require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe MultiApplicationsAccount, type: :model do shared_examples "it takes attributes from auth" do it "sets name" do expect( eq "business name" end it "sets token" do expect(account.oauth_access_token).to eql("token") expect(account.oauth_refresh_token).to eql("refresh token") expect(account.oauth_expires_at).to eql("expires at") end end describe "validations" do let!(:account) do MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(provider: "bookingsync", synced_id: 123, host: "example.test") end it { validate_uniqueness_of(:synced_id).scoped_to(:host).case_insensitive } end describe ".from_omniauth" do let(:auth) { OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:bookingsync] } let!(:account) do MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(provider: "bookingsync", synced_id: 123, host: "example.test") end let!(:account2) do MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(provider: "bookingsync", synced_id: 456, host: "example2.test") end context "without host given" do it "raises an error" do expect { MultiApplicationsAccount.from_omniauth(auth, nil) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "The `host` variable must be passed when using BookingSync Engine with multi application support") end end context "with host given" do context "when account exists" do it "loads the existing account" do expect(MultiApplicationsAccount.from_omniauth(auth, "example.test")).to eql(account) end describe "the updated account" do before do MultiApplicationsAccount.from_omniauth(auth, "example.test") account.reload end it_behaves_like "it takes attributes from auth" end end context "when account doesn't exist" do it "creates new account" do expect { MultiApplicationsAccount.from_omniauth(auth, "example3.test") }.to change { MultiApplicationsAccount.count }.by(1) end describe "the newly created account" do let!(:account) { MultiApplicationsAccount.from_omniauth(auth, "example3.test") } it "sets synced_id and provider from auth as well as host" do expect(account.synced_id).to eq 123 expect(account.provider).to eq "bookingsync" expect( eq "example3.test" end it_behaves_like "it takes attributes from auth" end end end end describe ".find_by_host_and_synced_id" do let!(:account_1) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 1, host: "example.test") } let!(:account_2) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 2, host: "example.test") } let!(:account_3) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 1, host: "example2.test") } let!(:account_4) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 2, host: "example2.test") } it "returns the right account" do expect(MultiApplicationsAccount.find_by_host_and_synced_id("example2.test", 1)).to eq account_3 end end describe "#token" do let!(:account) do MultiApplicationsAccount.create!( synced_id: 123, host: "example.test", oauth_access_token: "token", oauth_refresh_token: "refresh_token", oauth_expires_at: expires_at ) end let!(:application) { Application.create!(host: "example.test", client_id: "123", client_secret: "456") } context "when the stored token is fresh" do let(:expires_at) { } it "returns the token" do expect(account.token).to be_a OAuth2::AccessToken expect(account.token.token).to eq "token" end end context "when the stored token is expired" do around do |test_case| # comparing rails version, the use_transactional_fixtures only works pre 5 if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 original_setup = self.use_transactional_tests self.use_transactional_tests = false self.use_transactional_tests = original_setup else original_setup = self.use_transactional_fixtures self.use_transactional_fixtures = false self.use_transactional_fixtures = original_setup end end let(:expires_at) { } before do stub_request(:post, "").with( body: { "client_id" => "123", "client_secret" => "456", "grant_type" => "refresh_token", "refresh_token" => "refresh_token" }, headers: { "Accept" => "application/vnd.api+json", "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } ).to_return( status: 200, body: { "access_token": "refreshed_token" }.to_json, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } ) end it "refreshes the token" do expect(account.token).to be_a OAuth2::AccessToken expect(account.token.token).to eq "refreshed_token" end end end describe "#application_token" do let!(:account) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 123, host: "test.example") } let!(:application) { Application.create!(host: "test.example", client_id: "123", client_secret: "456") } before do stub_request(:post, "").with( body: { "client_id" => "123", "client_secret" => "456", "grant_type"=>"client_credentials" }, headers: { "Accept" => "application/vnd.api+json", "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } ).to_return( status: 200, body: { "access_token": "the_access_token" }.to_json, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } ) end it "returns a client credential token setup with application's credentials" do expect(account.application_token.token).to eq "the_access_token" end end describe "#oauth_client" do let!(:account) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 123, host: "test.example") } let!(:application) { Application.create!(host: "test.example", client_id: "123", client_secret: "456") } it "returns a BookingSync::Engine.oauth_client setup with application's credentials" do expect(account.oauth_client).to be_an OAuth2::Client expect( eq application.client_id expect(account.oauth_client.secret).to eq application.client_secret end end describe "#application" do let!(:account) { MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(synced_id: 123, host: "test.example") } let!(:application) { Application.create!(host: "test.example", client_id: "123", client_secret: "456") } let!(:application2) { Application.create!(host: "test2.example", client_id: "234", client_secret: "567") } it "returns the application matching the host" do expect(account.application).to eq application end end describe "#api" do let!(:application) do Application.create!(client_id: "client_id", client_secret: "client_secret", host: "host") end let!(:account) do "access_token", host: "host") end it "returns API client initialized with OAuth token" do expect(account.api).to be_kind_of(BookingSync::API::Client) expect(account.api.token).to eq("access_token") end end describe "#clear_token!" do let!(:account) do MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(oauth_access_token: "token", oauth_refresh_token: "refresh", oauth_expires_at: "expires", host: "example.test") end it "clears token related fields on account" do expect { account.clear_token! } .to change { account.reload.oauth_access_token }.from("token").to(nil) .and change { account.oauth_refresh_token }.from("refresh").to(nil) .and change { account.oauth_expires_at }.from("expires").to(nil) end end describe "#update_token" do let!(:account) do MultiApplicationsAccount.create!(oauth_access_token: "token", oauth_refresh_token: "refresh", oauth_expires_at: "expires", host: "example.test") end let(:token) do double(token: "new_access_token", refresh_token: "new_refresh_token", expires_at: "new_expires_at") end it "updates the token related fields on account" do expect { account.update_token(token) } .to change { account.oauth_access_token }.from("token").to("new_access_token") .and change { account.oauth_refresh_token }.from("refresh").to("new_refresh_token") .and change { account.oauth_expires_at }.from("expires").to("new_expires_at") end end end