require "spec_helper" describe I18n::JS do describe '.config_file_path' do let(:default_path) { I18n::JS::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH } let(:new_path) { File.join("tmp", default_path) } subject { described_class.config_file_path } context "when it is not set" do it { should eq default_path } end context "when it is set already" do before { described_class.config_file_path = new_path } it { should eq new_path } end end context "exporting" do before do stub_const('I18n::JS::DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIR_PATH', temp_path) end it "exports messages to default path when configuration file doesn't exist" do I18n::JS.export file_should_exist "translations.js" end it "exports messages using custom output path" do set_config "custom_path.yml" I18n::JS.should_receive(:save).with(translations, "tmp/i18n-js/all.js") I18n::JS.export end it "sets default scope to * when not specified" do set_config "no_scope.yml" I18n::JS.should_receive(:save).with(translations, "tmp/i18n-js/no_scope.js") I18n::JS.export end it "exports to multiple files" do set_config "multiple_files.yml" I18n::JS.export file_should_exist "all.js" file_should_exist "tudo.js" end it "ignores an empty config file" do set_config "no_config.yml" I18n::JS.export file_should_exist "translations.js" end it "exports to a JS file per available locale" do set_config "js_file_per_locale.yml" I18n::JS.export file_should_exist "en.js" end it "exports with multiple conditions" do set_config "multiple_conditions.yml" I18n::JS.export file_should_exist "bitsnpieces.js" end it "exports with multiple conditions to a JS file per available locale" do allow(::I18n).to receive(:available_locales){ [:en, :fr] } set_config "multiple_conditions_per_locale.yml" expected_locales = %w(en fr) result = I18n::JS.translation_segments expected_files = { |locale| "tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{locale}.js" } result.keys.should eql(expected_files) expected_locales.each do |lang| result["tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{lang}.js"].keys.should eql([lang.to_sym]) result["tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{lang}.js"][lang.to_sym].keys.sort.should eql([:date, :number]) end end it "calls .export_i18n_js" do allow(described_class).to receive(:export_i18n_js) I18n::JS.export expect(described_class).to have_received(:export_i18n_js).once end end context "filters" do it "filters translations using scope *.date.formats" do result = I18n::JS.filter(translations, "*.date.formats") result[:en][:date].keys.should eql([:formats]) result[:fr][:date].keys.should eql([:formats]) end it "filters translations using scope [*.date.formats, *.number.currency.format]" do result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations(["*.date.formats", "*.number.currency.format"]) result[:en].keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.should eql(%w[ date number ]) result[:fr].keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.should eql(%w[ date number ]) end it "filters translations using multi-star scope" do result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*.*.formats") result[:en].keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.should eql(%w[ date time ]) result[:fr].keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.should eql(%w[ date time ]) result[:en][:date].keys.should eql([:formats]) result[:en][:time].keys.should eql([:formats]) result[:fr][:date].keys.should eql([:formats]) result[:fr][:time].keys.should eql([:formats]) end it "filters translations using alternated stars" do result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*.admin.*.title") result[:en][:admin].keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.should eql(%w[ edit show ]) result[:fr][:admin].keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.should eql(%w[ edit show ]) result[:en][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Show") result[:fr][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Visualiser") result[:en][:admin][:edit][:title].should eql("Edit") result[:fr][:admin][:edit][:title].should eql("Editer") end end context "fallbacks" do it "exports without fallback when disabled" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_without_fallbacks.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql(nil) end it "exports with default_locale as fallback when enabled" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_enabled.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success") end it "exports with default_locale as fallback when enabled with :default_locale" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_default_locale_symbol.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success") end it "exports with given locale as fallback" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_locale.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg") end context "with I18n::Fallbacks enabled" do let(:backend_with_fallbacks) { } let!(:old_backebad) { I18n.backend } before do I18n.backend = backend_with_fallbacks I18n.fallbacks[:fr] = [:de, :en] end after { I18n.backend = old_backebad } it "exports with defined locale as fallback when enabled" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_enabled.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg") end it "exports with defined locale as fallback when enabled with :default_locale" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_default_locale_symbol.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success") end it "exports with Fallbacks as Hash" do set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_hash.yml" result = I18n::JS.translation_segments result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg") end end end context "I18n.available_locales" do context "when I18n.available_locales is not set" do it "should allow all locales" do result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*.admin.*.title") result[:en][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Show") result[:fr][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Visualiser") result[:ja][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Ignore me") end end context "when I18n.available_locales is set" do before { allow(::I18n).to receive(:available_locales){ [:en, :fr] } } it "should ignore non-valid locales" do result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*.admin.*.title") result[:en][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Show") result[:fr][:admin][:show][:title].should eql("Visualiser") result.keys.include?(:ja).should eql(false) end end end context "general" do it "sets export directory" do I18n::JS::DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIR_PATH.should eql("public/javascripts") end it "sets empty hash as configuration when no file is found" do I18n::JS.config?.should eql(false) I18n::JS.config.should eql({}) end it "executes erb in config file" do set_config "erb.yml" config_entry = I18n::JS.config["translations"].first config_entry["only"].should eq("*.date.formats") end end describe "i18n.js exporting" do describe ".export_i18n_js" do before do allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).and_call_original allow(FileUtils).to receive(:cp).and_call_original described_class.stub(:export_i18n_js_dir_path).and_return(export_i18n_js_dir_path) I18n::JS.export_i18n_js end context 'when .export_i18n_js_dir_path returns something' do let(:export_i18n_js_dir_path) { temp_path } it "does create the folder before copying" do expect(FileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(export_i18n_js_dir_path).once end it "does copy the file with FileUtils.cp" do expect(FileUtils).to have_received(:cp).once end it "exports the file" do File.should be_file(File.join(I18n::JS.export_i18n_js_dir_path, "i18n.js")) end end context 'when .export_i18n_js_dir_path is set to nil' do let(:export_i18n_js_dir_path) { nil } it "does NOT create the folder before copying" do expect(FileUtils).to_not have_received(:mkdir_p) end it "does NOT copy the file with FileUtils.cp" do expect(FileUtils).to_not have_received(:cp) end end end describe '.export_i18n_js_dir_path' do let(:default_path) { I18n::JS::DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIR_PATH } let(:new_path) { File.join("tmp", default_path) } before { described_class.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@export_i18n_js_dir_path) } subject { described_class.export_i18n_js_dir_path } context "when it is not set" do it { should eq default_path } end context "when it is set to another path already" do before { described_class.export_i18n_js_dir_path = new_path } it { should eq new_path } end context "when it is set to nil already" do before { described_class.export_i18n_js_dir_path = nil } it { should be_nil } end end end end describe I18n::JS::Dependencies, ".sprockets_supports_register_preprocessor?" do subject { described_class.sprockets_supports_register_preprocessor? } context 'when Sprockets is available to register preprocessors' do let!(:sprockets_double) do class_double('Sprockets').as_stubbed_const(register_processor: true).tap do |double| allow(double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(true) end end it { be_truthy } it 'calls respond_to? with register_preprocessor on Sprockets' do expect(sprockets_double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(true) subject end end context 'when Sprockets is NOT available to register preprocessors' do let!(:sprockets_double) do class_double('Sprockets').as_stubbed_const(register_processor: true).tap do |double| allow(double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(false) end end it { be_falsy } it 'calls respond_to? with register_preprocessor on Sprockets' do expect(sprockets_double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(false) subject end end context 'when Sprockets is missing' do before do hide_const('Sprockets') expect { Sprockets }.to raise_error(NameError) end it { be_falsy } end end describe I18n::JS::Utils do describe ".strip_keys_with_nil_values" do subject { described_class.strip_keys_with_nil_values(input_hash) } context 'when input_hash does NOT contain nil value' do let(:input_hash) { {a: 1, b: { c: 2 }} } let(:expected_hash) { input_hash } it 'returns the original input' do eq expected_hash end end context 'when input_hash does contain nil value' do let(:input_hash) { {a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: nil }, e: { f: nil }} } let(:expected_hash) { {a: 1, b: { c: 2 }, e: {}} } it 'returns the original input with nil values removed' do eq expected_hash end end end context "hash merging" do it "performs a deep merge" do target = {:a => {:b => 1}} result = described_class.deep_merge(target, {:a => {:c => 2}}) result[:a].should eql({:b => 1, :c => 2}) end it "performs a banged deep merge" do target = {:a => {:b => 1}} described_class.deep_merge!(target, {:a => {:c => 2}}) target[:a].should eql({:b => 1, :c => 2}) end end end