class OperaWatir::Collection # Aliases that Watir1 defines for certain attributes ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES = { :url => :href, :class => :class_name, :tag => :tag_name } # Welcome to Hacksville, population: too many # Creates a new selector based on the arguments given to the Watir 1 # browser methods, e.g. +browser.div(:id, 'content')+. # # @param [Array] args The array of arguments passed to the Watir # method. # @param [Method] default_method The attribute to use when only a # value is provided, e.g. browser.div('content'). # @return [OperaWatir::Selector] the generated selector def add_selector_from_arguments(args, default_method) # () => :index, 0 if args.empty? type, value = :index, 0 # (:index, 1) => :index, 0 elsif args.first == :index type, value = :index, args[1].to_i - 1 # Handle a hash of selectors elsif args.length == 1 and args.first.is_a? Hash args.first.each_pair do |k, v| s = add_selector_from_arguments([k, v], default_method) end return s # (:id, 3.14) => TypeError elsif args.any? {|arg| ![String, Regexp, Fixnum, Symbol].any?{|k| arg.is_a?(k)}} raise TypeError # NOTE: This is purely to make WatirSpec pass # (:no_such_how, 'some_value') => Exception elsif args.first == :no_such_how raise OperaWatir::Exceptions::MissingWayOfFindingObjectException # ('foo') => :attribute, {:id => 'foo'} elsif !args.first.is_a?(Symbol) && args[1].nil? type, value = :attribute, { default_method => args.first } # (:xpath, '//area') => :xpath, '//area' elsif ![:id, :class, :tag].include?(args.first) && OperaWatir::Selector::BASE_TYPES.include?(args.first) type, value = args.first, args[1] # (:url, 'foo.html') => :attribute, {:href => 'foo.html'} else type, value = :attribute, { (ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES[args.first.to_sym] || args.first) => args[1] } end selector.send(type, value) end # Watir1 Collections are 1 indexed *headslap* # Gets the element at index, starting from 1 (i.e. [0] in a normal # array is [1] here. # # @param [Fixnum] index The index of the element to retreive # @return [OperaWatir::Collection] A new collection with the # selector pointing to the given index. def [](index) {|c| c.selector.index(index-1) } end # Define methods to satisfy #respond_to? which is used in the tests. [:name, :title, :type, :class_name, :text, :style, :value].each do |name| define_method(name) {method_missing(name)} end # Fetches the string representation of this collection. # # @return [String] the string representation of this collection # @raise [OperaWatir::Exceptions::UnknownObjectException] def to_s # This should return all of the attributes defined on each # element. We don't have support for that, so lets just # output the useful ones. do |el| "tag: #{el.tag_name.downcase}\n"+ " id: #{}\n" + " class: #{el.class_name}\n" + " title: #{el.title}\n" + " text: #{el.text}" end.join("\n") end private def map_or_return(&blk) end end