require "spec_helper" describe "goal tool", type: :feature, js: true do fixtures :all before { visit "/social_networking/goal_tool" } describe "Participant enters a new goal" do let(:two_weeks) { Time.current.advance(days: 14).strftime("%b %d %Y") } let(:eight_weeks) { Time.current.advance(days: 56).strftime("%b %d %Y") } scenario "goal is to be completed within 2 weeks" do click_button "+ add a goal" fill_in "What is your goal?", with: "all of the things" choose "end of 2 weeks" click_button "Save" expect(page) .to have_content "all of the things Due: #{two_weeks}" end scenario "goal is to be completed at the end of the study" do click_button "+ add a goal" fill_in "What is your goal?", with: "the end!" choose "end of study" click_button "Save" expect(page) .to have_content "the end! Due: #{eight_weeks}" end scenario "goal is to be completed within no specific date" do click_button "+ add a goal" fill_in "What is your goal?", with: "When should I finish this?" choose "no specific date" click_button "Save" expect(page) .to have_content "When should I finish this? Due: no date given" end end scenario "Displays due date" do expect(page).to have_content "Due: #{"%b %d %Y")}" end scenario "Participant completes a goal" do complete "p1 alpha" expect(page).to have_completed_goal("p1 alpha") click_link "Completed" expect(page).to have_completed_goal("p1 alpha") end scenario "Participant deletes a goal" do delete "p1 gamma" expect(page).not_to have_goal("p1 gamma") click_link "Deleted" expect(page).to have_goal("p1 gamma") end scenario "Participant edits a goal" do edit "run" fill_in "What is your goal?", with: "run foo" choose "end of 4 weeks" click_button "Save" expect(page).to have_content("run foo") end def have_goal(label) have_css("li.list-group-item p", text: label) end def have_completed_goal(label) have_css("li.list-group-item-success p", text: label) end def complete(label) goal = SocialNetworking::Goal.find_by_description(label) find("li#goal-#{ } button.complete").click end def uncomplete(label) goal = SocialNetworking::Goal.find_by_description(label) find("li#goal-#{ } button.complete").click end def delete(label) goal = SocialNetworking::Goal.find_by_description(label) find("li#goal-#{ } button.delete").click end def edit(label) goal = SocialNetworking::Goal.find_by_description(label) find("li#goal-#{ } button.edit").click end def restore(label) goal = SocialNetworking::Goal.find_by_description(label) find("li#goal-#{ } button.restore").click end end