class Gitlab::Client # Defines methods related to users. # @see # @see module Users # Gets a list of users. # # @example # Gitlab.users # # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :page The page number. # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page. # @return [Array] def users(options={}) get("/users", :query => options) end # Gets information about a user. # Will return information about an authorized user if no ID passed. # # @example # Gitlab.user # Gitlab.user(2) # # @param [Integer] id The ID of a user. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] def user(id=nil) ? get("/user") : get("/users/#{id}") end # Creates a new user. # Requires authentication from an admin account. # # @example # Gitlab.create_user('', 'secret', 'joe', :name => 'Joe Smith') # or # Gitlab.create_user('', 'secret') # # @param [String] email The email of a user. # @param [String] password The password of a user. # @param [String] username The username of a user. # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options. # @option options [String] :name The name of a user. Defaults to email. # @option options [String] :skype The skype of a user. # @option options [String] :linkedin The linkedin of a user. # @option options [String] :twitter The twitter of a user. # @option options [Integer] :projects_limit The limit of projects for a user. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created user. def create_user(*args) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} if args[2] body = { email: args[0], password: args[1], username: args[2] } else body = { email: args[0], password: args[1], name: args[0] } end body.merge!(options) post('/users', body: body) end # Updates a user. # # @example # Gitlab.edit_user(15, :email => '', :projects_limit => 20) # # @param [Integer] id The ID of a user. # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options. # @option options [String] :email The email of a user. # @option options [String] :password The password of a user. # @option options [String] :name The name of a user. Defaults to email. # @option options [String] :skype The skype of a user. # @option options [String] :linkedin The linkedin of a user. # @option options [String] :twitter The twitter of a user. # @option options [Integer] :projects_limit The limit of projects for a user. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created user. def edit_user(user_id, options={}) put("/users/#{user_id}", :body => options) end # Deletes a user. # # @example # Gitlab.delete_user(1) # # @param [Integer] id The ID of a user. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about deleted user. def delete_user(user_id) delete("/users/#{user_id}") end # Blocks the specified user. Available only for admin. # # @example # Gitlab.block_user(15) # # @param [Integer] user_id The Id of user # @return [Boolean] success or not def block_user(user_id) put("/users/#{user_id}/block") end # Unblocks the specified user. Available only for admin. # # @example # Gitlab.unblock_user(15) # # @param [Integer] user_id The Id of user # @return [Boolean] success or not def unblock_user(user_id) put("/users/#{user_id}/unblock") end # Creates a new user session. # # @example # Gitlab.session('', 'secret12345') # # @param [String] email The email of a user. # @param [String] password The password of a user. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] # @note This method doesn't require private_token to be set. def session(email, password) post("/session", :body => {:email => email, :password => password}) end # Gets a list of user's SSH keys. # # @example # Gitlab.ssh_keys # # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :page The page number. # @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results per page. # @return [Array] def ssh_keys(options={}) get("/user/keys", :query => options) end # Gets information about SSH key. # # @example # Gitlab.ssh_key(1) # # @param [Integer] id The ID of a user's SSH key. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] def ssh_key(id) get("/user/keys/#{id}") end # Creates a new SSH key. # # @example # Gitlab.create_ssh_key('key title', 'key body') # # @param [String] title The title of an SSH key. # @param [String] key The SSH key body. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about created SSH key. def create_ssh_key(title, key) post("/user/keys", :body => {:title => title, :key => key}) end # Deletes an SSH key. # # @example # Gitlab.delete_ssh_key(1) # # @param [Integer] id The ID of a user's SSH key. # @return [Gitlab::ObjectifiedHash] Information about deleted SSH key. def delete_ssh_key(id) delete("/user/keys/#{id}") end end end