#Stipe Compass Extension Stipe is the life blood of the Toadstool style guide framework. Consisting of a series of mixins, extends and defaults that give Toadstool that 'instant on' experience. [Stipe](https://rubygems.org/gems/stipe) ##To install `gem install stipe` ##To use To use the Stipe gem, using Bundler `gem 'stipe'` Stipe is a Compass Extension, so Compass is a dependency. You will need to include `require 'stipe'` in your config.rb file. # Stipe Changelog ### * Make `push`/`pull` grid mixins accept context arguments. Useful for nested, percentage-based grids. ### * Tweak `the_grid` to work with 24 column default setting ### * Updated `@clearfix` to remove redundant CSS output. * Added some additional @media query-scoped grid placeholders. * Updated gem homepage. ### * Removed uneccessary instances of the box-sizing mixin, namely, in the push/pull mixins. * Added _legacy_extends.scss file to stipe/grid. This is an optional @import, not included in the Stipe manifest. It restores some legacy placeholders. Consider it deprecated. ### * Move grid extends to load last in style.scss manifest - when using the extended grid solution, this will move all your media queries to the end of the stylesheet. * Removed support for Font-Awesome and Zocial ico-fonts * Replaced with new and improved "build your own" ico-font solution * General bug fixes ### * BUG FIX - Addressed duplicate output for 12 col and 24 col nested placeholder selectors ### * ALERT!!!! Deprecated Stipe's gradient support. This code will be deleted in future releases. Please make sure to update all gradients to use Compass' `@include background-image` mixin * Grids have been updated to support a larger array of placeholder classes for both 12 col and 24 col grid layouts. * New experimental support for placeholder selectors and nested grids ### * Update grid - move box-sizing from grid scope to global attribute * Deprecate Stipe's grid solution in favor of using Compass ### * Restore `-ms-linear-gradient(...)` in `linear_gradient_w3c()` mixin. Because Jed has no idea what he's doing. ### * Replaced `-ms-linear-gradient(...)` with `linear-gradient(..)` in `linear_gradient_w3c()` mixin. ### * Updated `_forms.scss` to support legacy versions of extends ### * Removed sass-globbing dependency in stipe itself ### * Commonly named color values (aquamarine, white, Crimson, etc) need to be put in `' '` when processed through Rails ### * Added `!optional` flag to Toadstool generated extended placeholder selectors to address backwards compatibility. * If Sass still pukes on not finding the placeholders to extend, either the name was updated or simple add `!optional` to the end of the extend declaration. * For the most part this would be restricted to `_buttons.scss` and `_forms.scss` ### * Over-hauled color palette CSS * Updated forms extends to include `stipe_` in the name to increase visibility of where code is coming from in Toadstool * Added UI for `contenteditable` new functionality * Old button lib is dead * All new buttons is alive * Updates to `/stipe/stylesheets/stipe/toadstool/ui_patterns/_color_grid.scss` * Added new `extend_color_loop` mixin * Dynamically looping through list of OOCSS names to create color block classes * New `extend_color_loop` mixin * Added to `/stipe/stylesheets/stipe/toadstool/ui_patterns/_color_grid.scss` * All extends generated in memory from lists of objects