require 'spec_helper' describe Staccato::Tracker do let(:uri) {Staccato.tracking_uri} let(:tracker) {Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y')} let(:response) {stub(:body => '', :status => 201)} before(:each) do SecureRandom.stubs(:uuid).returns('555') Net::HTTP.stubs(:post_form).returns(response) end describe "#pageview" do before(:each) do tracker.pageview(path: '/foobar', title: 'FooBar', hostname: '') end it 'tracks page path and page title' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'pageview', 'dh' => '', 'dp' => '/foobar', 'dt' => 'FooBar' }) end end describe "#event" do before(:each) do tracker.event({ category: 'video', action: 'play', label: 'cars', value: 1 }) end it 'tracks event category, action, label, value' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'event', 'ec' => 'video', 'ea' => 'play', 'el' => 'cars', 'ev' => 1 }) end end describe "#social" do before(:each) do{ action: 'like', network: 'facebook', target: '/blog' }) end it 'tracks social action, network, target' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'social', 'sa' => 'like', 'sn' => 'facebook', 'st' => '/blog' }) end end describe "#exception" do before(:each) do tracker.exception({ description: 'RuntimeException', fatal: true, non_interactive: true }) end it 'tracks exception description and fatality' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 'ni' => 1, 't' => 'exception', 'exd' => 'RuntimeException', 'exf' => 1 }) end end describe "#timing" do before(:each) do tracker.timing({ category: 'view', variable: 'runtime', label: 'rails', time: 1000 }) end it 'tracks user timing category, variable, label, and time' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'timing', 'utc' => 'view', 'utv' => 'runtime', 'utl' => 'rails', 'utt' => 1000 # value in milliseconds }) end end describe "#timing with block" do let(:codez) {stub(:test => true)} before(:each) do start_at = end_at = start_at + 1 # 1 second Time.stubs(:now).returns(start_at).returns(end_at) tracker.timing({ category: 'view', variable: 'runtime', label: 'rails' }) do codez.test end end it 'tracks user timing category, variable, label, and time' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'timing', 'utc' => 'view', 'utv' => 'runtime', 'utl' => 'rails', 'utt' => 1000 }) end it 'yields to the block' do codez.should have_received(:test) end end describe "Transactions" do describe "#transaction" do let(:transaction_id) {1293281} before(:each) do tracker.transaction({ transaction_id: transaction_id, affiliation: 'western', revenue: 5.99, shipping: 12.00, tax: 1.40, currency: 'USD' }) end it 'tracks the transaction values' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'transaction', 'ti' => transaction_id, 'ta' => 'western', 'tr' => 5.99, 'ts' => 12.0, 'tt' => 1.4, 'cu' => 'USD' }) end end describe "#transaction_item" do let(:transaction_id) {1293281} before(:each) do tracker.transaction_item({ transaction_id: transaction_id, name: 'Sofa', price: 804.99, quantity: 2, code: 'afhcka1230', variation: 'furniture', currency: 'USD' }) end it 'tracks the item values' do Net::HTTP.should have_received(:post_form).with(uri, { 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-XXXX-Y', 'cid' => '555', 't' => 'item', 'ti' => transaction_id, 'in' => 'Sofa', 'ip' => 804.99, 'iq' => 2, 'ic' => 'afhcka1230', 'iv' => 'furniture', 'cu' => 'USD' }) end end end end