describe("Suite", function() { it("keeps its id", function() { var env = new jasmineUnderTest.Env(), suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ env: env, id: 456, description: "I am a suite" }); expect(; }); it("returns blank full name for top level suite", function() { var env = new jasmineUnderTest.Env(), suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ env: env, description: "I am a suite" }); expect(suite.getFullName()).toEqual(""); }); it("returns its full name when it has parent suites", function() { var env = new jasmineUnderTest.Env(), parentSuite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ env: env, description: "I am a parent suite", parentSuite: jasmine.createSpy('pretend top level suite') }), suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ env: env, description: "I am a suite", parentSuite: parentSuite }); expect(suite.getFullName()).toEqual("I am a parent suite I am a suite"); }); it("adds before functions in order of needed execution", function() { var env = new jasmineUnderTest.Env(), suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ env: env, description: "I am a suite" }), outerBefore = jasmine.createSpy('outerBeforeEach'), innerBefore = jasmine.createSpy('insideBeforeEach'); suite.beforeEach(outerBefore); suite.beforeEach(innerBefore); expect(suite.beforeFns).toEqual([innerBefore, outerBefore]); }); it("adds after functions in order of needed execution", function() { var env = new jasmineUnderTest.Env(), suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ env: env, description: "I am a suite" }), outerAfter = jasmine.createSpy('outerAfterEach'), innerAfter = jasmine.createSpy('insideAfterEach'); suite.afterEach(outerAfter); suite.afterEach(innerAfter); expect(suite.afterFns).toEqual([innerAfter, outerAfter]); }); it('has a status of failed if any afterAll expectations have failed', function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ expectationResultFactory: function() { return 'hi'; } }); suite.addChild({ result: { status: 'done' } }); suite.addExpectationResult(false); expect(suite.status()).toBe('failed'); }); it("retrieves a result with updated status", function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}); expect(suite.getResult().status).toBe('finished'); }); it("retrieves a result with pending status", function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}); suite.pend(); expect(suite.getResult().status).toBe('pending'); }); it("is executable if not pending", function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}); expect(suite.isExecutable()).toBe(true); }); it("is not executable if pending", function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}); suite.pend(); expect(suite.isExecutable()).toBe(false); }); it("tells all children about expectation failures, even if one throws", function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}), child1 = { addExpectationResult: jasmine.createSpy('child1#expectationResult'), result: {} }, child2 = { addExpectationResult: jasmine.createSpy('child2#expectationResult'), result: {} }; suite.addChild(child1); suite.addChild(child2); child1.addExpectationResult.and.throwError('foo'); suite.addExpectationResult('stuff'); expect(child1.addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stuff'); expect(child2.addExpectationResult).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stuff'); }); it("throws an ExpectationFailed when receiving a failed expectation in an afterAll when throwOnExpectationFailure is set", function() { var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({ expectationResultFactory: function(data) { return data; }, throwOnExpectationFailure: true }); suite.addChild({ result: { status: 'done' } }); expect(function() { suite.addExpectationResult(false, 'failed'); }).toThrowError(jasmineUnderTest.errors.ExpectationFailed); expect(suite.status()).toBe('failed'); expect(suite.result.failedExpectations).toEqual(['failed']); }); it("does not add an additional failure when an expectation fails in an afterAll", function(){ var suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}); suite.addChild({ result: { status: 'done' } }); suite.onException(new jasmineUnderTest.errors.ExpectationFailed()); expect(suite.getResult().failedExpectations).toEqual([]); }); describe('#sharedUserContext', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.suite = new jasmineUnderTest.Suite({}); }); it('returns a UserContext', function() { expect(this.suite.sharedUserContext().constructor).toBe(jasmineUnderTest.UserContext); }); }); });