require 'mida_vocabulary/vocabulary' module Mida module SchemaOrg autoload :CreativeWork, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/creativework' autoload :Thing, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/thing' autoload :NewsArticle, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/newsarticle' autoload :Duration, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/duration' autoload :Distance, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/distance' autoload :QuantitativeValue, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/quantitativevalue' autoload :Offer, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/offer' autoload :Organization, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/organization' autoload :PublicationEvent, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/publicationevent' autoload :Place, 'mida_vocabulary/vocabularies/schemaorg/place' # An image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song (MusicRecording) may have a music video (VideoObject), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream (2 AudioObject's). class MediaObject < Mida::Vocabulary itemtype %r{}i include_vocabulary Mida::SchemaOrg::CreativeWork include_vocabulary Mida::SchemaOrg::Thing # A NewsArticle associated with the Media Object. has_many 'associatedArticle' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::NewsArticle extract Mida::DataType::Text end # The bitrate of the media object. has_many 'bitrate' # File size in (mega/kilo) bytes. has_many 'contentSize' # Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file. (previous spelling: contentURL) has_many 'contentUrl' do extract Mida::DataType::URL end # The duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in ISO 8601 date format. has_many 'duration' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Duration extract Mida::DataType::Text end # A URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the src element of an embed tag and should not be the same as the content of the loc tag. (previous spelling: embedURL) has_many 'embedUrl' do extract Mida::DataType::URL end # The CreativeWork encoded by this media object. has_many 'encodesCreativeWork' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::CreativeWork extract Mida::DataType::Text end # mp3, mpeg4, etc. has_many 'encodingFormat' # Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. Useful for videos. has_many 'expires' do extract Mida::DataType::ISO8601Date end # The height of the item. has_many 'height' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Distance extract Mida::SchemaOrg::QuantitativeValue extract Mida::DataType::Text end # A count of a specific user interactions with this item - for example, 20 UserLikes, 5 UserComments, or 300 UserDownloads. The user interaction type should be one of the sub types of UserInteraction. has_many 'interactionCount' # An offer to provide this item - for example, an offer to sell a product, rent the DVD of a movie, or give away tickets to an event. has_many 'offers' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Offer extract Mida::DataType::Text end # Player type required - for example, Flash or Silverlight. has_many 'playerType' # The production company or studio that made the movie, tv/radio series, season, or episode, or media object. has_many 'productionCompany' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Organization extract Mida::DataType::Text end # A publication event associated with the episode, clip or media object. has_many 'publication' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::PublicationEvent extract Mida::DataType::Text end # The regions where the media is allowed. If not specified, then it's assumed to be allowed everywhere. Specify the countries in ISO 3166 format. has_many 'regionsAllowed' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Place extract Mida::DataType::Text end # Indicates if use of the media require a subscription (either paid or free). Allowed values are true or false (note that an earlier version had 'yes', 'no'). has_many 'requiresSubscription' do extract Mida::DataType::Boolean end # Date when this media object was uploaded to this site. has_many 'uploadDate' do extract Mida::DataType::ISO8601Date end # The width of the item. has_many 'width' do extract Mida::SchemaOrg::Distance extract Mida::SchemaOrg::QuantitativeValue extract Mida::DataType::Text end end end end