module ActiveFacts module Metamodel class QueryEvaluator AFMM = ActiveFacts::Metamodel def initialize query, population = nil @query = query raise "Query must be in the specified model" unless @query # In theory a query can span more than one vocabulary. I don't do that! @vocabulary = @query.all_variable.to_a.first.object_type.vocabulary set_population(population) end def set_population population if population.is_a?(String) || population == nil @population = @constellation.Population[[[], population ||= '']] raise "Population #{population.inspect} does not exist" unless @population elsif population.is_a?(AFMM::Population) raise "Population #{} is not in the correct vocabulary #{}" unless population.vocabulary == @vocabulary @population = population else raise "Population #{population.inspcct} must be a Population or a Population name" end end def all_variables @query.all_variable.to_a end attr_reader :free_variables def evaluate @result_projection = {} # A set of {hash of Variable to Instance} @free_variables = all_variables hypothesis = trivial_bindings @free_variables trace :query, "Evaluating query with free variables #{{|v|}.inspect} and hypothesis #{hypothesis.inspect}" do query_level(@free_variables, hypothesis) end @result_projection end # From the array of variables, delete those that are already bound and return the hypothesis hash def trivial_bindings variables hypothesis = {} variables.each do |var| next if var.value == nil # Look up the instances for this bound variables instance = lookup_instance_by_value(var.object_type, var.value) trace :result, "Binding was #{instance ? '' : 'un'}successful for #{} #{var.value.inspect}" hypothesis[var] = instance end hypothesis.each do |v, i| variables.delete(v) end trace :result, "starting hypothesis: {#{{|var, instance| [, instance.verbalise] }*'=>'}}" trace :result, "free variables are #{{|v|}.inspect}" hypothesis end def lookup_instance_by_value(object_type, value) pi = object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::EntityType) && object_type.preferred_identifier # A multi-role identifier cannot be satisfied by a single value: return nil if pi && pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > 1 if pi identifying_role = pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.single.role identifying_instance = lookup_instance_by_value(identifying_role.object_type, value) return nil unless identifying_instance identifying_role_values ={|rv| rv.role == identifying_role } raise "Faulty Population has duplicate #{} instance #{value}" if identifying_role_values.size > 1 identifying_role_value = identifying_role_values[0] return nil unless identifying_role_value # The value exists, but doesn't identify an existing entity identified_instance = (identifying_role_value.fact.all_role_value.to_a-[identifying_role_values])[0].instance else object_type.all_instance.detect do |instance| instance.population == @population and instance.value == value end end end def conforms_to_plays_and_steps(hypothesis, variable, instance) do |play| # No play may fail (be in a step with/out a matching fact) step = play.step # REVISIT: We can skip steps that have been checked in an outer loop # REVISIT: We need to check AlternateSets here. # We cannot check a step that involves an unbound variable. # Allow it for now (there will be nil instead of a matching fact) next if step.all_play.to_a.any? do |other_play| # REVISIT: Unless the step is optional !(hypothesis.has_key?(other_play.variable) || other_play.variable == variable) end # Select all the RoleValues where this instance plays the required role. # REVISIT: We've already selected instances in the correct population. # Did RoleValues have to be further qualified? That might be redundant. role_values ={|rv| rv.role == play.role } satisfying_fact = nil trace :result, "Trying #{role_values.size} values of #{} to see whether #{instance.verbalise} participates in #{step.fact_type.default_reading} with bound variables #{{|v,i| "#{}=>#{i.verbalise}"}*', '}" do role_values.any? do |rv| fact = rv.fact next false unless fact.population == @population # If the step designates an objectification, this fact must be that objectification if step.objectification_variable next false unless fact.instance && step.objectification_variable.object_type == fact.instance.object_type # REVISIT: fact.instance must be saved in the hypothesis under step.objectification_variable end # Succeed if this fact has all its role_values set to our bound variables if fact.all_role_value.all? do |rv| relevant_play = step.all_play.detect{|p| p.role == rv.role} relevant_variable = relevant_play.variable relevant_value = variable == relevant_variable ? instance : hypothesis[relevant_variable] match = relevant_value == rv.instance trace :result, "#{} (bound to #{hypothesis[relevant_play.variable].verbalise}) #{match ? 'MATCHES' : 'DOES NOT MATCH'} role value #{rv.instance.verbalise}" if match match end # of fact.all_role_value.all? satisfying_fact = fact satisfying_objectification_variable = step.objectification_variable end end # of role_values.any? end # of trace if satisfying_fact trace :result, "#{instance.verbalise} #{ satisfying_fact ? 'participates' : 'does not participate' } in #{step.is_disallowed ? 'disallowed ' : ''}step over #{step.fact_type.default_reading} "+ "with bound variables #{{|v,i| "#{}=>#{i.verbalise}"}*', '}" end if step.is_disallowed satisfying_fact = !satisfying_fact # yield true if no fact satisfied the step, as sought end return nil unless satisfying_fact # This play fails the hypothesis [ play, satisfying_fact ] + Array(step.objectification_variable ? satisfying_fact.instance : nil) end # of all_play end # of conforms_to_plays_and_steps def query_level unbound_variables = [], hypothesis = {} # unbound_variables is an array of the remaining dimensions of the search # hypothesis is a hash of Variable to Instance containing the values we think will satisfy the query # Choose an unbound variable and test the instances of its object type # This is a dumb choice for now. We should choose a variable that's # closely connected to a bound variable, to narrow it down. variable = unbound_variables[0] return unless variable # Set candidate_instances to the instances of this variable: if hypothesis.has_key?(variable) # REVISIT: I thought we were searching an unbound variable here? When does this happen: candidate_instances = Array(hypothesis[variable]) else candidate_instances = variable.object_type.all_instance # candidate_instances = find_candidate_sets variable, hypothesis end population_candidates = candidate_instances.reject do |instance| instance.population != @population # Wrong population end trace :result, "Query search through #{population_candidates.size} #{variable.role_name ||}" do population_candidates.each do |instance| # filter by population: trace :result, "Considering #{instance.verbalise}" do # Check whether this instance satisfies the query steps of this play played = conforms_to_plays_and_steps(hypothesis, variable, instance) unless played trace :result, "Does not conform to all steps" next else trace :result, "Conforms to steps #{played.inspect}" unless played.empty? end # If this variable is the result of an objectification, the objectified fact # has role players that might fill some remaining variables: implications = {variable => instance} if variable.step objectification_plays = variable.step.all_play # Ensure that the objectified instances don't contradict some bound variable: next unless objectification_plays.to_a.all? do |play| objectified_instance ={|rv| rv.role == play.role}[0].instance trace :result, "objectified instance includes #{}, checking it conforms" do if hypothesis[play.variable] unless hypothesis[play.variable] == objectified_instance trace :result, "Objectified player #{objectified_instance.verbalise.inspect} does not match our hypothesis" next false end true else implications[play.variable] = objectified_instance conforms = conforms_to_plays_and_steps(hypothesis, play.variable, objectified_instance) trace :result, "Objectified player #{objectified_instance.verbalise.inspect} does not conform to all steps" unless conforms conforms end end end end # Some of the variable's Plays might be matched by objectified facts. # Record these values of the objectification variables. next unless played.compact.all? do |playing| play, fact, objectifying_variable = *playing next true unless objectifying_variable if i = hypothesis[objectifying_variable] and i != fact.instance trace :result, "Objectification of #{fact.instance.verbalise.inspect} does not match our hypothesis" next false end implications[objectifying_variable] = fact.instance end # accept the implications of this variable->instance assignment: new_hypothesis = hypothesis.dup.merge(implications) remaining_variables = unbound_variables - implications.keys new_hypothesis.freeze if remaining_variables.empty? # This is a complete result set (no unbound variables) so record it: @result_projection[new_hypothesis] = true end query_level(remaining_variables, new_hypothesis) end # trace each instance end # each instance end # trace search through instances end # query_level # This method is an exploration into finding a smaller search space for the given variable. # It relies on the values of bindings being Instance objects. def find_candidate_sets variable, bindings trace :result, "Looking for a smaller candidate set by traversing from these bound variables: #{{|v| ( }*', '}" do # If this variable is connected via a single step to one or more bound variables, # that's probably a better place to search than object_type.all_instance. bindable_plays = do |play| steps = play.all_step_as_output_play.to_a + play.all_step_as_input_play.to_a + [play.step].compact trace :result, "Considering steps over #{{|s|s.fact_type.default_reading.inspect}*', '}" bound_steps = steps.reject{|s| (s.all_play-[play]).detect{|p| # trace :result, "Rejecting steps over #{s.fact_type.default_reading.inspect} because #{}#{p.variable.ordinal} is not bound" unless bindings[p.variable] !bindings[p.variable]} } trace :result, "Bound steps are #{{|s|s.fact_type.default_reading.inspect}*', '}" counterpart_plays ={|s| (s.all_play-[play]) }.flatten.uniq trace :result, "bound_steps.size = #{bound_steps.size}, counterpart_plays.size = #{counterpart_plays.size}" # Consider only counterpart_plays for bound variables: #counterpart_plays.reject!{|cp| !bindings[cp.variable] } counterpart_plays end.flatten.uniq trace :result, "Connections of #{}#{variable.ordinal}:" do if bindable_plays.empty? trace :result, "NONE" else # Show the candidate instances here: if trace :result bindable_plays.each do |pl| # We have bound instances of pl.variable, and the step(s) from this play reach the variable trace :result, "Candidate facts which include this play are" do bound_instance = bindings[pl.variable] # This is the instance under consideration bound_instance.{|rv| # Select its RoleValues for roles in this play's step pl.all_step.detect{|s| s.fact_type == rv.fact.fact_type } }. each{|rv| # Verbalise other role_values of this fact trace :result, "#{rv.fact.verbalise.inspect}" } end trace :result, "-> Role of #{}#{pl.variable.ordinal} in #{pl.role.fact_type.default_reading}" end end end end end end end # QueryEvaluator end # Metamodel end # ActiveFacts