# This (javascript) file is generated from lib/coffee_script/narwhal/coffee-script.coffee # Executes the `coffee` Ruby program to convert from CoffeeScript # to Javascript. Eventually this will hopefully happen entirely within JS. # Require external dependencies. OS: require('os') File: require('file') Readline: require('readline') # The path to the CoffeeScript Compiler. coffeePath: File.path(module.path).dirname().dirname().dirname().dirname().dirname().join('bin', 'coffee') # Our general-purpose error handler. checkForErrors: coffeeProcess => return true if coffeeProcess.wait() is 0 system.stderr.print(coffeeProcess.stderr.read()) throw new Error("CoffeeScript compile error"). # Run a simple REPL, round-tripping to the CoffeeScript compiler for every # command. exports.run: args => args.shift() if args.length exports.evalCS(File.read(path)) for path in args. return true. while true try system.stdout.write('coffee> ').flush() result: exports.evalCS(Readline.readline()) print(result) if result isnt undefined catch e print(e)... # Compile a given CoffeeScript file into JavaScript. exports.compileFile: path => coffee: OS.popen([coffeePath, "--print", "--no-wrap", path]) checkForErrors(coffee) coffee.stdout.read(). # Compile a string of CoffeeScript into JavaScript. exports.compile: source => coffee: OS.popen([coffeePath, "--eval", "--no-wrap"]) coffee.stdin.write(source).flush().close() checkForErrors(coffee) coffee.stdout.read(). # Evaluating a string of CoffeeScript first compiles it externally. exports.evalCS: source => eval(exports.compile(source)). # Make a factory for the CoffeeScript environment. exports.makeNarwhalFactory: path => code: exports.compileFile(path) factoryText: "function(require,exports,module,system,print){ 1 + 1 /**/\n}" if system.engine is "rhino" Packages.org.mozilla.javascript.Context.getCurrentContext().compileFunction(global, factoryText, path, 0, null) else # eval requires parenthesis, but parenthesis break compileFunction. eval("(" + factoryText + ")")..