require "set" class Rage::Cable::Channel # @private INTERNAL_ACTIONS = [:subscribed, :unsubscribed] class << self # @private attr_reader :__prepared_actions # @private attr_reader :__channels # @private # returns a list of actions that can be called remotely def __register_actions actions = ( public_instance_methods(true) - Rage::Cable::Channel.public_instance_methods(true) ).reject { |m| m.start_with?("__rage_tmp") || m.start_with?("__run") } @__prepared_actions = (INTERNAL_ACTIONS + actions).each_with_object({}) do |action_name, memo| memo[action_name] = __register_action_proc(action_name) end actions - INTERNAL_ACTIONS end # @private # rubocop:disable Layout/HeredocIndentation, Layout/IndentationWidth, Layout/EndAlignment, Layout/ElseAlignment def __register_action_proc(action_name) if action_name == :subscribed && @__hooks before_subscribe_chunk = if @__hooks[:before_subscribe] lines = @__hooks[:before_subscribe].map do |h| condition = if h[:if] && h[:unless] "if #{h[:if]} && !#{h[:unless]}" elsif h[:if] "if #{h[:if]}" elsif h[:unless] "unless #{h[:unless]}" end <<~RUBY #{h[:name]} #{condition} return if @__subscription_rejected RUBY end lines.join("\n") end after_subscribe_chunk = if @__hooks[:after_subscribe] lines = @__hooks[:after_subscribe].map do |h| condition = if h[:if] && h[:unless] "if #{h[:if]} && !#{h[:unless]}" elsif h[:if] "if #{h[:if]}" elsif h[:unless] "unless #{h[:unless]}" end <<~RUBY #{h[:name]} #{condition} RUBY end lines.join("\n") end end if action_name == :unsubscribed && @__hooks before_unsubscribe_chunk = if @__hooks[:before_unsubscribe] lines = @__hooks[:before_unsubscribe].map do |h| condition = if h[:if] && h[:unless] "if #{h[:if]} && !#{h[:unless]}" elsif h[:if] "if #{h[:if]}" elsif h[:unless] "unless #{h[:unless]}" end <<~RUBY #{h[:name]} #{condition} RUBY end lines.join("\n") end after_unsubscribe_chunk = if @__hooks[:after_unsubscribe] lines = @__hooks[:after_unsubscribe].map do |h| condition = if h[:if] && h[:unless] "if #{h[:if]} && !#{h[:unless]}" elsif h[:if] "if #{h[:if]}" elsif h[:unless] "unless #{h[:unless]}" end <<~RUBY #{h[:name]} #{condition} RUBY end lines.join("\n") end end rescue_handlers_chunk = if @__rescue_handlers lines = do |klasses, handler| <<~RUBY rescue #{klasses.join(", ")} => __e #{instance_method(handler).arity == 0 ? handler : "#{handler}(__e)"} RUBY end lines.join("\n") else "" end periodic_timers_chunk = if @__periodic_timers set_up_periodic_timers if action_name == :subscribed <<~RUBY self.class.__channels << self unless subscription_rejected? RUBY elsif action_name == :unsubscribed <<~RUBY self.class.__channels.delete(self) RUBY end else "" end is_subscribing = action_name == :subscribed activerecord_loaded = defined?(::ActiveRecord) method_name = class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def __run_#{action_name}(data) #{if is_subscribing <<~RUBY @__is_subscribing = true RUBY end} #{before_subscribe_chunk} #{before_unsubscribe_chunk} #{if instance_method(action_name).arity == 0 <<~RUBY #{action_name} RUBY else <<~RUBY #{action_name}(data) RUBY end} #{after_subscribe_chunk} #{after_unsubscribe_chunk} #{periodic_timers_chunk} #{rescue_handlers_chunk} #{if activerecord_loaded <<~RUBY ensure if ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.active_connection? ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_active_connections! end RUBY end} end RUBY eval("->(channel, data) { channel.#{method_name}(data) }") end # rubocop:enable all # @private def __prepare_id_method(method_name) define_method(method_name) do @__identified_by[method_name] end end # Register a new `before_subscribe` hook that will be called before the {subscribed} method. # # @example # before_subscribe :my_method # @example # before_subscribe do # ... # end # @example # before_subscribe :my_method, if: -> { ... } def before_subscribe(action_name = nil, **opts, &block) add_action(:before_subscribe, action_name, **opts, &block) end # Register a new `after_subscribe` hook that will be called after the {subscribed} method. # # @example # after_subscribe do # ... # end # @example # after_subscribe :my_method, unless: :subscription_rejected? # @note This callback will be triggered even if the subscription was rejected with the {reject} method. def after_subscribe(action_name = nil, **opts, &block) add_action(:after_subscribe, action_name, **opts, &block) end # Register a new `before_unsubscribe` hook that will be called before the {unsubscribed} method. def before_unsubscribe(action_name = nil, **opts, &block) add_action(:before_unsubscribe, action_name, **opts, &block) end # Register a new `after_unsubscribe` hook that will be called after the {unsubscribed} method. def after_unsubscribe(action_name = nil, **opts, &block) add_action(:after_unsubscribe, action_name, **opts, &block) end # Register an exception handler. # # @param klasses [Class, Array] exception classes to watch on # @param with [Symbol] the name of a handler method. The method can take one argument, which is the raised exception. Alternatively, you can pass a block, which can also take one argument. # @example # rescue_from StandardError, with: :report_error # # private # # def report_error(e) # SomeExternalBugtrackingService.notify(e) # end # @example # rescue_from StandardError do |e| # SomeExternalBugtrackingService.notify(e) # end def rescue_from(*klasses, with: nil, &block) unless with if block_given? with = define_tmp_method(block) else raise ArgumentError, "No handler provided. Pass the `with` keyword argument or provide a block." end end if @__rescue_handlers.nil? @__rescue_handlers = [] elsif @__rescue_handlers.frozen? @__rescue_handlers = @__rescue_handlers.dup end @__rescue_handlers.unshift([klasses, with]) end # Set up a timer to periodically perform a task on the channel. Accepts a method name or a block. # # @param method_name [Symbol, nil] the name of the method to call # @param every [Integer] the calling period in seconds # @example # periodically every: 3.minutes do # transmit({ action: :update_count, count: current_count }) # end # @example # periodically :update_count, every: 3.minutes def periodically(method_name = nil, every:, &block) callback_name = if block_given? raise ArgumentError, "Pass the `method_name` argument or provide a block, not both" if method_name define_tmp_method(block) elsif method_name.is_a?(Symbol) define_tmp_method(eval("-> { #{method_name} }")) else raise ArgumentError, "Expected a Symbol method name, got #{method_name.inspect}" end unless every.is_a?(Numeric) && every > 0 raise ArgumentError, "Expected every: to be a positive number of seconds, got #{every.inspect}" end callback = eval("->(channel) { channel.#{callback_name} }") if @__periodic_timers.nil? @__periodic_timers = [] elsif @__periodic_timers.frozen? @__periodic_timers = @__periodic_timers.dup end @__periodic_timers << [callback, every] end protected def set_up_periodic_timers return if @__periodic_timers_set_up @__channels = @__periodic_timers.each do |callback, every| ::Iodine.run_every((every * 1000).to_i) do slice_length = (@__channels.length / 20.0).ceil if slice_length != 0 @__channels.each_slice(slice_length) do |slice| Fiber.schedule do slice.each { |channel| } rescue => e Rage.logger.error("Unhandled exception has occured - #{e.class} (#{e.message}):\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end end end end end @__periodic_timers_set_up = true end def add_action(action_type, action_name = nil, **opts, &block) if block_given? action_name = define_tmp_method(block) elsif action_name.nil? raise ArgumentError, "No handler provided. Pass the `action_name` parameter or provide a block." end _if, _unless = opts.values_at(:if, :unless) action = { name: action_name, if: _if, unless: _unless } action[:if] = define_tmp_method(action[:if]) if action[:if].is_a?(Proc) action[:unless] = define_tmp_method(action[:unless]) if action[:unless].is_a?(Proc) if @__hooks.nil? @__hooks = {} elsif @__hooks[action_type] && @__hooks.frozen? @__hooks = @__hooks.dup @__hooks[action_type] = @__hooks[action_type].dup end if @__hooks[action_type].nil? @__hooks[action_type] = [action] elsif (i = @__hooks[action_type].find_index { |a| a[:name] == action_name }) @__hooks[action_type][i] = action else @__hooks[action_type] << action end end attr_writer :__hooks, :__rescue_handlers, :__periodic_timers def inherited(klass) klass.__hooks = @__hooks.freeze klass.__rescue_handlers = @__rescue_handlers.freeze klass.__periodic_timers = @__periodic_timers.freeze end @@__tmp_name_seed = ("a".."i").to_a.permutation def define_tmp_method(block) name = define_method("__rage_tmp_#{name}", block) end end # class << self # @private def __has_action?(action_name) !INTERNAL_ACTIONS.include?(action_name) && self.class.__prepared_actions.has_key?(action_name) end # @private def __run_action(action_name, data = nil) self.class.__prepared_actions[action_name].call(self, data) end # @private def initialize(connection, params, identified_by) @__connection = connection @__params = params @__identified_by = identified_by end # Get the params hash passed in during the subscription process. # # @return [Hash{Symbol=>String,Array,Hash,Numeric,NilClass,TrueClass,FalseClass}] def params @__params end # Reject the subscription request. The method should only be called during the subscription # process (i.e. inside the {subscribed} method or {before_subscribe}/{after_subscribe} hooks). def reject @__subscription_rejected = true end # Checks whether the {reject} method has been called. # # @return [Boolean] def subscription_rejected? !!@__subscription_rejected end # Subscribe to a stream. # # @param stream [String] the name of the stream def stream_from(stream) Rage.config.cable.protocol.subscribe(@__connection, stream, @__params) end # Broadcast data to all the clients subscribed to a stream. # # @param stream [String] the name of the stream # @param data [Object] the data to send to the clients # @example # def subscribed # broadcast("notifications", { message: "A new member has joined!" }) # end def broadcast(stream, data) Rage.config.cable.protocol.broadcast(stream, data) end # Transmit data to the current client. # # @param data [Object] the data to send to the client # @example # def subscribed # transmit({ message: "Hello!" }) # end def transmit(data) message = Rage.config.cable.protocol.serialize(@__params, data) if @__is_subscribing # we expect a confirmation message to be sent as a result of a successful subscribe call; # this will make sure `transmit` calls send data after the confirmation; ::Iodine.defer { @__connection.write(message) } else @__connection.write(message) end end # Called once a client has become a subscriber of the channel. def subscribed end # Called once a client unsubscribes from the channel. def unsubscribed end end