require 'spec_helper' describe Mdm::Vuln do subject(:vuln) do end context '#destroy' do it 'should successfully destroy the object and dependent objects' do vuln = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln) vuln_attempt = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln_attempt, :vuln => vuln) vuln_detail = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln_detail, :vuln => vuln) vuln_ref = FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln_ref, :vuln => vuln) expect { vuln.destroy }.to_not raise_error expect { vuln.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { vuln_attempt.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { vuln_detail.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { vuln_ref.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end context 'associations' do it { should belong_to(:host).class_name('Mdm::Host') } it { should belong_to(:service).class_name('Mdm::Service') } it { should have_many(:module_refs).class_name('Mdm::Module::Ref').through(:refs) } # @todo it { should have_many(:refs).class_name('Mdm::Ref').through(:vulns_refs) } it { should have_many(:vuln_attempts).class_name('Mdm::VulnAttempt').dependent(:destroy) } it { should have_many(:vuln_details).class_name('Mdm::VulnDetail').dependent(:destroy) } # @todo it { should have_many(:vulns_refs).class_name('Mdm::VulnRef').dependent(:destroy) } context 'module_details' do it { should have_many(:module_details).class_name('Mdm::Module::Detail').through(:module_refs) } context 'with Mdm::Refs' do let(:names) do 2.times.collect { FactoryGirl.generate :mdm_ref_name } end let!(:refs) do names.collect do |name| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_ref, :name => name) end end context 'with Mdm::VulnRefs' do let!(:vuln_refs) do refs.collect { |ref| FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln_ref, :ref => ref, :vuln => vuln) } end it 'should be deletable' do expect { vuln.destroy }.not_to raise_error end context 'with Mdm::Module::Detail' do let!(:module_detail) do FactoryGirl.create( :mdm_module_detail ) end context 'with Mdm::Module::Refs with same names as Mdm::Refs' do let!(:module_refs) do names.each do |name| FactoryGirl.create( :mdm_module_ref, :detail => module_detail, :name => name ) end end it 'should list unique Mdm::Module::Detail' do expect(vuln.module_details).to match_array([module_detail]) end it 'should have duplicate Mdm::Module::Details if collected through chain' do refs = [] # @todo vuln.vulns_refs.each do |vuln_ref| refs << vuln_ref.ref end module_refs = [] refs.each do |ref| module_refs += ref.module_refs end module_details = [] module_refs.each do |module_ref| module_details << module_ref.detail end vuln.module_details.count.should < module_details.length module_details.uniq.count.should == vuln.module_details.count end end end end end end end context 'database' do context 'columns' do it { should have_db_column(:exploited_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { should have_db_column(:host_id).of_type(:integer) } it { should have_db_column(:info).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:name).of_type(:string) } it { should have_db_column(:service_id).of_type(:integer) } context 'counter caches' do it { should have_db_column(:vuln_attempt_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } it { should have_db_column(:vuln_detail_count).of_type(:integer).with_options(:default => 0) } end context 'timestamps' do it { should have_db_column(:created_at).of_type(:datetime) } it { should have_db_column(:updated_at).of_type(:datetime) } end end end context 'factories' do context 'mdm_host_vuln' do subject(:mdm_host_vuln) do end it { should be_valid } end context 'mdm_service_vuln' do subject(:mdm_service_vuln) do end it { should be_valid } end context 'mdm_vuln' do subject(:mdm_vuln) do end it { should be_valid } end end context 'scopes' do context 'search' do context 'with Mdm::Vuln' do subject(:results) do end let!(:vuln) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln) end context 'with Mdm::Ref' do let!(:ref) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_ref) end context 'with Mdm::VulnRef' do let!(:vuln_ref) do FactoryGirl.create(:mdm_vuln_ref, :ref => ref, :vuln => vuln) end context 'with query matching Mdm::Ref#name' do let(:query) do end it 'should match Mdm::Vuln' do results.should =~ [vuln] end end context 'with query matching Mdm::Ref#name' do let(:query) do "Not #{}" end it 'should not match Mdm::Vuln' do results.should be_empty end end end context 'without Mdm::VulnRef' do context 'with query matching Mdm::Vuln#name' do let(:query) do end it 'should match Mdm::Vuln' do results.should =~ [vuln] end end context 'with query not matching Mdm::Vuln#name' do let(:query) do "Not #{}" end it 'should not match Mdm::Vuln' do results.should be_empty end end context 'with query matching Mdm::Vuln#info' do let(:query) do end it 'should match Mdm::Vuln' do results.should =~ [vuln] end end context 'without query matching Mdm::Vuln#info' do let(:query) do "Not #{}" end it 'should not match Mdm::Vuln' do results.should be_empty end end end end end end end context 'validations' do it { should validate_presence_of :name } context "invalid" do let(:mdm_vuln) do end it "should not allow :name over 255 characters" do str = Faker::Lorem.characters(256) = str mdm_vuln.valid? mdm_vuln.errors[:name][0].should include "is too long" end end end end