require File.expand_path('../../test/shared_helper', __FILE__) namespace :db do desc "Creates the test database for MySQL" task :mysql do fail "could not create test database: mysql executable not found" unless mysql = which('mysql') load 'test/db/mysql_config.rb' # rescue nil script = sql_script <<-SQL, 'mysql' DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `#{MYSQL_CONFIG[:database]}`; CREATE USER #{MYSQL_CONFIG[:username]}@localhost; CREATE DATABASE `#{MYSQL_CONFIG[:database]}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_general_ci`; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `#{MYSQL_CONFIG[:database]}`.* TO #{MYSQL_CONFIG[:username]}@localhost; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `test\_%`.* TO #{MYSQL_CONFIG[:username]}@localhost; SET PASSWORD FOR #{MYSQL_CONFIG[:username]}@localhost = PASSWORD('#{MYSQL_CONFIG[:password]}'); SQL params = { '-u' => 'root' } if ENV['DATABASE_YML'] require 'yaml' password = YAML.load(['DATABASE_YML']))["production"]["password"] params['--password'] = password end puts "Creating MySQL (test) database: #{MYSQL_CONFIG[:database]}" sh "cat #{script.path} | #{mysql} -f #{params.to_a.join(' ')}", :verbose => $VERBOSE # so password is not echoed end desc "Creates the test database for PostgreSQL" task :postgresql do fail 'could not create test database: psql executable not found' unless psql = which('psql') fail 'could not create test database: missing "postgres" role' unless PostgresHelper.postgres_role? load 'test/db/postgres_config.rb' # rescue nil script = sql_script <<-SQL, 'psql' DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS #{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:database]}; DROP USER IF EXISTS #{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:username]}; CREATE USER #{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:username]} CREATEDB SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD '#{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:password]}'; CREATE DATABASE #{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:database]} OWNER #{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:username]} TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING '#{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:encoding]}' LC_COLLATE '#{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:collate]}' LC_CTYPE '#{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:collate]}'; SQL params = { '-U' => ENV['PSQL_USER'] || 'postgres' } params['-q'] = nil unless $VERBOSE puts "Creating PostgreSQL (test) database: #{POSTGRES_CONFIG[:database]}" sh "cat #{script.path} | #{psql} #{params.to_a.join(' ')}", :verbose => $VERBOSE end task :postgres => :postgresql private def sql_script(sql_content, name = 'sql_script') require 'tempfile'; script = script.puts sql_content yield(script) if block_given? script.close at_exit { script.unlink } script end end