# Hierarchical grid functions These functions permit moving between resolutions in the H3 grid system. The functions produce parent (coarser) or children (finer) cells. ## h3ToParent ``` H3Index h3ToParent(H3Index h, int parentRes); ``` Returns the parent (coarser) index containing `h`. ## h3ToChildren ``` void h3ToChildren(H3Index h, int childRes, H3Index *children); ``` Populates `children` with the indexes contained by `h` at resolution `childRes`. `children` must be an array of at least size `maxH3ToChildrenSize(h, childRes)`. ### maxH3ToChildrenSize ``` int maxH3ToChildrenSize(H3Index h, int childRes); ``` Returns the size of the array needed by `h3ToChildren` for these inputs. ## compact ``` int compact(const H3Index *h3Set, H3Index *compactedSet, const int numHexes); ``` Compacts the set `h3Set` of indexes as best as possible, into the array `compactedSet`. `compactedSet` must be at least the size of `h3Set` in case the set cannot be compacted. Returns 0 on success. ## uncompact ``` int uncompact(const H3Index *compactedSet, const int numHexes, H3Index *h3Set, const int maxHexes, const int res); ``` Uncompacts the set `compactedSet` of indexes to the resolution `res`. `h3Set` must be at least of size `maxUncompactSize(compactedSet, numHexes, res)`. Returns 0 on success. ### maxUncompactSize ``` int maxUncompactSize(const H3Index *compactedSet, const int numHexes, const int res) ``` Returns the size of the array needed by `uncompact`.