require_relative "test_helper" class TestDateSupercharger < Minitest::Test extend Minitest::Spec::DSL let(:now) { } let(:monday) { } let(:tuesday) { monday + } let(:wednesday) { monday + } let(:thursday) { monday + } let(:friday) { monday + } let(:saturday) { monday + } let(:sunday) { monday + } before do unless ActiveRecord::Base.connected? establish_connection days = [monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday] days.each do |day| create({city: "Bogota",visit_date: day}) end end end describe "ActiveRecord has established a connection to the database" do describe "#_after" do it "should not include be inclusive" do assert_equal 6, Visit.visit_date_after(monday).count end it "should raise an ArgumentError when receives more than one param" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Visit.visit_date_after(monday,:additional_argument) } end it "should raise an ArgumentError when receives no params" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Visit.visit_date_after() } end end describe "#_after_or_at" do it "should be inclusive" do assert_equal 7, Visit.visit_date_after_or_at(monday).count end end describe "#_before" do it "should not include be inclusive" do assert_equal 6, Visit.visit_date_before(sunday).count end end describe "#_before_or_at" do it "should be inclusive" do assert_equal 7, Visit.visit_date_before_or_at(sunday).count end end describe "#_between" do it "should include from but exclude to" do assert_equal 6, Visit.visit_date_between(monday,sunday).count end end describe "#_between_inclusive" do it "should include from but exclude to" do assert_equal 7, Visit.visit_date_between_inclusive(monday,sunday).count end end describe "#respond_to?" do it "should respond_to date supercharger methods" do supercharger_methods = [:before,:after,:before_or_at,:after_or_at,:between,:between_inclusive] supercharger_methods.each do |method| assert_equal true, Visit.respond_to?("visit_date_#{method}") end end end end describe "ActiveRecord has not established a connection to the database" do before do ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection end it "should not raise exception" do assert_equal false, Visit.respond_to?(:unexisting_method) end end private def create(attributes, count = 1) count.times { Visit.create!(attributes) } end end