data, metadata) end # parses the request headers and pulls out the s3 metadata into a hash def get_aws_metadata(response) metadata = {} response.each do |key, value| if key =~ /^#{METADATA_PREFIX}(.*)$/oi metadata[$1] = value end end return metadata end end class ListBucketResponse < Response attr_reader :properties attr_reader :entries attr_reader :common_prefix_entries def initialize(response) super(response) if response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess parser = ListBucketParser.new REXML::Document.parse_stream(response.body, parser) @properties = parser.properties @entries = parser.entries @common_prefix_entries = parser.common_prefixes else @entries = [] end end end class ListAllMyBucketsResponse < Response attr_reader :entries def initialize(response) super(response) if response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess parser = ListAllMyBucketsParser.new REXML::Document.parse_stream(response.body, parser) @entries = parser.entries else @entries = [] end end end end