# Handle asynchronously launch of jobs, one per grouped value # # It needs the following method to be defined: # - name: return the name of the worker # - group_by: return the method to be called to obtain the object # needed to group jobs # - log: log method # # Implements the following interface: # - initialize_launcher(Fixnum max_allowed) (Must be called at beginning) # - launch(Delayed::Job job) => bool (launched or not) # - jobs_in_execution => Fixnum # - report_jobs_state => prints info to stdout # - check_thread_sanity => maintenance operation module Delayed module JobLauncher MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS = 50 # Initialize the launcher, you can specified the maximun number of # jobs executing in parallel, by default MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS constant # # The launcher has a hash with the following structure: # {} # |- id # | `{} # | |-:thread => Thread # | |-:job => Delayed::Job # | `-:started_at => Time # `-... # If group_by specified an ActiveRecord::Base object, id will be the # primary key of those objects. def initialize_launcher(max_active_jobs=MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS) @max_active_jobs = max_active_jobs @jobs = {} end # Launch the job in a thread and register it. Returns whether the job # has been launched or not. def launch(job) return false unless can_execute job t = Thread.new do begin job.run_with_lock Job::MAX_RUN_TIME, name ensure unregister_job job end end register_job job, t return true end # Print information about the current state to stdout def report_jobs_state if jobs_in_execution > 0 margin = 20 title = "Jobs In Execution" puts "\n #{'='*margin} #{title} #{'='*margin} " puts " There are #{jobs_in_execution} jobs running." each_job_in_execution do |job, started_at, thread| duration = Duration.new(Time.now - started_at) puts "\tJob #{job.id}: #{job}" puts "\t Running on #{thread} (#{thread.status}) for #{duration}" end puts " #{'=' * (margin * 2 + title + 2)} " else puts "\n\tThere is no jobs in execution right now!" end end # Sanity check of dead threads for precaution, but probably won't be # necessary def check_thread_sanity @jobs.values.each do |v| thread = v[:thread] unless thread.alive? log "Dead thread? Terminate it!, This should not be happening" thread.terminate end end end # Number of jobs executing right now def jobs_in_execution @jobs.size end # ^ public methods ------------------------------------------------------- private # v private methods ------------------------------------------------------ # Whether we can or not execute this job def can_execute(job) return false if is_already_in_execution(job) object = get_object(job) object && ! is_there_job_in_execution_for(object) && jobs_in_execution < @max_active_jobs end def is_already_in_execution(job) !! @jobs.values.detect {|h| h[:job].id == job.id } end def each_job_in_execution @jobs.each_pair do |key, value| yield value[:job], value[:started_at], value[:thread] end end def is_there_job_in_execution_for(o) !! @jobs[o] end def unregister_job(job) @jobs.delete get_object(job) end def register_job(job, thread) @jobs[get_object(job)] = { :thread => thread, :job => job, :started_at => Time.now } end def get_object(job) object = job.send group_by if object.is_a? ActiveRecord::Base object.id else object end end end # module JobLauncher end # module Delayed