require 'optparse' require 'tempfile' require 'actir' require 'actir/parallel_tests/report/html_reporter' module Actir module ParallelTests class CLI def run(argv) $env = "online" options = parse_options!(argv) num_processes = Actir::ParallelTests.determine_number_of_processes(options[:count]) $mode = Actir::ParallelTests.determine_run_env(options[:mode]) if options[:execute] execute_shell_command_in_parallel(options[:execute], num_processes, options) else run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options) end end private def execute_in_parallel(items, num_processes, options) 'parallel_tests-lock' do |lock| return, :in_threads => num_processes) do |item| result = yield(item) report_output(result, lock) if options[:serialize_stdout] result end end end def run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options) test_results = nil #修改全局变量$env至对应的预发布环境的名字 if options[:pre_name] # 不等于当前的预发环境 if options[:pre_name] != $env $env = options[:pre_name] end else if options[:pre_name] != $env $env = "online" end end report_time_taken do groups = @runner.tests_in_groups(options[:files], num_processes, options) # @modify by Hub # @Date : 2015.3.9 # 远程执行模式下获取服务器IP和端口号 address = [] if $mode == :remote address = Actir::Remote.get_remote_address(num_processes) num_processes = address.size end #更新百度支付-百付宝的cookies if options[:update] begin Actir::CookiesBaidu.update_all rescue Exception => e #若更新baidu_cookies失败,则打印错误信息,并中断测试执行 puts "Exception: #{e.message} in" puts e.backtrace abort "update baidu cookies failed!!!" end end #计算重跑次数 re_run_times = Actir::ParallelTests.determine_times_of_rerun(options[:rerun]) #报用例数 report_number_of_tests(groups) #报执行环境 report_address_of_env(address) #并发执行不同group中的测试用例 test_results = execute_in_parallel(groups, groups.size, options) do |group| p_num = groups.index(group) #执行用例脚本 result = run_tests(group, p_num, num_processes, options, address[p_num]) #从结果中取出失败用例重跑 if ( result[:exit_status] != 0 ) && ( re_run_times > 0 ) result = re_run_tests(result, p_num, num_processes, options, address[p_num], re_run_times) end result end #顺序输出并发执行过程 show_process_serialize(num_processes, options) #输出最终的执行结果 report_results(test_results, options) end abort final_fail_message if any_test_failed?(test_results) end def run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options, address) if group.empty? {:stdout => '', :exit_status => 0} else #puts pre_str + "ready to exec #{group}" @runner.run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options, address) end end def re_run_tests(result, process_number, num_processes, options, address, re_run_times) Actir::ParallelTests::Test::Rerunner.re_run_tests(result, process_number, num_processes, options, address, re_run_times) end def report_output(result, lock) lock.flock File::LOCK_EX $stdout.puts result[:stdout] $stdout.flush ensure lock.flock File::LOCK_UN end def report_results(test_results, options) results = @runner.find_results( { |result| result[:stdout] }*"") puts division_str puts pre_str + @runner.summarize_results(results) #add by shanmao #生成详细报告 detail_report if (options[:report] == true) #puts pre_str + any_test_failed?(test_results).to_s end def report_number_of_tests(groups) name = @runner.test_file_name num_processes = groups.size num_tests = puts division_str puts pre_str + "#{num_processes} processes for #{num_tests} #{name}s, ~ #{num_tests / groups.size} #{name}s per process" #puts division_str end # add by Hub # show test env address def report_address_of_env(address) if $mode == :remote node_name = Actir::Config.get("") address.each_with_index do |ip, i| puts " " + $env + node_name + (i+1).to_s + " : " + ip end else puts " " + "local" end puts division_str end #add by Hub #show result of every process exec testcases #this func will last for a while due to the big logfile def show_process_serialize(num_processes, options) if options[:log] puts "\n" + division_str + pre_str + "SHOW_PROCESS_LOG--START\n" + division_str for i in 0..(num_processes-1) Actir::ParallelTests::Test::Logger.show_log(i) puts division_str end puts division_str + pre_str + "SHOW_PROCESS_LOG--END\n" + division_str end end #exit with correct status code so rake parallel:test && echo 123 works def any_test_failed?(test_results) test_results.any? { |result| result[:exit_status] != 0 } end def parse_options!(argv) options = {} @runner = load_runner("test") do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /, '') Run all tests in parallel Usage: ruby [switches] [--] [files & folders] Options are: BANNER # opts.on("-n [PROCESSES]", Integer, "How many processes to use, default: 1") { |n| options[:count] = n } opts.on("-n [TESTCASE]", String, "Run this testcase") { |casename| options[:testcase] = casename } opts.on("--group-by [TYPE]", <<-TEXT.gsub(/^ /, '') group tests by: found - order of finding files filesize - by size of the file default - filesize TEXT ) { |type| options[:group_by] = type.to_sym } opts.on("-r [TIMES]", "--rerun [TIMES]", Integer, "rerun times for failure&error testcase, default: 0") { |n| options[:rerun] = n } #opts.on("-m [FLOAT]", "--multiply-processes [FLOAT]", Float, "use given number as a multiplier of processes to run") { |multiply| options[:multiply] = multiply } opts.on("-i", "--isolate", "Do not run any other tests in the group used by --single(-s)") do |pattern| options[:isolate] = true end opts.on("-e", "--exec [COMMAND]", "execute this code parallel") { |path| options[:execute] = path } opts.on("--serialize-stdout", "Serialize stdout output, nothing will be written until everything is done") { options[:serialize_stdout] = true } opts.on("--combine-stderr", "Combine stderr into stdout, useful in conjunction with --serialize-stdout") { options[:combine_stderr] = true } opts.on("--non-parallel", "execute same commands but do not in parallel, needs --exec") { options[:non_parallel] = true } opts.on("--nice", "execute test commands with low priority") { options[:nice] = true } opts.on("--verbose", "Print more output") { options[:verbose] = true } opts.on("--log", "record exec result to logfile") { options[:log] = true} opts.on("--report", "make a report to show the test result") { options[:report] = true} opts.on("--remote", "run testcase in remote environment") { options[:mode] = :remote } opts.on("--local", "run testcase in local environment") { options[:mode] = :local } # 填写预发环境,目前只支持bjpre2-4,别的后续再添加 opts.on("-p", "--pre [PRE]", <<-TEXT.gsub(/^ /, '') set pre environment to run testcase: bjpre2 bjpre3 bjpre4 TEXT ) { |pre| pre = "online" if ( pre != "bjpre2" && pre != "bjpre3" && pre != "bjpre4"); options[:pre_name] = pre } #add by Hub #-u commnd, update baifubao's cookies opts.on("-u", "--update", "Update Baifubao's cookies") { options[:update] = true } #add by Hub #-s commnd, show test mode,and remote env ipaddress opts.on("-s", "--show [PATH]", "Show Test Mode") do |path| abort "Please input project directory path!" if path == nil $project_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, path) puts division_str if Actir::Config.get("config.test_mode.env") == :local puts "mode : Local" else puts "mode : Remote" node_name = Actir::Config.get("") address = Actir::Remote.get_remote_address puts "node_num : " + address.size.to_s address.each_with_index do |address, i| puts $env + node_name + (i+1).to_s + " : " + address end end puts division_str exit end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") { puts opts; exit } end.parse!(argv) if options[:count] == 0 options.delete(:count) options[:non_parallel] = true end abort "Pass files or folders to run" if argv.empty? && !options[:execute] #如果argv为空,则默认执行所有测试文件 #遍历testcode下所有文件,组成字符串 options[:files] = argv get_project_path(argv) options end #根据传入的测试文件/文件夹的路径,获取测试工程的路径 def get_project_path(argv) testcode_path = "" (argv || []).map do |file_or_folder| test_path = File.join(Dir.pwd , file_or_folder) #获取testcode文件夹的path if test_path =~ /(\/.*\/testcode)/ testcode_path = $1 break end end #根据testcode path 拿到project的path #要求testcode必须是project的下一级/testcode必须是config的平级 $project_path = File.join(testcode_path, "../") end def load_runner(type) require "actir/parallel_tests/#{type}/runner" require "actir/parallel_tests/#{type}/rerunner" require "actir/parallel_tests/#{type}/logger" require "actir/parallel_tests/#{type}/result" runner_classname = type.split("_").map(&:capitalize).join.sub("Rspec", "RSpec") klass_name = "Actir::ParallelTests::#{runner_classname}::Runner" klass_name.split('::').inject(Object) { |x, y| x.const_get(y) } end def execute_shell_command_in_parallel(command, num_processes, options) runs = (0...num_processes).to_a results = if options[:non_parallel] do |i| @runner.execute_command(command, i, num_processes, options) end else execute_in_parallel(runs, num_processes, options) do |i| @runner.execute_command(command, i, num_processes, options) end end.flatten abort if results.any? { |r| r[:exit_status] != 0 } end def report_time_taken seconds = { yield }.to_i puts "\n" + pre_str + "Cost #{seconds} seconds#{detailed_duration(seconds)}\n" puts division_str end def detailed_duration(seconds) parts = [ seconds / 3600, seconds % 3600 / 60, seconds % 60 ].drop_while(&:zero?) return if parts.size < 2 parts = { |i| "%02d" % i }.join(':').sub(/^0/, '') " (#{parts})" end def final_fail_message fail_message = "#{}s Failed\n" fail_message = "\e[31m#{fail_message}\e[0m" if use_colors? division_str + pre_str + fail_message + division_str end def use_colors? $stdout.tty? end def pre_str " Actir : " end # add by Hub # division for Actir report def division_str "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" end # 生成详细报告 def detail_report @report_path = File.join($project_path, 'report') Dir::mkdir(@report_path) if not time ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') # file_path = File.join(@report_path, "REPORT_#{time}.html") file_path = File.join(@report_path, "index.html") file =,"w") report = end end end end